Brave New Forest

Campaign Journals

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Episode 1: Ranger Danger

Cast of Characters:
Bobel Bugburner, Goblin Alchemist, Chaotic Neutral
Vish Kal, Dhampir Inquisitor, Chaotic Neutral
Cleegan, Human Anti-Paladin, Chaotic Evil
Aglaron Forvenor, Elf Rogue, Chaotic Neutral

Note: This is a dark hero campaign. The players are playing outcasts and misfits rather than typical hero archetypes.

The heroes began their adventuring in the company of friends--other residents of the forest north of Falcon's Hollow in Darkmoon Vale. Though the northern portion of the forest is home to outcasts, runaways and rejects, the heroes find that they fit right in. A forest troll along with her pet ferret, a handful of half-orc warriors and their full orc shaman have all developed a sense of tribal/familial belonging.

At the head of this odd band of creatures is the Shaman... a mighty full blooded orc named Raknor. He has a remarkable degree of common sense and tolerance for an orc-- the driving factor behind his banishment from the Belkzen Badlands. Shaman Raknor has noted an increasing frequency of ranger and druid raids into the forest. He suspects it has something to do with lumberjacks of Falcon's Hollow expanding their enterprise.

Session 1:
The session began as the unwelcome arrows of Falcon's Hollow rangers flew into the group. The group scrambled in the forest, taking up defensive positions, trying to determine where the arrows came from.

As Bobel and Cleegan moved forward to engage the long range enemies, Vish and Aglaron stayed behind and fired from a distance. Their half-orc allies engaged the rangers as well, while the forest Troll stayed behind to guard the Shaman.

Though Aglaron had some early troubles with accuracy, Vish's crossbow bolt found the belly of a ranger early. Bobel tossed a bomb into an advancing group of rangers, halting their progress--but burning a half orc companion in the process. The warrior turned towards the small goblin and growled, content to settle the matter later. Cleegan moved forward and beheaded an unprepared ranger with one powerful blow.

In a few quick strikes, the heroes had halted the ranger's forward advance. However, there remained a sizable forest a bit deeper into the forest.

In reaction to the heroes success, an accompanying mage summoned a pack of wolves to plague the party and additional rangers continued to strike at Cleegan. Leading the counteroffensive against these threats was Bobel--the small goblin sprinted towards the mage hidden behind a boulder and some foliage. What Bobel did not expect was two Falcon's Hollow rogues tasked to guard the mage from such threats.

The rogues struck hard and fast at Bobel, inflicting nasty cuts with their daggers on the goblin. Bobel managed to toss one of his beloved bomb's at the mage and catch the caster on fire, though the attack opened him up to two more strikes from the mages bodyguards... strikes that, this time, brought him down.

Not too far from Bobel, Cleegan struck a finishing blow to the last of the advancing rangers. Across the battlefield, Ag enjoyed the assistance of the troll and her ferret in defeating the last of the summoned wolves. Vish advanced forward, attempting to aid his fallen friend. And that's when Vish observed an eight legged black mass appear from nothing just a few meters away.

To the heroes delight, Shaman Raknor summoned the massive spider to aid Bobel in his time of need. The giant arachnid sprinted to it's fallen goblin ally and protected it under the direction of the orc Shaman. Raknor was then able to heal Bobel, who wasted no time in mounting the spider.

The two rogues were killed by Cleegan and Vish, while Bobel finished up the mage. After celebrating their victory, Shaman Raknor found a disheartening scrap of parchment on one of the rangers.

The parchment called for Raknor's capture alive, stating both him and his brother were needed for what was to come. A quick scry on his own brother revealed him to be in chains, and Shaman Raknor asked for volunteers to conduct a rescue operation.

The heroes stepped forward, and thus began their days of adventuring. 

This campaign is being held over roll20... and most of the session time was sent setting up character details. Still, the one encounter we did have was lively and engaging... and roll20 did not disappoint us.

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Episode 2: Cabin Fever

Our heroes left off with the commitment to track down Shaman Raknor's missing--and presumably kidnapped--brother.

The PC's immediately headed south through the Darkwood forest and it wasn't long before Vish picked up the tracks (and Bobel, the scent) of a wounded enemy. Following the trail, blood splotches increased along the mud forest floor and it wasn't long before the PC's noticed a pair of rangers some 200 feet south of them.

One of the rangers, badly wounded, was leaned up against a tree with a crossbow bolt jutting out of his side and a pale tint taking over what little skin they could see. The other was tending to the wounds of his travel companion.

