Excerpts from the journal of Zoltan Reveen (Carrion Crown)

Campaign Journals

  • This is a sad day. Professor Lorrimor is dead and buried now; may he be closer to Irori's perfection in death than in life.

    The trip from Molthune was uneventful until the final stage, when the stagecoach broke a wheel several leagues outside of Ravengro. We had to wait a seeming eternity until the wheel could be fixed, but I spent the time in meditation so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

    After I refreshed myself slightly at the local inn, I headed to the local graveyard (the so-called "Restlands"). The professor's daughter (Elena) was there to meet us, along with several local dignitaries. Never before have I seen such an unlikely group of pallbearers: besides myself, there was a tough-looking dwarf and human (male), and a more raffish-looking halfling and elf (female). One can imagine the difficulty five such people would have keeping the coffin steady and the pace dignified. On the way to the gravesite, we were accosted by a gang of ignorant, superstitious locals who accused Professor Lorrimor of necromancy and insisted he had no business being buried in hallowed ground. What nonsense! I asked them what possible evidence they could have against such an honourable man, and they reluctantly dispersed without incident.

    The funeral service was competently performed, if poorly attended, and we all had a chance to eulogize the late scholar. I told the story of how I met him as a student at Lepidstadt and how he had continued to correspond with me on matters of interest (particularly the Great Beyond and the race of inevitables) even while I was taking my holy orders at the monastery in Jalmeray. Zane (human) met the professor in conjunction with a ghoul attack. Jemini (halfling) knew him as a friend of her mentor; the professor was interested in her as a magical prodigy. And Buiwen (elf) -- from what I gathered from her rather scattered and brusque comments -- shared Lorrimor's interest in alchemy.

    After the funeral, we adjourned to the Lorrimor residence for the reading of the will. The professor must have had some presentiment of danger, for he asked two things of his friends. First, that we would look after the welfare of Elena for a month, and second, that we would return some tomes of knowledge to Lepidstadt afterwards (for which we would receive a substantial honorarium). We all agreed that it was the least we could do for him, and Elena invited us to stay with her in her home.

    Once the will reading was complete, we went to examine the tomes in question. Professor Lorrimor's interests often tended towards the dark and disturbing ("the better to know one's enemy", he would say) and these tomes were no exception, with subjects ranging from the rites of Urgathoa and Zon-Kuthon to the physiology of aberrations. Another tome had a title referring to "the Palatine Eye" (which rang no bells with any of us), but it was locked tightly shut; Buiwen made an exhaustive effort at jimmying the lock, but to no avail. He also left a journal with a hastily scrawled note indicating that we should read it.

    An examination of the more recent entries in the journal suggested that his death in the ruins of Harrowstone Prison was possibly no accident. He made reference to the spirits that reportedly haunt the prison and to "the Whispering Way". Searching through Professor Lorrimor's personal library, Buiwen was able to piece together that the Whispering Way refers to a secret network of necromancers who seek eternal life (or unlife); the most famous of these necromancers is reputed to be the notorious Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant of old.

    Also in the journal was the suggestion that a false crypt in the Restlands contained some "tools" that were to help the professor in his researches at the prison, as well as a reminder to get a list of names of those who died in the Harrowstone fire from the church of Pharasma. We all agreed that the crypt and Harrowstone Prison were worth investigating (for Elena's sake, if not the safety of the whole town), and we retired for the evening.

  • Today's events were even more disturbing than yesterday's. While the rest of the household slept, Buiwen claimed to be visited by a curious vivid dream, wherein she was imprisoned in a stone cell while an unseen hand wrote her name in blood above the cell door. When she awoke, she called us in to her chamber and indeed, there was her name written in blood. Whether this is some sort of cruel hoax, or the bizarre sleepwalking behaviour of a drug-addled alchemist, or a true spiritual manifestation -- that remains to be seen. Having examined the room fruitlessly for clues, we went down to breakfast and prepared to search for the false crypt, leaving Bargen behind to guard Elena in our brief absence.

