Oldscool's Kingmaker Campaign


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so iv decided to keep a log of the Kingmaker game I’m running. I'm hoping to get some feedback regarding it plz

Nyrissa's Backstory
so i'm borrowing (blatantly stealing) a lot of the ideas from Orthos's great "I Don't Believe in Faeries!" topic, while the game is set in Golarion the fay realm is in the summer/winter courts mould. Nyrissa in turn tried to usurp Titania as queen of the fay was stripped of her Fae Grace and sentenced to death before she escaped the summer court. She escaped by crafting a realm from the Fictions of the material plane and hiding within. As her realm isnt a real plane agents of the summer court cannot find her and couldn’t access the realm even if they knew where it is as within her own domane here power is absolute. Also to keep her company she created many of the denizens of the realm from the myths and childrens story’s particularly her most powerful agent the Jabberwock

Some time latter Aroura the Lady of Summer (the Queen who will be) discovered Nyrissas Grace in one of the vaults of the summer palace and used it to craft the blade Briar as a gift for her father/husband Oberon however upon being presented with the blade Oberon was filled with a terrible feeling of remorse and anger (although he did not know for what) and cast the blade out onto the material plane where it came to rest in the Stolen Lands. Sensing the presence of her Grace on the material plane Nyrissa tethered her realm to the forest of Thousand Voices and began searching for mortals she could make her agents and who could recover her lost Grace.

Each of her champions she gave a ring granting them some portion of the Jabberwok's powers and allowing them to more clearly commune with her in there dreams as well as some other minor gifts such as the Stag Lords Helm (see below). In addition each champion is unaware of the others and believes himself to be the one true love of Nyrissa.

Her champions are

The Stag Lord
I plan on having him be a lot more active as a villain realy styling himself as Nyrissa's Horned King and ruling his “kingdom” of bandits with a ruthless iron fist .all the bandits the players have encountered so have have been absolutely terrified of him.

Hargulka the Troll King
Going to be using Dudemeister's Monster Kingdom rules of this one so no real changes needed

Armag the Twice-Born
haven’t really looked at this module yet so no idea whether changes will be necessary

King Castruccio Irovetti
by the time the player encounter him I plan to have him actually be breaking away from Nyrissa's thrall using Numerian magic/sience to suppress her influence and keep her from learning he has recovered Briar while perusing his own goals of further power.

Erastil's Curse
I made some changes to the Elk Temple and to the Helm. The Temple was once one of the holiest sites of Eratils faith and the Helm was perhaps the most holy relic to followers of Old Deadeye. Now as the ages have pased and newer gods have surplanted Erastil as the primary deiity both the Helm and Temple have diminished greatly. Nyrissa stole the Helm from the temple as a gift to the Stag Lord, due to the odd way time works in Thousand Voices she actually stole the Helm some 300 years ago despite only gifting it to the Stag Lord approximately a year ago. Erastil was enraged by the theft of one of his most sacred relics and not only cursed the temples guardian at the time but also placed a curse on the whole Stolen Land region that no settlement shall survive there until his Helm is returned.

Overall I'm wanting to play up the odd living fairy tale aspect of the story as I think it will contrast well with morally grey elements of running a kingdom.

My players are as following

Nikolai Sword
Male bastard born Human Summoner from Restov. Secretly he knows his father was a member of Houce Rogarvia making him the last person with that bloodline. Has plans on being the Kingdoms Ruler. If he choses to take up the Rogarvian name this could prove very interesting.

Tanis Aldori
Female Human Myrmidarch Magus and Aldori Swordlord. Not shure what role in the kingdom she is after. I do plan on playing up the rivalry between Mivon and Restov Swordlords thou so they may come to regard the players realm as neutral ground to settle differences.

Balgrund Ironhide
Male Dwarf Sacred Mountain Monk. Plans on being the kingdoms master of Laws. He is quite a gruff uncompromising charicter so this should be fun also there is talk of all the town watches being trained in martial arts and wilding tonfa.

Jenzie of the “Nine Tales”
Male Kitsune Druid. This player hasnt joined the party yet and his concept was 9 tailed fox who has lost his powers for some unknown reason. Iv allowed him to take the Magic Tail feat as a story feat as I really like his idea of questing to find out what happened to his tails and how he can get them back.
My twist on this is that he isn’t in fact a real person at all. He is one of Nyrissas former play things crafted from the main character of a story book about a nine tailed fox but he displeased her in some way so she had him cast out of Thousand Voices by the Horned Hunter (wich should have killed him) but instead he will be discovered by the players near death and suffering amnesia only remembering flashes of horns, a bow and woman’s laughter.

The players are about half way through the Stolen Lands atm and I'l post a summery of there adventure so far next

Everything looking good. I like how you already have plans for political intrigue.

Maybe Balgrund Ironhide could have some House Garess connections?

