Dual Ancestries

Prerelease Discussion

So far Paizo has talked about what some of the races in Pathfinder 2.0 will look like in the playtesting phase. All of whom as everybody has noticed have single ancestry be it an elven or a goblin one.

But what have they got in store for us for Half-Elves, Half-Orcs and other beings (Aasimars, Tieflings, Genie-kin, etc.) who possess not one but two ancestries?

Currently Paizo has it where Half-Orcs and Half-Elves have two subtypes a piece that allow them access to feats, racial archetypes and prestige classes belonging to their full-blooded kin. As for the planetouched, they currently have the looks of their non-planar kin, but none of their non-planar kin's ancestral traits and a few watered down traits passed down to them by their planar ancestor.

Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

Silver Crusade

I believe I heard from somewhere on the forums that Aasimars/Tieflings were going to be an ancestry/heritage feat.

So maybe any ancestry could be an aasimar/tiefling.

tagging for wrong forum

Laird IceCubez wrote:

I believe I heard from somewhere on the forums that Aasimars/Tieflings were going to be an ancestry/heritage feat.

So maybe any ancestry could be an aasimar/tiefling.

If so, this would also be good to apply to the other Planetouched (including Elemental-touched), Dhampirs, Witchbloods, etc. Actually would be good to have a PC Race Ancestry Template.

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