    The directions in the journal proved to be accurate, and we found the old crypt seemingly locked. However, upon further inspection it was clear that the lock was actually melted by acid in a cunning manner so that it still looked sound. We entered the crypt and noticed man-sized footprints in the dust; obviously, someone had preceded us (Prof. L?). Down a flight of steps was a room with a sarcophagus which contained some magical auras. As we were about to open it, a collection of enormous centipedes (6' long or more) came swarming down the steps. Between Buiwen's incendiaries, Jemini's glowing magical darts and Zane's fighting skills, the centipedes were easily despatched, but not before one of the poisonous creatures had bitten the halfling. I tended to her as best I could, but she had difficulty fighting off the venom nonetheless. Fortunately I had the foresight to prepare a restorative blessing in my prayers to Irori last night, which restored her numbed limbs a trifle.

    Once the danger had passed, Buiwen insisted upon investigating the centipedes' nest, but found nothing of interest. (What did she expect? A city of centipede-men with streets paved in gold?) Returning to the sarcophagus, we found a cache of magical equipment -- magical arrows, scrolls, potions, and a mysterious case marked with the symbol of the Palatine Eye. Inside the case were a "spirit board" and several glass vials filled with a cloudy vapour. We were able to identify the board as a means of magically communicating with the dead, and the vials as a means of sanctifying the site of a haunting.

    (cont'd overleaf)

  • Where to begin. I was still hurting after the stupid bug bit me but the Stodgy Cleric was nice enough to at least use a spell to help me feel a little better. All these bigs fuss too much as I knew I would be fine in a few days. After our little exploration of the crypt that the professor used to hide his goodies, we decided to head over the church of Frezena (or at least I think that is what they called the God). Unfortunately it is run by an even stodgier big who wouldn't even entertain the thought of letting us look at the books that might help us unravel the mystery of the professors death. I tried to step up help convince him but I couldn't get a word in edgewise. I decided to pass the time by reading the local postings. It appears that a number of pet dogs have gone missing in the area. The bigs dismissed this immediately as being inconsequential but I know when something is more important than it immediately appears to be. Sure enough, as we returned back to the manor house we are staying in, we happened to notice a large statue over on the bank of the river the town is built on. We decided to investigate and found entrails in the shape of a V and some blood on the seen. We could not be sure but they looked like dog entrails to me (DU DU DUM). We decided to ask the owner of the house that is nearby and low and behold it belonged to the jerk big who nearly caused a riot at the late professors funeral. Once again I tried to speak up and see if I could convince the old codger if he had seen anything but unfortunately our Dwarven friend decided to threaten him instead and that ended that interview. We decided to go back to the manor house.
    That night all was quiet. The next day we decided to go to the prison and dig around there. After walking for about 15 minutes or so, we got to the gatehouse and our dwarven friend got cold feet for some reason. Dwarves! Once we got by the gate he seemed to feel a little less spooked. We decided to check out the old house that was still standing (Barely). The bigs were all too worried about the house crashing down, so I volunteered to run in and take a quick look. Big mistake on my part, (note to self, stop volunteering for things) as I got bonked on the head by some falling debris. Fortunately, I was not hurt too badly and we continued on to the prison.
    We walked the perimeter to the West of the Prison and moved around back to see if there were any other ways in other than the front door. Not sure why the bigs wanted to spend so much time looking for a door when there was one plan as day at the front but bigs do a lot of things I don't understand so I decided not to question them too much about it. We found the sewage outlet and the bigs made some really funny jokes about tossing the Halfling in. They were very amused, myself, not so much. We then continued around the back where a giant pond has formed over the years covering much of the East side of the building. We then went back and discovered some glyphs on the bottom of the building. They looked like warding glyphs though we were uncertain if they were to keep something in or out. We went up the staircase to the side and and found the headsman's block. His scythe was still then and seem angered by our presence as it attacked us. It took a group effort but we put it down without much of a fuss (some scratched armour and maybe some dirty drawers). I tried to pick the lock at the side of the building but my skills seem a little rusty and we were unable to get in. We decide to check out the East side and found it covered in strange vines. When investigated myself and Zoltan promptly were put to sleep. I am not sure what happened after that but when I woke up I was 20 feet from where I had been and the plant was dead. The bigs got me to climb up and test the door but once again I failed them. I felt a little humiliated at that stage as I am not used to failing.
    Finally, the bigs decided that it was a smart idea to go in through the front door. After pushing the falling doors aside we found a room with 4 exits to it. We decided to go to through the west door and after the dwarf knocked it open. I moved through quickly only to have the door slammed behind me and a fiery specter wash over me. Hummph, stupid ghosts should know better than to try and scare a halfling. The door got bashed down behind me and the rest of the group joined me. We found several offices with tons of files to sort through later. We continued on and found a privy and the Wardens office with a safe it and of course, no key. Once again I tried to open it but to no avail. I think I need to go back to lock pick school.

