Polymorph Any Object and Reincarnate.

Rules Questions

Recently had a PC dwarf wizard bite the dust and the party druid brought him back as a human. Now a days of infusing restorations from the party alchemist, the party leveled up to 16th lvl.

The now human wizard picked up Polymorph Any Object to undo his 'human disease' and return back to being a dwarf.

As DM I looked up the spell and enough 'likeness' is in line for the casting to be permanent. But the rules for reincarnate say:

"A wish or a miracle spell can restore a reincarnated character to his or her original form."

I said I'd allow it, but now the session is over I'm having doubts. For one reincarnate doesn't mention it as a way to cure the person. The second is the 25,000gp price tag of wish or miracle to cure is avoided. And it doesn't quite seem like a spell you can cast on yourself. (Though I see no reason why not)

So...I allowed it but was I right too?

You were right.

Remember, the duration of the Polymorph Any Object spell may be permanent, but it's still in effect.

The character isn't fundamentally a dwarf, he's a human with a spell on him.

Dispel the polymorph or hit an antimagic field, and *poof* he's a human again.

This isn't undoing the reincarnate effect, it's only ameliorating it.

eta: and honestly I'm not sure how all the stats and special abilties shake out, but I'm pretty sure you're still using polymorph rules so you're not getting all your dwarf abilities back or losing all your human ones. Although if it works like alter self, a permanent +2 strength ain't shabby.

Hmmm that raises another point does reincarnate remove the dwarven racial traits like Hardy, Greed, etc, for the human bonus feat and skilled?

Cause I couldn't see the swap of the human racial bonus feat, though skilled is swappable I guess. It doesn't actually say one way or another. I just told the PC to pick one of the alternate race traits for the bonus feat.

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