Yet Another Monk Item Suggestion (but not one that replaces AoMF)

Homebrew and House Rules

Recently perusing the threads, I had an idea for an item that might make up the difference for the poor old monk, and might not annoy the devs by replacing the amulet of mighty fists.


Ring of Unerring Strikes

Aura moderate transformation; CL 5th

Slot ring; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000gp (+3), 27,000gp (+3), 48,000gp (+4), 75,000gp (+5); Weight —

Also called a Monk's Ring, this item is most often a small silver ring engraved with tiny effigies of various weapons. When worn, it adds an element to the wearer's aura that provides a weapon enhancement bonus to hit with any melee weapon that they hold that is not a reach weapon, including a monk's unarmed strike, or anyone using the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. The enhancement bonus will not stack with other enhancement bonuses to hit from spells or other items - only the highest of any enhancement bonuses to hit will be used. The ring's effects' do stack with any other weapon properties, such as enhancement bonuses to damage, special properties etc, including those granted by the amulet of mighty fists.

Targets struck by a weapon or unarmed strike enhanced by this item have their damage resistance overcome as if by a magic weapon of the ring's enhancement value.

Construction Requirements

Forge Ring, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, greater magic weapon; Cost 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000gp (+3), 13,500gp (+3), 24,000gp (+4), 37,500gp (+5).

Advantages: This item helps the monk in the area where he struggles, actually delivering accurate strikes and getting through DR. It can stack with the amulet of mighty fists to provide the equivelant of up to a +10 weapon (almost) at high level, at the same cost as a +10 weapon.

It does not replace the AoMF, so no items are made redundant, but it is a cheaper option than the AoMF in providing the monk an enhancement bonus on a tighter budget.
It's also a useful weapon for the 'multi-weapon fighter' concept that some have lamented will not work in Pathfinder. Rather than buying half-a-dozen magic weapons, buy one ring, then get much cheaper magic weapons and still be effective with them.
It's a dandy item for a paladin with a weapon bond, because the weapon itself does not then need any enhancement: your paladin can continue using his father's masterwork sword all the way through to the highest level without enchanting or upgrading it - divine bond for properties, ring for enhancement.

Disadvantages: This item does not provide any enhancement bonus to damage. For the monk this is not a bad thing, their damage scales regardless. It also means it does not replace the need for magic enhancement on weapons themselves.
It takes up a ring slot that a monk would probably prefer to have for a ring of force shield or similar.

Questions for the forum: Should this item enhance natural weapons as well? My instinct was not, the druid and his animal companion have greater magic fang, they do not need this, and nor does the dragon or other monsters. Any other thoughts/feelings?

I like it, Dabbler. Splitting the bonus on attacks from damage works well for what you have in mind and it does solve the problem of inaccuracy and DR. Well done.

Questions for the forum: Should this item enhance natural weapons as well? My instinct was not, the druid and his animal companion have greater magic fang, they do not need this, and nor does the dragon or other monsters. Any other thoughts/feelings?

Since it works on melee weapons that are held (even unarmed strikes that are NOT held, LOL), I have a feeling that the developers would call it meta-gamey to not have it work on natural weapons, provided that the creature can wear the ring.

Master Arminas

That's reasonable MA, though I did worry that it would give too much of a boost to the druid/animal companion if it was available to them. Then again, anyone with an animal companion can take Greater Magic Fang and get a bonus to attack and damage, and most animals cannot wear rings.

I am aware that this is a very powerful item, being able to affect all non-reach weapons a character may wield, making them magical weapons. However, it only enhances their chances to hit, so it is only half an enhancement; also, the cost is considerably more than a single weapon would have, and that weapon would have an enhancement to hit and damage. I can see a TWFer enjoying it's benefits at low level as a cheaper option than a pair of magic weapons, but not for long.

So re-writing slightly:


Ring of Unerring Strikes

Aura moderate transformation; CL 5th

Slot ring; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000gp (+3), 27,000gp (+3), 48,000gp (+4), 75,000gp (+5); Weight —

Also called a Monk's Ring, this item is most often a small silver ring engraved with tiny effigies of various weapons. When worn, it adds an element to the wearer's aura that provides a weapon enhancement bonus to hit with any melee weapon, natural weapon or unarmed strike that they hold that is not a reach weapon. It will not work with missile weapons of any sort.

This enhancement bonus will not stack with other enhancement bonuses to hit from spells or other items - only the highest of any enhancement bonuses to hit will be used. The ring's effects' do stack with any other weapon properties, such as enhancement bonuses to damage, special properties etc, including those granted by the amulet of mighty fists.

Targets struck by a weapon or unarmed strike enhanced by this item have their damage resistance overcome as if by a magic weapon of the ring's enhancement value.

Construction Requirements

Forge Ring, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, greater magic weapon or greater magic fang; Cost 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000gp (+3), 13,500gp (+3), 24,000gp (+4), 37,500gp (+5).

I like this.
There was a 3PP item, an Iron Ring, that gave the dmg bonus as well. It was a really good item in an Xcrawl setting, but that setting limited companions/pets.

I'm guessing this only effects the weapon in the hand the ring is worn on? That would also make the Devs happy I think

Consider this swiped. .

No, ALL weapons held, that is the point and justification of the price (it's more costly than a single weapon, although more limited in that it only enhances the chance to hit, not damage as well). It also means that it enhances the unarmed strike whether you call it a single weapon or many, just as the AoMF does.
My primary focus was to make an item for monks that addressed their three problems:
Lack of being able to hit things
Lack of being able to get past DR
Lack of functionality in the AoMF

You can take this ring and it resolves this. As the monk's unarmed strike scales with damage anyway, it doesn't break the limits on it, but does expand them in new directions. You can stack it with the AoMF and use that to add properties while the ring adds the bonus to hit and gets past DR.

On the side, somebody asked recently if there was a good concept for a multi-weaponed fighter, a master of all arms, rather than a specialist. This ring makes that a stronger possibility.

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