It was a quick decision by the group to swiftly and cautiously approach the pair and hastily attack the healthy ranger. With a pair of bolts from Bobel and Vish and the blood thirsty falchion of Cleegan all finding the ranger before he had his bearings, it was a decisive early victory for the heroes.

A short interrogation of the frightened, overwhelmed and dying ranger revealed that the rangers had orders to capture an array of creatures alive from the Darkwood Forest and bring them to a small, forward ranger lodge just across the river. The purpose or fate of these captives was unknown to him. This information granted him a swift death by Vish Kal.

Enraged by this news, Shaman Raknor insisted to press hard south in the forest to find his brother. This zeal came at the backdrop of the disturbing trend of increased ranger activity in the area. Though the mentioned lodge was merely a forward outpost, the PC's new what was ahead of them was a dangerous challenge.

When the group came upon the eastward running river that separated their home forest into northern and southern portions, the roof of the ranger cabin--along with a ranger on the roof--was visible above the treeline. Closer to them however, guarding the southern shores, was another ranger--discreetly patrolling and watching a nearby bridge. The group targeted him with simultaneous attacks coordinated by Raknor and struck him with an arrow and two crossbow bolts. Terminally inflicted by the group's ranged arsenal, the young ranger patrol reached for his horn to warn his comrades--but as his fingers clasped the instrument, he fell to the sand, bleeding and had no breath left to breathe into it.

The party moved forward cautiously under the cover of the forest, coming upon the sight of a pair of clerics in a clearing just outside the lodge. Clutching holy symbols and water, the clerics were hard at work healing several injured rangers laying atop long, wooden tables. Next to them was another ranger patrolman, too distracted by his hurt friends (nat 1 on perception) to notice Vish taking aim at the ranger on the roof and Bobel lighting a fire bomb in the treeline 30 ft away.

The bomb exploded directly underneath a table the injured rangers rested on, killing them and their two healers in one blow. The frightened guard hid behind the pile of debris formed by the goblin's bomb as Vish quickly killed the roof guard.

With Shaman Raknor safely behind his allies and Aglaron patrolling the river shores, Cleegan, Vish and Bobel were the only ones who saw the fast moving blur of black fur and weaponry emerge from the Lodge.

Atop a large black Rotweiler sat a feisty looking halfling, who already was drawing back a sling. Behind the small rider, a robed elderly man and an elf archer exited the lodge and turned south behind its walls.

The Halfling plagued Cleegan with his powerful sling, who sustained too many injuries from his stones and another ranger's arrows to continue the fight. Vish and Bobel turned their attention to the cabin roof, where the elf and mage were harassing the party from above.

The fight was bitter--with the mage attempting entrapments with web castings and the elf firing her dangerous sleep arrows. In the end, Bobel and Cleegan had fallen, with only Shaman and Vish left to route finish their enemies and revive their friends.

Inside the lodge, a disturbing sight struck the party. An iron cage faceted to one wall of the lodge had clear indications of a recent resident--blood stains on the floor and wooden wall, accompanied by scratch marks. Bobel confirmed it to be orc blood... and Shaman Raknor insisted the cage once held his kidnapped brother.

The group also found a note on the Lodgemaster's desk:

The reinforcements you requested cannot be granted at this time. Every extra hand is assigned to lumber yard work and construction for the academy. If the subjects are sent to the construction sites, perhaps the LC can be persuaded to see your case.
Mayor Westiron"

Confused by this development, Bobel climbed a high tree (assisted with Spider Climb cast from Shaman Raknor) and, beyond the woodland canopy of Darkmoon forest, spotted an arrangement of treated Darkmoon lumber and a gaggling of men... both under the banner of an Andoran flag.

The group decided to head south towards the site, believing it their best chance to find Raknor's kin.

In light of the group's injuries, they decided to rest with a friend of Shaman Raknor: A lone troll a few miles north of the Darkmoon forest treeline. In his mud denn many corpses of his enemies, which had clearly served him as meals, remained in the armor he seemed keen on collecting. The group was able to barter for such items as well as a nights rest on a bed he fastened for them... out of his giant loincloth.

And that's where session 2 ended.

Episode 3: Southern Comforts

Character Introduction:
Aeron-- Human Cleric of Hanspur, the water god
--> Aeron received a letter from Shaman Raknor, detailing the need for Aeron's skills in healing. The Cleric arrived in the Troll's den just after darkness settled.


