Dragon Breath Weapons

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Do the Breath Weapons for all dragons increase their DC with HD. I ask the because breath weapons dc are not discussed at all for dragons not matched with a type, like true dragon. But there are certainly dragons out there ... with a breath weapon.... but not related to a type at all
so if you throw them the advance template, or in some other way increase their HD or CON, does the DC for their breath weapon go up or not?

It would seem so.

Liberty's Edge

I would think so as well. but cant find anything official

so to put it all rules lawyer

The Monster Type 'Dragon' does not mention breath weapons at all

But Every sub type does and specifically states that the DC goes up with the HD and Con.

So if i add the advanced template to a Tidepool Dragon, Fire Drake or Glass Wyrm, does there DC go up or not? if yes then i would think an FAQ on that or something is needed.

marking for FAQ just hoping for something official.

Straight-up, universal monster rule: a breath weapon is a breath weapon unless otherwise noted in the specific monster description.

Not good enough? Page 90 of the Bestiary:

Da book said wrote:
Breath Weapon (Su): Using a breath weapon is a standard action. A dragon can use its breath weapon once everythisistakingtoolongIf a breath weapon deals damage, those caught in the area can attempt Reflex saves to take half damage. The save DC against a breath weapon is 10 + 1/2 dragon’s HD + dragon’s Con modifier. Saves against blahblablahnobodycares.

Liberty's Edge

Boring7, that is under the True Dragon listing. Which is a subtype of the overall Dragon monster type. you must be looking at a first printing or something. The printing i have shows that under Dragon, True

Lemeres got you covered. It's a universal monster rule, independent of any and all dragons. It works for your turtle's breath weapon... should he have one.

Beopere wrote:
Lemeres got you covered. It's a universal monster rule, independent of any and all dragons. It works for your turtle's breath weapon... should he have one.

I have long dislike the particular shade of blue that this forum uses for its links. It makes them hard to distinguish, even when you can compare them to surrounding word.

I apologize for just printing an unrecognizable link. My statement, while it might have been somewhat funny if it was actually recognizable, mostly just seemed like a snarky non-answer when viewed alone.

Liberty's Edge

ok could if its a universal rule im good.

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