Session 1

The players collected there charters from the offices of the mayor of Restov and spent some time in the courtyard of the mayors plaice getting to know the members of the other expeditions. Of all the groups the players got on best with the Iron Wraiths however as soon as the Wraiths set off on there mission all three players turned to me and said “they are never going to be seen again are they?”. So after purchasing supplies they set out for Olegs.

On the south Rostland road they came upon a supply cart and the bodies of the traders that had been attacked by bandits and drove off the Thylacines who where feasting on the corpses. When they arrived at Olegs the met the Levitons and also the one legged former hunter Vekkle Benzen who is living in a shack outside the trading post and tanning hides and doing odd jobs for Oleg to make get by. Both Oleg and Vekkle where a bit worse for wear following the latest bandit visit and Oleg was worried that there supplies where getting dangerously low and his latest delivery was due a week ago. Oleg also told them Byron and his band where due any day now and he had nowhere near the goods to pay them off this time

The players promised to help Oleg and get his supplies back if they could, so they set about setting an ambush for the bandits when they returned.
Quick props to my players they consistently ask for no reward for there actions particularly from the Levitons infact almost all the gear and weapons they have looted they have simply given to Oleg.

Byron and Co arrived the next morning and they didn't fare well the players absolutely slaughtered the bandits in 3 rounds following there ambush and took Byron prisoner. Upon being questioned the players used Nikoli's dragon Eidolon named Bogdan to intimidate Byron into telling all he knew ,basically that he works for the Stag lord and Kressle's band specificity (in my game the Stag Lord essentially controls 4 or 5 different bandit bands who all pay tribute to him but operate independently). Byron himself attempted to escape shortly there after but was run down by Bogdan and finished off.
Oleg insisted on thanking the group and gave them some potions and offered to sell any items the players find for them. Vekkle also gave them some info on the terrain and creatures of the Greenbelt and pointed to the bounty board at Oleg's (all the other side quests available at this point in the adventure) and asked them if they could check in on old Bokken during there explorations.

Next time
Session 2 featuring Hermits, hidden treasure and running away from scary balls of light.

The beginning of your session 1 reminds me a bit of ours. The Swordlords threw a party for all the charter groups, and after meeting all of them, our Wizard looks at me and says, "Well, clearly they're all going to fail."

Veteran mercenary outift, noble and retinue, agents of the Swordlords, and a ragtag group of adventurers who just met. Can't fault his conclusion.

I’m half tempted to just have the Iron Wraiths show up again possibly as heavys for one of the groups in War of the River Kings or Blood for Blood. perhaps as undead they are the Iron “Wraiths” after all

also Macer Varn and Hannis Drelev will probably show up during Rivers run Red possibly looking to set up some sort of 3 colony alliance so the players feel invested in what happens to these territory. Varn I plan to have arrive for some sort of official state visit and will likely look to help the players with some problem (probably the werewolf or perhaps Howl), Drelev will probly work through agents however most likely Terrion again so the players are invested in helping him later.

Session 2

The players set out from Olegs the following morning on horseback. They decided to check in on old Bokken at Vekkles request, upon reaching the alchemists cabin they discovered that he was indeed ok but had been buying his safety selling potions and concoctions to the bandits. As he was now running low on reagents he asked the players to recover some Bloatenberrys (I didn't have the module to hand and forgot they where called Fangberrys).

As they headed south the group became some what lost in rolling mist. While they tried to get there bearings they began to notice an odd light out in the fog. As they tried to investigate they became progressively more lost until suddenly a glowing Skull appeared right in front of Tanis's horse. The horse promptly bolted and 2 seriously botched ride/handle animal checks latter Tanis was thrown form the saddle. They briefly tried to fight the Wisp but quickly realized they where out matched and Tanis climbed onto Balgrund's horse and the three companions rode off at full speed from the cackling Skull.

Felling thoroughly humiliated the group camped under a odd claw shaped tree while gathering fire wood Nikolai managed to find the hidden stash witch brightened there mood considerably.

The Group decided to turn back north and head back to Olegs to resupply for a longer excursion and collect another horse. O the way however they came uppon an odd moss filled gully. Balgrund's keen eyes spotted an odd patch of moss that appeared to lift and then close up again, Tanis correctly identified this as the lair of the trapdoor spider.
Not wanting to be caught off guard again the group hit on a plan, Balgrund successfully managed to lob one of the pots of alchemists fire into the spiders hole (a combo of the damage from the Alc Fire and the burning webs pretty much did for the poor spider) this drove the spider out of its whole where a few arrows from Tanis finished it off.

When they arrived back at Olegs, Kesten Garess and his men had arrived along with Jhod Kravken and the players quickly made friends with the new arrivals. Upon hearing of Jhods quest to find the Elk Temple the group volunteered to accompany him but alas we had run out of time so that would have to wait till next time.