The group awoke from their sleep within the troll's den to the sounds of commotion outside. As they emerged, their eyes set upon a fierce pack of wolves, wildly engaged with their host.

Bobel immediately went to work with his bombs, attracting the attention of one of two dire wolves leading the pack. As Cleegan engaged in melee with the charging dire, Bobel's bombs defeated a good portion of the pack... though his fire attack did spread to Cleegan as well.

After some time the group effectively routed the wolves and--thanks to Aeron's healing--suffered relatively little damage. As a personal thanks to Aeron for saving his life, the troll offered a large box unearthed nearby. Inside, Aeron found the embalmed remains of a female elf with druidic tattoos. Shaman Raknor, while convincing Bobel not to eat the remains, also noted that the troll's unusual kind manner must have been a result of this woman's care. Aeron kindly accepted the body and granted the troll a blessing of Hanspur and a sprinkling of seawater.

Once the troll was out of sight, Aeron, looted it for valuables. It rendered a simple map of Darkmoon Vale, a telescope with a riddling inscription and a set of leather armor. The telescope's inscription read "By Darkmoon Wood on Darkmoon Night shall what once was become True sight." Aeron buried the woman's body not far from her original grave.

Traveling southward, the group came to a treeline where the construction site came in view on the horizon less than a mile away. Cleegan recognized the red insignia of the Andoran Eagleknight training corps--the order of paladins he was evicted from at a young age. Utilizing the newly acquired telescope, the group also observed a series of cages holding all manner of forest sentients--Half Orcs, Gnolls, Men, Trolls etc. The hopes of Shaman Raknor sank as Aeron reported seeing no Orcs present however.

The group discussed their next move. Cleegan advised the group of the Paladin's significant combat capabilities and decided that a frontal attack was too risky. In the end, the group decided to turn back north and recruit aid from the Shaman's camp... then return to assault the construction site.

As this decision was minted, large black figures moved swiftly to attack the party. In seconds, dagger attacks had afflicted many party members. Recovering from their stammer, the party identified their attackers--a cadre of Bugbears. From the shadows came their first strike, but once their presence was known the large Goblinoids were open about their presence.

The group defended nobly against the onslaught. Sheathing their daggers, the Bugbears all turned to their most primitive weapon--teeth. Aeron got a glimpse of a disturbing sight in the Bugbear's smile before losing a chunk of his shoulder in a violent act of predation.

"Take em alive now, you see..." one of the Bugbears yelled. "Master likes his blood fresh!"

Vish fired his bow at the Bugbear barking orders, bringing down the first of three attackers. Rallying from their surprise, the group made quick work of the Bugbears, who refused to use anything but their teeth. After the battle, Aeron revealed his discovery--the evident vampiric fangs present in the Bugbear bite. Though he was not affected himself, the presence of the creatures disturbed the group.

Remaining whole and patching up some minor injuries, the group headed north again.

Their journey north brought them to the sounds of low grunts and cracking branches, accompanied by the distinct sounds of lumberjack axes. The group cautiously observed as a party of axemen engaged an off-balance Treeant in close combat, not 200 feet from their location. While discussing a course of action, a trio of rangers emerged from the east, firing arrows into the backs of their fellow men.

Having no love for either party, the group formed a quick plan to defeat both. Bobel and Aglaron sneaked up on the unsuspecting rangers, while Cleegan and Vish engaged the Lumberjacks.

Bobel swiftly attacked one of the rangers with his bombs, and prepped another as Aglaron carefully moved closer.

The lumberjacks were a short order for Cleegan and Vish, combat hardened and better armed than their opponents. The Treant thanked Cleegan for his rescue and retreated further into the forest.

Bobel destroyed another ranger with his bombs, and Ag moved closely to the last. His bow drawn, he offered surrender to the flanked fighter. The ranger accepted. Ag's merciful aura, however, stood alone in the party.

Shaman Raknor had the prisoner quickly tied to a tree and enlisted Cleegan's help in torture and interrogation. After some bloody afflictions (and with the help of a letter found in his possession), the ranger revealed the intel the group desired:

The Andoran Eagleknights were opening a new training academy just north of the foam river--the site the party had earlier observed. The academy is being financed by the Lumber Consortium and in return, the Eagleknights agreed to accept Lumberjacks into their order after three years of indentured servitude for the LC. It was a deal that would swell the ranks of the Eagleknights in the long term and end a labor shortage for the LC in the short term.

