Wheel of Time Module for Hero Lab


Okay, so a while back I came across a wheel of time ruleset for Pathfinder... (http://www.jessesdnd.com/sites/default/files/WoTPathfinder.pdf)

Has anyone tried to plug this ruleset into Hero Lab as a custom module? Is it even possible?



Thanks for the link, but can't help you with Hero Lab. Going to guess not as this doesn't seem to be a really popular house rule system.

Liberty's Edge

Probably also not the best place for this topic ...

It's absolutely possible to plug something like this in, just... time-consuming. XD Most likely, you'd have to do it yourself unless you actively paid someone else to, since the volunteer stuff is mainly for more popular supplements.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Your best bet is also over at the hero lab forums more so than here.

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