Goblin Brain Reservation Thread (2014)

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
so to previous.... ummm... eatters (is that a word?) what have i just volunteered to consume? (and don't tell me goblin brains please)

Yummy goodness kinda sums it up.

Majuba wrote:
Thanks Zantumal - that was just as much as I'd like to be known, publicly.

Zantumal - the best place to turn to for the perfect amount of no information

I feel like that should be my new catch phrase

I know I'm going to hear some "interesting comments" from my bf about this but....I want one too. I'm Curio. Can you also hold one for my bf, Tempest_Knight? I'll make sure he changes his badge to reflect the name. He's always telling me to at least try something once before saying no. And really, who can resist Goblin brains! Are they best fresh, with the Goblin still kicking? I'm honestly curious. I can pm the room # when we receive the info, ok? Or we can arrange pick up too, whichever works.

Here to nab my own delicious goblin brain. :)

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Curio wrote:
And really, who can resist Goblin brains! Are they best fresh, with the Goblin still kicking? I'm honestly curious.

Many do prefer them fresh out of the box so to speak (and you'd be surprised how long they keep kicking without it... er... so I've heard). However the real Art of the Goblin Brain comes with the careful aging and curing. This year I was fortunate enough to to be able to send our harvest to the Hazu Fermentation pools, an excellent source of shlum and nutrients. Not to mention Flavor! I think all will be pleasantly surprised with the almost picante addition.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Here to nab my own delicious goblin brain. :)

Just make sure you're actually at the Con this time! :)

8 Left!

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Don't worry, to make things easier, I'm gonna send you a sequence of complex riddles based on astrological patterns and phenomenon. Once they've been solved, it will lead you to a treasure map that contains a logic puzzle revealing which of the five buildings I will be in at what time. Then, you must defeat the five guardians of the...hey, where are you going? Come back with my goblin brains! You didn't even let me get to the part about the elevator trap with the acid beetles!

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Actually... that sounded kinda fun...

well, maybe not the beetles

If someone else solves it and defeats the five guardians (ect) before Majuba - do they... say for example Zantumal... get to eat your goblin brain instead?

You'd have to first defeat Mobile Cleaved himself, in an epic contest of... Forum-posting!

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The first challenge is to see who can threadyap the longest.

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<404 Error: Yaps Not Found>

Also, uh...Mobile Cleaved?

Either AutoCorrect isn't kobold-kompatible, or I have another distant relation who's gonna show up on these forums and start harassing me.

HaHa! That goblin brain to-wit may be designated yours shall in fact be mine, not belonging to Kobold Cleaver. For I shall outsmart your entire plan... for I am... Mobile... Mobile Cleaved... your better!

Mmm, style points are counting as a thing right?

what does "threadyap" mean?

Damn us kobolds and our fast-growing families.

Threadyapping is a special term basically made so Teter would have a word to tell me to cut it out. It's spamming the word "YAP" over and over again, creating huge blocks of text, to represent an annoying poodle.

Yes... fast-growing families... Right! Ahem. So, being the younger relative and you being the older... you want to... foster the growth of our race for the future... so... I should get your goblin brain... because I need the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found within them... to.. uh... continue... the.. um... continue the fight against adventurers in the next generation of our kin.
Wheew that got pulled out of a really dark place

I thought Kobolds said "Yark", not "yap".....

Majuba, did you also reserve one for my bf Tempest_Knight too? He's volunteering as a GM, and I can almost guarantee he'll be wearing his purple Volunteer shirt all con except maybe Sunday, so finding him will be fairly easy. Of course, he's not that hard to spot anyway, being so tall. :)

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Curio wrote:
Majuba' did you also reserve one for my bf Tempest_Knight too?

Of course ;-)

Despite all the yap... Er , yarking, still 8 left!

sorry about the autocorrect Kobold Cleaver - you'd think since my wife plays a cleaver wielding kobold it would have been fixed by now.

Grand Lodge

Pegastar should be the name on my badge, and I wouldn't mind trying out a goblin brain. =)

Dark Archive

I am hoping you counted my wife in your tally as she says it sounds fun.. Thanks in advance look forward to seeing you there.

I'll take one again this year!

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
I am hoping you counted my wife ...

Of course ;-)

Counting another by email, just Five left!

Majuba wrote:
Curio wrote:
Majuba' did you also reserve one for my bf Tempest_Knight too?

Of course ;-)

Despite all the yap... Er , yarking, still 8 left!

sorry about the autocorrect Kobold Cleaver - you'd think since my wife plays a cleaver wielding kobold it would have been fixed by now.

Thanks Majuba! I'm sure he'd be delighted to taste one! Maybe I should bring a container of ice cream to go with it.....mmmm....