    My memory is a little foggy about the order of the events after my failure with the safe. I remember suggesting we either sleep in the office or take the notes and return to the manor. It was, I believe, decided to continue to explore the ruins as it was still early in the day. We went down another corridor which once again shut the door behind me (some spirit) and another flaming ghost rode over me. This one was a little boring. Once our Dwarf broke the door down, we investigated. The corridor was narrow and had a rotting table with a rotting table and nothing else of interest. It lead to a room at the end filled with what amounts to junk. We were able to find a few useful items in the room but not much. I decided to give the safe another crack and the fortunes smiled upon us as it opened up this time. We looted it for goodies then decided to take the files and ourselves, back to the manor house. We spent the evening sorting through the various files and organising them into some semblance of sense. We then slept and awoke refreshed the next morning.
    Once again we decided to return to the prison. On our way back we found a crowd of people around the statue again. We went over and sure enough, the old codger who lives nearby was stirring up trouble again. He was accusing us of vandalizing the statue which had another letter added to the V (in entrails again). We were able to convince the local councilors that we were here to help and were able to buy some time. Onward to the prison.
    Upon our arrival we decided to investigate some of the other doors and we came across what looked like an old holding area. Some chains decided to try and take us prisoner but we were able to fend them off with only minor injuries. They seemed to have acted much like the Headsman's scythe. Perhaps the deaths in the prison have had a much stronger impact on the psyche of the building?
    We continued to investigate and we came across a room without a door. When we attempted to enter, some giant spiders came scurrying out. The spiders proved quite formidable but we were successful in putting them down. I think I need to learn a spell to keep bugs away as I seem to draw them out like mildew to a window. Sheesh.

    [several pages are missing from the journal at this point]

  • Bargen opened the door, and therein we discovered a haunt -- an ectoplasmic manifestation caused by a psychic shock of some sort. In this case, the trauma was clear; several branding irons appeared to rise up and strike at us. Fortunately, we were able to quickly use one of the haunt syphons from the false tomb to nullify it.

    At this point, we heard some noise from the entrance to the prison. It was Buiwen, who had been "gently encouraged" by Kendra Lorrimor to rejoin us and leave her in peace. All together once more, we continued our exploration of the building.

    The next room was the most intriguing so far. It was some sort of workshop that was untouched by the fire, and in one corner was a corpse. Suddenly, we were confronted by the undead shade of a woman. She didn't remember her name, but logic dictated that it might be the late warden's wife, Vesoriana Hawkren. (Possibly the "V E" referred to written in gore on the monument.) Mentioning the name brought some of her memory back. We asked her some questions about the night of the fire and about the recent goings-on in the prison, but all she could tell us was:

    (i) She was locked in this room for her own safety when the fire broke out.

    (ii) Her husband's spirit was recently taken away from her.

    (iii) The spirits of the deceased criminals are causing some kind of trouble.

    (iv) If we could provide some evidence that she was now the acting warden, the trouble might subside.

    I promised I would do what I could for her, and we continued on. Our exploration of the main floor turned up some more haunts (a malevolent oven that nearly burned Buiwen to a crisp and a mysterious cold spot) and some undead creatures (a poltergeist and a number of flying, flaming skulls). We dispersed the haunts through a combination of haunt syphons and the peerless Irori's grace, but I'm ashamed to admit that my nerve failed me when we confronted the poltergeist; I fled like a frightened little girl while Buiwen made short work of it with a well-aimed vial of holy water.

    We discovered a set of stairs to the upper floor and a hole that leads to the lower floor. But since our resources had been sorely taxed, we agreed to return to the Vanderboren estate and return the next morning.