Next time : Faeries, Gods, Bandits and stoned Kobolds

Excellent - keep it up. Love hearing about how other groups went! :)

Session 3

The group now accompanied by Jhod set out north west from the trading post for a fue days before turning due west and heading into the forest. That night while camping they noticed some odd things, the camp fire kept going out and Tanis kept seeming to misplace some of her things. Thinking little of this (in character only due to failed knowledge checks, ooc I was getting serious death stares from players who immediately thought faeries thou there assumption was pixies) they kept searching and soon stumbled upon the trap filled glade. They had been told about Breeg before back at Olegs mostly that he hadn’t been seen in a while and to watch out as Bokken told them he had sold Breeg poison last time he saw him. Fortunately the heroes did not get caught in any off the traps and took there time triggering them so they cant harm any other travellers.

Travelling further they found Breegs body crushed under his deadfall with his eyes plucked out and flower petals filling his eyes and mouth. They thought this odd!

After another night of hilarious pranks, highlights being the Balgrund waking up with his face painted purple with berry juice and Nikolai finding poison ivy in his sleeping bag after he climbed in, the character finally figured on faeries and Jhod recalled an old wives tale he had heard of for how to placate the Fae. They filled a bowl with mead and the silver stag lord medallion they had gotten off Byron and successfully charmed Tig and Perlavish who where happy to tell them about the big meanies camped down by the river and also point them in the direction of the sick gods house. The group left the Fae some more shiny coins as thanks for the info and Tig told them to come back any time.

As the group approached the Temple they noted that the forest got progressively more sickly and rotten so by the time they finally arrived the aura of decay was palatable. Smartly they where cautious and by the time the Guardian made his appearance the group dispached it with little difficulty. As he died the bear reverted to its human form just in time for him to thank the group for ending his nightmare when suddenly the temple was wracked by howling winds and Jhod began convulsing on the ground. when the winds abated the forest seemed miraculously reinvigorated and restored but more importantly Jhod was now standing tall at the top of the temples steps with his eyes glowing a bright green. The powerful voice of Erastil began speaking though Jhod thanking the players for cleansing the temple but informed them about the curse and the theft of the helm. Erastil informed them that to lift the curse the Helm must be returned to the temple and that Jhod would be remaining here as the temples new guardian. when the players asked who had taken the Helm Erastil told them it was

She who is broken
She who would rule
She who dwells within a thousand voices
(thanks to whomever wrote this as i know i stole it form this forum)

So after there meeting with old Deadeye the Group decided to rest up and Jhod discovered his magic had been restored to him so he could aid in healing what little damage they had taken and set out to find what they assumed to be a Bandit camp that Tig had mentioned. A day or so latter they did indeed come upon the Thorn River Camp and following a successful ambush of 3 of the bandits they where spotted by one of the watch towers and the camp alerted. Balgrund tried to rush the camp however he had underestemated the number of bandits with bows and held actions and soon found himself filled with arrows and on negative hitpoints. Nikolai and Tanis put up a brave effort but where forced to surrender when Kressle threatened to Coup de grace Balgrund.

Kressle and her remaining 2 bandits stripped them of weapons and tied them up leving Balgrund to bleed out into the river. Kressle proceeded to interrogate the pair while he minions pawed throught there belongings, none of them however noticed Balgurnd being dragged into the trees while an illusionary image of him settled where he had previously been. Balgrund awoke with the taste of honey on his lips looking at a familiar Grig and Fariy Dragon and the three began planing to spring there friends. Tig began using ghost sounds to draw Kressle and the bandits attention away from the prisoners and Perlavish turned invisible and flew over to the pair and cast grease on there bonds allowing Nikolai and Tanis to get free and grab some of there stuff. One quick ambush by Balgrund and Nikolai's eidolon Bogdan (he had never been dismissed he was just hiding) the bandits where dead and Kressle was now there prisoner. Quick note on this one as well Tanis and Kressle fought one on one for about 10 or so rounds ranging all over the camp and the other characters didn’t interfere even after the other bandits where dead, big props to them for letting this play out in a great cinematic moment.

After thanking there Fae friends (more shiny coins mead and Kressle's stag lord pendant) the group loaded the bandits gear loot and there prisoner on a hand cart the bandits where using and decided to head back to Olegs. On the way the stumbled uppon a radish patch filled with half a dozen kobolds rolling about on the ground clutching there belies and moaning. The Kobolds where coloured blue with white patches and as they rose up to defend there eyes where wide and bloodshot (the moon radishes are hallucinogenic if eaten uncooked). Desperate to protect there food the Kobolds attacked and where soo high they couldn’t understand the players attempts at negotiation. And shortly all the Kobolds lay dead, the players gathered up the remaining radishes for Svetlana but did leave a purse of coins for any other Kobolds who came upon the scene and headed beck to the trading post.

In my game there are 2 tribes of Kobolds the Sootscales and the Moondrakes,they are curently at war at Tartuk's prompting but the scales are doing too well for the sorcerers liking and he's already started provoking the mite's. the drakes made there home in the old gold mine but when the players get there they will find many starved corpses (the Sootscales have been attacking there hunting parties and the radish patch was there last food source and they cant eat coins) the rest will have been captured by the Sootscales and will show up latter as slaves in the Sootscale caves.

Next time
Frogs, Thawns and a portentous meeting

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