Any still left? If so, arriving super late night Thursday. Name on badge matches my alias.

Could I reserve one for my fiance? His badge name will either be Erastus Albercroft or Joe Gandy.

Yes and Yes, but just...

Three Left!


Me please! my actual name is here and on my badge. :)

Two remaining - Reservations will close at midnight PDT tonight.

Scarab Sages

OMG!! I can't believe I made it! By the skin of my teeth!
I'd not seen the thread, but, I'M GETTING GOBLIN BRAINS! WOOT!!
I'll be arriving Thursday afternoon, around two o'clock, and am staying on-site.
(BTW, glad to see that you and the crew from Texas are making it again, man! I miss gaming with you guys! I haven't had a game since I moved to Delaware!)


Reservations are closed! See everyone at the Con!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to get in on the obtaining of the goblin brains this year, as per I have lucked out on the previous years....

This year I will be in a motorized wheelchair rather than my walker...

I'll keep an eye out for you Squeaks!

Majuba, what times are best to meet you? Will you be on location on Thursday? Should we try to find you? I just realized I might not be able to tell you the room number, since I won't know myself till we get there and I don't have a smartphone. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Scarab Sages

If anyone misses out on theirs, I'll jump in as an extra. Though I'm probably a little late to the thread.


Curio, I'll be arriving about 10pm Wednesday (pretty late for me). I'll be in some room for a game from 1p-6p Thursday, then at the Meet & Eat (loaded down with brains to hand out).

(<----) Oh, on Thursday or Friday I should have on a shirt with my Avatar on it.

I'll be in the PFS room Friday morning and night, and Saturday morning, and I'll be at the Banquet of course. Sunday loose schedule then maybe a 'afternoon gang' game somewhere.

It's my mission to find you, but making it easy on me is appreciated!

No idea what these are, but I am in if there are any left.

Huu-Yuu, Lamplighter, reservations are closed, but hit me up towards the end of the Con and there might be extra!

Dark Archive

We get in 11pm Thursday guess that will feel like 2am. But we will put our room number on this thread Friday morning. We can hopefully arrange something.

Majuba. We should be arriving about 3pm Thursday for check-in. If we're earlier than that, we might look for you in that game room you mentioned. I'm a female brunette, but the most noticeable thing would probably be the hulking goofball following behind me (my bf). I was about to say "brute", but we both know he doesn't have it in him. I'm not sure if he'll have his purple paizo shirt on that day too. Should I try to wear my hair in various ways each day to get your attention? Note to self: need to get yellow ribbons.....ah well. I'll just wear my yellow/orange tie-dye skirt Thursday! Yes....I have decided.

p.s. If you get the reference, kudos! I wish my hair could look good that short, but alas! It must stay long!(ish)

Hey, sorry if I've been hard to track down again. I'll be in the Evergreen Salon H from 10:00 t0 2:00, and the Rainier Room from 9:00 to 10:00.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the brain! You were right quite tasty.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hey, sorry if I've been hard to track down again. I'll be in the Evergreen Salon H from 10:00 to 2:00, and the Rainier Room from 9:00 to 10:00.

I will track you down... although I'm *slightly* skeptical due to the 3 AM timestamp :)

For anyone who hasn't gotten their brain - I'm mostly wandering around this morning - I'll be in Evergreen H at 10, G at 11 though. In a Goblin Squad T-shirt.

7 to go!

Please give my goblin brain to someone else. I don't know how this happened, but I just woke up at 10:25 and I have no possible way of reaching my game on time (my hotel is a 40 minute walk).:(

EDIT: Though I will be in the Rainier Room in a bit over an hour, assuming they haven't closed the PFO Demo yet.

In the bar area for the next hour or so.

Yum. I forgot how tasty those things are. Thanks, Majuba! My con experience wouldn't have been complete without:
Avoiding Gary Teter (though I actually tried to track him down this time)
Con crud
Aaaand a scrumptious goblin brain.

3/3, would attend again. :D

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for the brain Majuba, it was very tasty. I need to hunt down more goblins, who knew their brains were so tasty. It must be how little they use them keeps them sweet.

Silver Crusade

I still haven't seen these alleged brains you claimed to have given to my wife. =)

Thanks again, Majuba. Tasty as always. My compliments to the cook. :)

Thank you and bless you for allowing us a sample! As I said at the time, my wife and I will see if we can harvest some for our Company Halloween Bring Gross Food party. We look forward to seeing you at the Con next year. :)

Scarab Sages

Thanks! I was lucky enough to get 2 brains, and my wife and I loved the tasty goodness! So yummy!

Majuba- thanks for the goblin brain; yummy as always. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to sit and chat or game together.

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