A simple system to fix poison crafting

Homebrew and House Rules

Each poison is assigned a complexity rating based on it's properties. The deadlier they are the more complex it becomes.

System is similar to regular craft.

The DC to craft a poison is equal to it's complexity rating

1 Roll a craft check vs the poison's DC for 1 days work
2 If the check is higher than or equal to the DC multiply the craft check result by the complexity and divide the result by 7 - this is the result in gp value towards the construction of the poison

The cost of poison is now the square of it's complexity.
The complexity of poison is equal to it's Fort DC-10 plus the individual square of each of it's components.

Poisons Spreadsheet

Example 1:

Talice is 9th level with +2 INT modifier, max 9 ranks craft for a +12 bonus and a masterwork poison lab granting another +2 bonus for a total of +16. Assume take 10 for a result of 26.

Medium Spider Venom
Type Injury Fort DC 14 Onset - Frequency 1/rd. for 4 rds. Effect 1d2 Str Cure 1 Save

Rated as follows:
Type = 2
Onset = 2
Frequency = 2
Effect = 1
Cure = 1

Complexity Formula = (14-10)+(2^2)+(2^2)+(2^2)+(1^2)+(1^2) = 4+4+4+4+1+1 = 18

Cost = 18^2 = 18*18 = 324gp


26 is greater than 18 so success.

Calculate progress = (26*18)/7=66.86 so 66gp 8sp 6cp worth. At this rate Talice will finish the poison dose in 4.8 days (rounded up to 5).

Example 2:

Purple Worm Poison
Type Injury Fort DC 24 Onset - Frequency 1/rd. for 6 rds. Effect 1d3 Str Cure 2 Saves

Rated as follows:
Type = 2
Onset = 2
Frequency = 2
Effect = 1
Cure = 2

Complexity Formula = (24-10)+(2^2)+(2^2)+(2^2)+(1^2)+(2^2) = 14+4+4+4+1+4 = 31

Cost = 31^2 = 31*31 = 961gp


26 is less than 31 so failure.

Talice will have to take extra feats or gain more levels to increase her ranks in craft to be able to craft this poison. She can attempt to craft it by chance but a result of 5 less than the DC ruins half her components.

Optional rule

Weak and Strong Poisons
A weak version can be created. It's Fort DC is 5 less than a standard dose.
A Strong version can be created. It's Fort DC is 5 more than a standard dose.

Back to Purple Worm Poison

Example 3:

Weak Purple Worm Poison
Type Injury Fort DC 19 Onset - Frequency 1/rd. for 6 rds. Effect 1d3 Str Cure 2 Saves

Rated as follows:
Type = 2
Onset = 2
Frequency = 2
Effect = 1
Cure = 2

Complexity Formula = (19-10)+(2^2)+(2^2)+(2^2)+(1^2)+(2^2) = 9+4+4+4+1+4 = 26

Cost = 26^2 = 26*26 = 676gp


26 is equal to 26 so success.

Calculate progress = (26*26)/7=96.57 so 96gp 5sp 7cp worth. At this rate Talice will finish the poison dose in 7 days even.

Master Alchemist feat
Master Alchemist feat changed to exclude the sp to gp value for crafting. It now only grants +2 to checks plus 1 dose created per INT modifier (still a damn good feat but not required).

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