The lone Darkmoon ranger lodge was enlisted to capture misaligned sentients from the forest--they were to be used in upper level combat training as live practice. The ranger's agreed at first, but it cost too many bodies for them to continue. The group of rangers the party had encountered were all that remained of the lodge's membership.

Concerning the Shaman's brother, all orcs and other mighty creatures had been transferred to the far eastern lumber camp for manual labor purposes. The ranger noted he had personally delivered the orc they sought to a lumberjack party just that morning. They were merely half a day ahead of them and en route to the eastern camp.

With this news, Shaman Raknor executed the prisoner... and directed the heroes to find the trail of this lumberjack party. After some searching, they did... and the tracks indeed lead to the east.

That is where Session 3 ended...

Moving hard east as the sun set on the forest, the group used the tracks of their opponent (who clearly had several prisoners in tow) as their guide.

Shaman Raknor was exhilarated by the chase, ever pressing the group for more speed, more endurance. This momentum came to an end when the tracks expanded into evidence of conflict--a few lumberjack remains were found littered across the forest floor. More disturbingly, a broken staff imbued with draconic magic was discovered as well.

The group found a large set of tracks turn north from the engagement, and decided to pursue. It wasn't long before they came to the mouth of a short cave, centered beneath a muddy forest hill and in front of a small, muddy pond. Bobel moved first into the cave, and inadvertently discovered a small trap--one which dropped him several feet into a pit layered with dung.

The commotion set off the local wildlife--a small pack of lizards. Fearing the unknown, Cleegan struck at one of the tiny creatures with his falchion, cleaving it into pieces and scaring the rest away. With that, the group moved into the mouth of the cave.

It was Bobel and Ag who moved forward first, with Vish and Cleegan not far behind. A torch burned at the end of a long corridor, partially revealing an expanse and capturing the echos of creatures laughing. Utilizing their stealth capabilities, the goblin and elf cautiously moved forward... coming upon the site of two Kobolds, armed with spears, the source of the laughter.

Cleegan, interested in the happenings at the far end of the corridor, moved forward in an attempt to surprise any enemies his human eyes could not yet see. But the darkness was too much for him. His hands lost the wall he used for stability and he fell to the ground, his metal armor clanking and echoing through the cavern (crit 1 on stealth).

The Kobold guards were plucked from their humor and, though they noticed Bobel, Ag escaped into the shadows.

The Kobolds fled, splitting up within the cavern's maze. Vish pursued the first, losing him in a large water basin that ran underneath a cave wall. Cleegan, Bobel and Ag ran down the other, defeating it just in time to hear a large horn blowing.

It didn't take long for the group to discover the source--exploring the cavern, they came upon a large well of stairs leading to a lower level, with massive horns set on either side. By the time the party headed down, over a dozen Kobolds were gathered at the bottom, promising defeat and suffering for invaders of the dragon's home.

The fight was brutal. Aglaron attempted to sneak around and attack from the shadows, but was seen by a stray Kobold and remained pinned against a cave wall while his friends battled the others. Bobel injured several in a successful first bomb attack, marking him a prime target. As a result, he was severely injured and fled to heal early on in the engagement. Vish displayed incredible feats of agility, dodging stones, spears and pebbles from the Kobold masses. Finally, Cleegan engaged the two leaders of the war party--strong, mighty Kobold warriors with notable skill with a blade.

Cleegan defeated many of the Kobold frontliners, using his cleave skill to daisy chain terror and pain into his enemies. The captains, fearing him more than anyone present, made him a target and inflicted injuries so severe Cleegan could no longer stand. Returning to the battle, Bobel--attempting to save his beaten party, tossed a bomb at the remains of the Kobold force. It blasted the draconic reptiles into submission, and victory was had. Not without a price, though...

The last bomb's fiery explosion shot burning debris in every direction--shards of which littered Cleegan's fallen body. The injuries were too severe and Cleegan was lost.

Enraged at both the Kobold's cruelty and the smug goblin's irresponsible act, Shaman Raknor struck Bobel--cutting off an ear. "No more bombs on friends, Bobel!"

With no time to mourn, the Shaman collected Cleegan's corpse and the group headed deeper into the cave, intent on resting before pressing on with their rescue. With Vish and Bobel both near death, Shaman Raknor sent Vish to collect Brother Aeron--his healing was needed now more than ever.

And that's where session 4 ended...

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