  • Woes pile upon woes and horrors upon horrors. Last night, Bargen the dwarf was slaughtered in his bed, his name written in his own blood on the door of his room. All evidence points to this being the handiwork of the shade of The Splatterman.

    We took little time to mourn, since it seems that time is of the essence. We hurried back to the prison, and along the way we passed the Harrowstone fire memorial. Two town guardsmen were likewise murdered on that exact spot, and the gory letters now spell out "V E S" -- undoubtedly a reference to Vesoriana. We had a tense conversation with the town sheriff and Gibbs seemed to be acting evasively, but nevertheless we continued on our mission.

    After a brief discussion with Vesoriana's ghost, we proceeded to the dungeons in the basement, having thoroughly explored the main floor. Fighting our way through hordes of lesser undead, we discovered the powerful spirit of The Lopper. The abomination slashed at us with his psychic scythe, but we were able to destroy him through liberal use of magic missiles, holy water, Irori's cleansing energy and Zane's holy might.

  • Phewwww. What a series of events. After Lopping the Lopper we decided to stay in the prison for the night (actually Buiwen decided and I encouraged the boys to show some chivalry and stay as well). We retired to the Laundry room where Ves's ghost resides. I asked her if she felt a little of the weight reduced with the Loppers death and she agreed that she did. Anything to help the poor girl out, I mean I know she is a big but she is alright. At this point we decided to settle down for the night while Zane would take the first watch. I need my beauty sleep so the bigs divided the watches between them.
    After being asleep for awhile (we went to bed at 10) I was awakened by Zane shouting that something was coming down the hall towards us. He moved into the door and there was some sort of scuffle. Buiwen and Myself followed him out into the hall and that stuffy priest slept soundly until after we had all removed ourselves from the room. Suddenly we saw more glowing lights down the halls. Buiwen decided to scoot over to another door and I saw her turn and throw one of her concoctions down the hall. A small smash noise followed and based on her satisfied grin, she must of hurt something good. I turned in time to see a flaming skull come speeding around the corner and it flew right at me but it couldn't seem to hurt me at all. Two more followed but were further away. Finally, Zoltan came out and went all Radiant on us. He destroyed the one furthest away from me and one over by Buiwen. Zane smacked the closet one with his new Heavy Mace while I plucked the other one out of the air with an arrow. After that it was pleasant dreams.
    The next day we decided to continue with our search of the lower levels. We went down the Nevermore Hallway only to find it blocked with Portcullis. This part of the prison seems to have suffered more fire damage and of course the winch was damaged by the fires. We debated how to proceed. It would take up to four hours to fix the winch so I thought we should instead try pulling the chains manually. Zane tried as hard as he could but had no success. We tried using some carpentry tools to fix the winch but we had no success with that either. Zane tried to lift the bars with the help of Zoltan and Buiwen but to no avail. Finally Buiwen made and drank a potion (or 2) and they were finally able to lift the portcullis up and jam some debris under it to hold it up. Maybe they shouldn't have.
    Once the path was clear, both Zane and Zoltan decided to wander in while myself and Buiwen remained behind. They instantly felt something off in the room. Myself and Buiwen came in as well and suddenly I felt something was off. I tossed my siphon only it didn't work and then a J came into being on the wall on one side and a B on the other. I knew instantly that I had to erase my letter or else. I grabbed my bar of soap and began to clean the walls furiously. I succeeded, at least momentarily. I felt better but the letter returned. Buiwen had more success as she was able to remove the letter with holy water and it seemed to stay off. Before I could clean the wall again Zoltan released a flurry of positive energy destroying the haunt permanently. I felt that it was over and moved out of the room quickly. Ahhhhhhh. A chance to rest........
    Not a chance! Just as I moved up the hall, the ghost of the Splatterman appeared. He hit Zane hard with 4 balls of force. I unleashed my magic missiles at him but he hardly seemed to notice. Buiwen threw one of her bottles at him but it went right through. Zoltan quickly called on the powers of his God and healed Zane. Just in time for Splatty to hit Zane with 4 more of those globes of force. Zane charged around the pit (filled with water) attacking almost ineffectually. I hit Splatterman with 2 more magic missiles while Buiwen readied some vials of holy water. Just when we thought the ghost unleash more force balls, he slipped beneath the floor. Zane decided to lay his hands upon his injuries while we all looked around waiting for the ghosts next attack. It apparently decided to get sneaky cause it cast its next spell while it hid in the ground. Before any of us could act, 4 vipers appeared in front of us. The ghost rematerialized and cast another spell. Zoltan tried in vain to disrupt its spell but it got its force balls off again. Fortunately, they seemed less effective this time. I had a moment of indecision but decided in the end to ignore my viper and charge into the room. It lunged at me but I am simply too quick. I found my self near the center of the room and was going to blast Splat but instead an inner voice gave me pause and I decided instead to hold off. I waited until I saw Splat waving his arms around and I unleashed my Missiles again. SUCCESS. What ever evil spell he was readying to let loose upon us fizzled. Once again he sank into the floor. Meanwhile the rest of the party was struggling to deal with the vipers. I continued to keep dodging my vipers attacks while I readied another magic missile attack for when Splat might return. The bigs finally managed to subdue their vipers when Splatt once again called upon some foul powers and brought a Wolf from Hell to us. It lunged at poor Zoltan tripping him up in the process. But Splat made a mistake and showed himself once again. He tried to unleash another spell but Zoltan sent waves of positive energy at him while I simultaneously sent magic missiles. The combination proved to be too much and he was dissipated. The wolf and remaining viper were of no matter.
    Afterwards, we debated how we should proceed. Both Zane and Zoltan spoke of diving the water filled pit to search for loot. After a little push Buiwen agreed to go down. When she came back up, she brought a dagger, a long sword and a ring with her. With a little magic, Zoltan was able to identify that the dagger held some weak magic and I did the same with the ring. The longsword remains a mystery and would have to wait for antoher day.
    Let us hope that the destruction of the splatterman will ease poor Vesi's burden a little more. Although, I am not sure if we can keep this pace up.

