Versatile Performance Clarification?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Okay, so as the title states, I'm looking for clarification on Versatile Performance.
It says that I can use the bonus on one perform skill in place of any other skill. It sounds as though there are no restrictions, leading me to believe that all I have to do is put all my skill ranks in a perform skill, and then I pretty much gain a +28 + Skill mod bonus to EVERY SKILL (that's 14 points at level one because my int mod is +1 and I'm human so I have skilled, and another 14 points at level 2)
Also, now that I'm thinking about it, does skilled give a single point, or a skill rank? I remember it saying skill rank, but I don't know if that's too op.
Seriously, if Versatile Performance works the way I think it does, Bard is the BEST CLASS EVER!!! I mean, it's already a great class, but HOLY CRUD.

Grand Lodge

You can't have more than 1 skill point per level in a skill.

Also, this should be in the Rules forum, not the PFS forum.

Liberty's Edge

Each type of performance has two or three skills it can act as for versatile performance.

You need to spend skill ranks separately for each type of performance.

Silver Crusade

CRB wrote:

"He can use his bonus in that skill in place of his bonus in associated skills."

"The types of Perform and their associated skills are: Act (Bluff, Disguise), Comedy (Bluff, Intimidate), Dance (Acrobatics, Fly), Keyboard Instruments (Diplomacy, Intimidate), Oratory (Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Percussion (Handle Animal, Intimidate), Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive), String (Bluff, Diplomacy), and Wind (Diplomacy, Handle Animal)."

Versatile Performance is in fact awesome, but not /that/ awesome

The way it works is you substitute your total skill in your perform skill for the two associated skills. For instance, if you chose "Sing" you can simply use your total bonus in Perform(Sing) while making Bluff or Sense Motive checks.

Also one other issue: you can only have as many skill ranks in one skill as you have class levels, so say, at level two you can only have at maximum two ranks in any given skill.

Still assuming you have a good Charisma (because you better as a Bard) You get [CHAMOD]+1[rank]+3[class skill] in the Performance and TWO additional skill for just the one rank (and many of those skills are not CHA based)

I'm not sure where you are reading the difference between a skill rank and skill point... one point == one rank. Please elaborate and maybe we can help.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, wow. I didn't know that about skill ranks. I've been doing it wrong forever. Thanks guys. Very good to know.
thanks everyone.

I also didn't read closely with the associated skills. Understood.
And yes, Rank and Point is the same, my bad. Man, humans are awesome.
Seriously, this is a good ability.

Shadow Lodge

your also using 3.5 Skill points by the looks of it ...

every level you gain X + int skill points

Not X*int anymore

so a bard gets 6 + Int skill points
as has been noted above the math is

Ranks + Trained + Stat Mod + Misc stuff (Racial / Trait / feat etc)

Humans get 1 extra rank per level
and an additional extra if you choose that as your favored class Option

Sovereign Court

Speaking from Experience: the "Pageant of the Peacock" Bardic Masterpiece is like Versatile Performance on crack. It buffs your bluff, THEN allows you to use Bluff in place of ANY Intelligence or Intelligence-based check.

(Right now, I'm getting +22 to all of my INT Checkes because of this Masterpiece, AND IT ONLY COSTS 1 ROUND OF PERFORMANCE FOR 10 WHOLE MINUTES OF THE EFFECT!!!!!!

If your Bard has good bluff, take this masterpiece! It's in the Dragonslayer's Handbook if you need the material for PFS.

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