My new character sheets for Pathfinder

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sadie wrote:

That's officially not an option, variants of a class don't combine, just as you can't play a Cleric of two faiths at once, or a Sorcerer with two bloodlines. You're actually not supposed to be able to mix "alternative classes" either, so you can't play a Rogue-Ninja or a Cavalier-Samurai.

If your house rules are different, you can get the pages you need for a Scout-Sniper by downloading it twice, once with Scout and once with Sniper. But I wouldn't recommend it, Paizo made the ruling for a reason.

You can legally raw/rai play a sorcerer with 2 bloodlines, that is exactly what the cross-blooded archetype does. True, you can not take lvs in both rogue/ninja or samurai/cavalier. But you can take more than 1 archetype in a class as long as they don't modify/remove the same class ability/feature.

Archetypes like Scout Sniper Stack.

Rogues have an easy time as almost all non-racial Archetypes have at least one other Archetype that they can stack with.

Drunken Master of Many Styles Monk is a Popular combo as well.

Alternate Classes can't be taken with their base classes but a Ninja can take the Scout Archetype as it is a Rogue Archetype that modifies abilities untouched by the Ninja.

sadie wrote:

That's officially not an option, variants of a class don't combine, just as you can't play a Cleric of two faiths at once, or a Sorcerer with two bloodlines. You're actually not supposed to be able to mix "alternative classes" either, so you can't play a Rogue-Ninja or a Cavalier-Samurai.

If your house rules are different, you can get the pages you need for a Scout-Sniper by downloading it twice, once with Scout and once with Sniper. But I wouldn't recommend it, Paizo made the ruling for a reason.

actually that Is an option.... Like hex crafter blade bound magus, or Hexcrafter staff magus.

There are tons of monk archetypes that stack..... and you can be a sorceror with two blood lines.....

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about taking levels of Scout, then levels of Sniper, rather than a single class combining the two.

You're right, it is possible to play two archetypes at once like that. It would be unreasonably laborious for me to make sheets for all the possible combinations - I'm sure people would rather I finish off the archetypes and do more third-party classes instead - but if you have a copy of Illustrator (or a free alternative like Inkscape) you can combine them to make your own.

What I was saying is do something like the older 2E character generators where it was set up to put in different boxes in a set configuration based on the options chose.

It might take a bit of odd coding but it would actually make the archetypes a bit easier to code.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I did actually explore that option, and concluded that it was possible but would just be too much work. Instead of creating complete pages I'd have to create each of the boxes as independent combinable ingredients, which means I couldn't do the sort of fine tuning that makes them fit neatly onto a single page and look good there. And creating each page out of elements based on data like that would inevitably lead to a couple of mistakes.

Besides, I'm doing this all for free, so you can like it or lump it :)

Oh I love it. Trust me I love them.

What coding do you use for the website?

sadie wrote:

I know there are people out there looking for good character sheets, particularly ones that aren't colour and that incorporate the recent additions. I've been designing some character sheets for Pathfinder (based on the much more complete set I did for D&D 3.5) that I hope people will find useful.

Download the PDF from my website here
(you'll find my 3.5 sheets on the same site)

These sheets feature:

  • Specific sheets for each class (so far I've done all the core classes and 4 of the 6 classes from APG)
  • Designed for high and low levels, with space for plenty of classes, attacks, gear, skills, special abilities and favoured enemies, as well as conditional and temporary modifiers
  • Familiar/Animal Companion and Wild Shape sheets
  • Plenty of inventory space and a Party Funds sheet, for those adventurers whose first thought on approaching the dread doors to an ancient temple is "Can we pinch the hinges?"
  • A whole section of Dungeon Master sheets, including NPCs and maps
  • Consistent styling and soft grays to allow pencil to stand out
  • British spelling, A4 layout
They're very much a work in progress, so do give me feedback.

Hi again, and i must to say: youre sheets are awesome!!

points to take under considerations:
- Rogue and Fighter sheets (now they have more abilities than 3.5)
- maybe an every class stat were lays the class name and archetypes option granted:

Class: Magus
abilitie 1
abilitie 2
abilitie 3
abilitie 4...

Also in the skills, i agree with only write:

Knowledges (int)

and an optional character sheet with DR system, Vitality, trust, and sanity scores (from variant rules)

all of those are options which paizos offer to us but dont give us the character sheet to place that in the sheet

can u make me one specific sheet?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Oh I love it. Trust me I love them.

What coding do you use for the website?

I use Scala and the Play! framework. A slightly obscure choice, and one that's not easy for beginners to pick up, but I needed access to the Java-based library for processing PDFs. I've tried PDF processing in PHP and it's not pretty or fast. The new version of the Play! framework should be faster and better able to handle traffic than the old one, though it does take an annoyingly long time to deploy.

If you're interested in running your own copy of the site, I added a page with more information about it to the site.

A Relationship Score box could also be on the character background sheet...

I seem to be requiring that here recently...