  • We finally put Vesoriana's spirit at rest by eliminating the remaining spirits. My life was put into grave peril by Father Charlatan's ruse, but with Irori's strength I escaped his deadly illusion.

    With Professor Lorrimor's daughter in a position of relative safety, we headed out for Lepidstadt, home to my alma mater. The road was not without its share of perils; may I never take Molthune for granted again! We were swarmed by bats and we were attacked by monsters while aiding a traveling carnival, but we managed to make it to the city with our skins intact.

  • All of Lepidstadt is abuzz with the news that "The Beast" has been captured. Apparently this bête noire was apprehended while rampaging through the antiquities department of the university. Our curiosity got the better of us (not to mention my desire to see the old school again), and we toured the scene of the destruction. Apparently everything is accounted for other than an outré curio called the Sea-Sage Effigy.

    Judge Daramid seemed pleased enough to receive Professor Lorrimor's books, but clearly she had grave concerns of another sort. She took us aside and said, in no uncertain terms, that she suspected The Beast was not a vicious murderer as public opinion would have it. With the exception of Buiwen, we all agreed that, if we could, we would assist in The Beast's defense.

    Imagine our wonder when we discovered that The Beast is some manner of magically animated golem! Sadly, the great brute's mind was too shattered to provide us with any direct assistance. Our only alternative was to investigate the sites of The Beast's three (alleged) murder sprees.

    First we traveled to a wretched collection of hovels on the edge of a dismal swamp. The head-man told us a ludicrous tale of a 7-foot creature that was abducting local residents; they drove the creature off with fire and weapons. Ludicrous, because The Beast is much taller than their description, and he bears no mark of fire nor blade! We traveled to the marauder's last known location, and we found signs of alchemy, grave robbery and vicious manticores, none of which pointed towards The Beast's guilt, as we testified the next day in court.

    Our next trip will be to a deserted village where a series of children were killed; supposedly the ghosts of the children haunt the site to this day. We questioned The Beast again, and he showed signs of recognition when we mentioned a girl named Ellsa; The Beast considered her a friend, even though he was seen grinning while holding her lifeless corpse.

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