Meteorites, Baba Yaga, The Death Star and Aboleths, Oh My!

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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With the Reign of Winter AP beginning and many of the Paizo faithful eagerly awaiting how Mother Russia will be portrayed in the pages of the AP - an ancient threat may have callously revealed itself.

Seeing that the umbral veil between worlds has been penetrated and obfuscation and utmost secrecy are no longer the by words of the day, it appears the Aboleths have seen it fit to test fire* their weapon that will ultimately bring an Age of Darkness into our own world.

* (To give some perspective on this 'test fire' - the Meteorite that burned through the skies above Siberia late last week is estimated to be some 17.5 meters across, had an estimated mass of 8,000 to 10,000 Tons, and released the energy equivalent to nearly 500 Kilotons of TNT which is the rough equivalent of 25 of the atomic bombs detonated above Hiroshima that turned that ancient city into cinders.)

Thus, armed with this knowledge, I once again implore Vic Wertz to continue diverting funds into the Death Star project, our only hope against the threat of the Aboleths.

Help us Vic Wertz, you are our only hope.

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