Hmm... My group was planning on using a version of that for our site... Strange...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Juda de Kerioth wrote:

points to take under considerations:
- Rogue and Fighter sheets (now they have more abilities than 3.5)

I have sheets for the Rogue and Fighter (though the Fighter one is a prototype, and only covers melee-type fighters. I must convert that to a ranged version at some point)


an optional character sheet with DR system, Vitality, trust, and sanity scores (from variant rules)

all of those are options which paizos offer to us but dont give us the character sheet to place that in the sheet

I haven't really looked at the variant rules, and should probably do so. I have to warn you, it's likely that I won't be able to cover them.


can u make me one specific sheet?

I'm afraid I don't have time to make specific sheets for everybody. Sorry.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

A Relationship Score box could also be on the character background sheet...

Is that for Jade Regent? How does it work?

It originates from Jade regent though it apparently will be appearing in Ultimate Campaign and some of the newer APs.

It basically is: As you earn the NPCs Favour they grant you boons.

A better idea would be to make it a miscellanious Role-Playing Boons box.

That would cover the Relationship System, Prestige Awards, and such. Especially makes it easier to use in say... A Semi-Organized Play like my local Pathfinders' Guild*.

*The local players in my area dislike PFS and set up their own Society. Unfortunately you can only use their sheets or a sheet that meets their pre-reqs.

I am Mocking up a Relationship Sheet for myself if it might help.

Liberty's Edge

I love the new site and I do like the adding of Archetypes. Its the only thing my players complained about when using the sheets. They will be very happy when I present them with new sheets on Friday!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can't believe nobody spotted this one: I used "diplomancy" in place of "diplomacy", not just on the Bard but on all the Bard archetypes!

Diplomancy? Sounds like some weird Diplomatic School of Magic... Fitting for a Bard I guess.

& Sounds like not many people play Bards.

Liberty's Edge

We only have one in our group and he does not even use diplomacy. Plus his spelling is atrocious so he likely would not pick up on a word being misspelled.

Flamehawke wrote:
We only have one in our group and he does not even use diplomacy. Plus his spelling is atrocious so he likely would not pick up on a word being misspelled.

Not gonna lie... I heard this in my head as a Victorian Noble Woman's Accent... It was hilarious.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Flamehawke wrote:
We only have one in our group and he does not even use diplomacy. Plus his spelling is atrocious so he likely would not pick up on a word being misspelled.
Not gonna lie... I heard this in my head as a Victorian Noble Woman's Accent... It was hilarious.


Liberty's Edge

I am very glad the way I wrote amused you. I have been accused of sounding far too ladylike to be a proper gamer chick.

I do have a question for Sadie though. I have noticed that the current Oracle sheet leaves no place to list mystery spells so players can reference them swiftly at the table. It was great boon for one one the teenagers I have at the table as he struggles massively with memory and a few other issues.

That smoothed it over greatly for him as he could always recall what spells he had as bonus then. It was a set-up I wanted on my Sorcerer sheet as well. Write in the bloodline, bloodline powers and bloodline spells.

Anyways. My question is: Is there anyway to get that set-up for the composer on the beta site?

Most Gamer Girls I know are lady like...

And Yeah I agree with that...

Also: Any plans on sheets incorporating the Optional Rules?

Specifically: Armour As DR & Vigor & Wounds. Maybe even a section for Piecemeal Armour Suits?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Flamehawke wrote:

I have noticed that the current Oracle sheet leaves no place to list mystery spells so players can reference them swiftly at the table. It was great boon for one one the teenagers I have at the table as he struggles massively with memory and a few other issues.

That smoothed it over greatly for him as he could always recall what spells he had as bonus then. It was a set-up I wanted on my Sorcerer sheet as well. Write in the bloodline, bloodline powers and bloodline spells.

Anyways. My question is: Is there anyway to get that set-up for the composer on the beta site?

I might have been a bit too clever for my own good there. You see in the list of known spells, each level (apart from 0) has a box in the upper left? That's where the mystery bonus spells are meant to go. I can see that really isn't clear though.

I'll ask my gaming group's Oracle tonight, and see what he thinks.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Any plans on sheets incorporating the Optional Rules?

I'd like to, but they're a bit tricky since they modify existing sheets. And sorry, but they're not very high priority. I'm focused on getting the new version ready, with its nicer site design, hundreds of archetypes (I'm about half way through these) and translations (expect news on that soon, particularly if you're Italian). Also, hex maps!

I was just curious if they were even remotely planned. I am happy as they are. And I love the new design. & Hex Maps!!!111!!!1ONE1!!!111!!!

Liberty's Edge

Any chance of designing a Kingdom Maker / Settlement sheet from the Adventure Path?

Didn't someone make one? and I know there are some on Pathfinder DB...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Our group is playing Kingmaker right now, so I am working on some Kingdom sheets. Don't expect them too soon though.

There were some Kingmaker sheets posted earlier on this thread, I think. Have a look back and see if you can find them.

Shadow Lodge

A couple notes on the Oracle Sheet:
There aren't enough slots for revelations. Over 20 levels, oracles get 6 revelations PLUS the final revelation.
They don't need to deal with arcane spell failure.

and the Paladin Sheet:
There's a typo with "spell save DC = 10 + WIS + Spell Level", WIS should be CHA.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Both the Oracle and Paladin problems you mention have been fixed - or at least changed - in my new version:

Sovereign Court

Nice presentation, and function! I'm diggin' it so far!

