Tumor familiar + regular familiar

Rules Questions

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If you have both do you have 2 familiars or do they stack into the same familiar?

While it doesn't state the levels stack in the tumor familiar description, having two familiars seems a little too powerful (from a utility stand point at least) than having it stack, so I'd go with that.

Scarab Sages

Zozh wrote:
While it doesn't state the levels stack in the tumor familiar description, having two familiars seems a little too powerful (from a utility stand point at least) than having it stack, so I'd go with that.

Using a Druid/Cavalier as a guide with animal companions, unless the druid animal selected is on the cavalier mount list, they do no stack and you have two companions. And with a Cavalier 4 / Druid x with the Horse Master and Boon Companion feats, they are both at full character level.

Does anyone else have this question or know the answer?

It stacks, you do not get two familiars. They are considered to be the same class feature, not different kinds of class features. If you had a wizard with a familiar that took the eldritch heritage (arcane) feat to get another familiar, it would not work because it is a redundant feature.

Why would it be a redundant feature? Why wouldn't you add them together if they are stacking?

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