God for Alchemists


I need some help. I am currently playing a Ratfolk Alchemist and can't decide on a god for him. Which god would you think would appeal to an Alchemist more? Right now I'm on Gozreh, but open to suggestions. Is there somebody obvious I am missing?

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Good news Hoplophobia! The creative director is here to help you out. Well, he's there.

Grand Lodge

What's your alignment?

Neutral Good. Nethys is an interesting idea. Hrm. Thanks for that link, Cheapy.

Also. Are the mundane alchemical item crafting rules really as bad as they appear to be? Like taking ages to craft basic alchemical stuff while spellcasters are cranking out potions and scrolls all over the place?

Yes, they are. If this isn't for PFS, working something out with your GM might be your best option as those rules seem to be NPC-focused and not really workable for PCs.

NPC Focused? Does somebody actually spend the time rolling out what an NPC Alchemist Shopkeeper would be able to produce in X time?

I can't explain why they take so long otherwise :)

Grand Lodge


Most of the fun gods of Alchemy are evil.

Oh, okay Cheapy. I was just wondering if a Dev somewhere had actually said they were for NPC's or something. But you are right, it really does not make sense.

Yeah, that is what I saw blackblood, I may just stick with Gozreh.

Grand Lodge

I had a Tiefling Alchemist that worshiped Iomedae with great earnest.

Very devout, though misunderstood some of Iomedae's core values.

Quite a fun PC.

Alchemists of Iomedae, giving "burn the sin away" a whole new meaning.

Grand Lodge

Actually, he/she was very into Fleshwarping, as a sort of "anti-sin body modifications" approach.

The pathos!

Silver Crusade

Qi Zhong perhaps this god might be good for your alchemist- he is from the dragon empires

Alchemist can craft fast if you build them right and are allowed to use 3rd party feats and prc's

No love for the God of Getting High on Liquids, Cayden Cailean?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Qi Zhong is good, Sun Wokong would also be appropriate.

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