One thing I noticed: Uploading your own image file for the character portrait doesn't put it on the background page when you select that sheet as an option. When I tried it out, it only adds the uploaded image to the inventory sheet.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good point. I'll fix that.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Fixed. The iconic image now shows on both the inventory and the character background, whether you use one of the standard images or upload your own.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is probably not relevant to a single person on this messageboard, but I have some prototype sheets for 5th edition:

Feedback welcome.

I am actually interested in seeing what 5th Edition brings...

Orders his Cadre to form a Tortoise Shell to protect him from the inevitable Rage coming his way.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

sadie wrote:

This is probably not relevant to a single person on this messageboard, but I have some prototype sheets for 5th edition:

Feedback welcome.

Actually, these look really cool!

I'm curious why you put the black bars in the columns on the left side of the Barbarian and Cleric sheets. They look rather out of place...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tamago wrote:

I'm curious why you put the black bars in the columns on the left side of the Barbarian and Cleric sheets. They look rather out of place...

Do you mean the banners in the top left of each page? That's taken along with the rest of the styling from their example character sheet. I wanted to make sure that I didn't have any copyrightable elements in common between the two, so that I wasn't giving WotC anything important.

Also, it provides a space to put symbols representing each deity, specialisation etc.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

sadie wrote:
Tamago wrote:

I'm curious why you put the black bars in the columns on the left side of the Barbarian and Cleric sheets. They look rather out of place...

Do you mean the banners in the top left of each page? That's taken along with the rest of the styling from their example character sheet. I wanted to make sure that I didn't have any copyrightable elements in common between the two, so that I wasn't giving WotC anything important.

Also, it provides a space to put symbols representing each deity, specialisation etc.

Actually, no, I meant the columns in the class description box. It's looking fine now on my iPas, but on my other machine, the Attack Bonus, Deadly Strike, and Rage Damage Bonus columns show up as solid black bars. I'll try to reproduce and send you the details of my browser.

Wait they have example sheets out?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, that would be the transparency on the vertical zebra columns - In order to darken both the on- and off stripes, I have a black vertical box with 5% opacity. It sounds like some PDF readers don't interpret that very well. I suppose I could replace it with lots of boxes of different shades - uglier but more compatible.

The submission to WotC is actually supposed to be JPEG though, so there's no point worrying about compatibility. They are only prototypes.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Wait they have example sheets out?

There's an example sheet as part of the latest playtest pack - you do have to sign away your soul to get it.

I love your sheets.

Sweet & I second Grimmy's comment.

Liberty's Edge

sadie wrote:

This is probably not relevant to a single person on this messageboard, but I have some prototype sheets for 5th edition:

Feedback welcome.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here's an update:

Character Info
Gear & Combat
Wizard and Wizard's Spellbook


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

If I had a penny for every time somebody's said that...

...I'd have about a tenner. Still, thanks. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Last one before the deadline: Fighter. I've updated the others a little as well.

Man I wish I could make things as nice as these...

One question that I've recently been wondering about (regarding these sheets) is whether there's a script to resize things to fit on US letter size paper instead of A4. Obviously, I can just shrink it down a bit to fit on Letter paper when printing, but this leaves wide margins at the sides of the page. I haven't really messed around with scripts for Illustrator, and it may be that there's a simple way to resize things in a simple-ish way, but I don't know about it :)

Fit to Page IIRC is how to do it using Adobe Reader.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Man I wish I could make things as nice as these...

Step one: Try

Step two: Fail pathetically
Step three: Go to step one
Step ninety nine: Gain one very small skill rank

The only way of getting better at anything is to get your hands dirty and try it. My first attempts at character sheets were pretty damned ugly. My first music video was cringeworthy. My early code was amateurish, my drawings are mediocre, and you really don't want to hear me sing.

Elrostar wrote:
One question that I've recently been wondering about (regarding these sheets) is whether there's a script to resize things to fit on US letter size paper instead of A4. Obviously, I can just shrink it down a bit to fit on Letter paper when printing, but this leaves wide margins at the sides of the page. I haven't really messed around with scripts for Illustrator, and it may be that there's a simple way to resize things in a simple-ish way, but I don't know about it :)

There's no automatic way. The options are:

1. Open it up in illustrator and move things around to fit a different page size.
2. Print it distorted.
3. Just get some A4 paper. This is my recommended option - it's not hard to find even in America.

I've used Javascript in Illustrator when working on translations for my sheets, and also for replacing fonts wholesale. It uses a really ancient dialect of Javascript, far removed from the engine that powers the net today, and lacking all the helpful tools like jQuery and Underscore.js. I wouldn't recommend using it for layout adjustment - there's too much subtlety and human discretion needed.

Oh trust me I get my hands dirty. I just have a harder time being able to sit down and do it.

So far I have been focusing on HTML and Lisp as another site I use relies on them and I want to make some templates for use there.

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