Take Me Down to the Paradise City!

New Rite Publishing print release!

No matter the town, there's always at least one place that makes it memorable. With Evocative City Sites from Rite Publishing, every place that an adventurer might want to go is at a GM's fingertips!

Previously only available as PDFs, Evocative City Sites gathers nine locations, such as the notorious Rogue's Gallery Tavern, into one softcover collection. Great urban adventures need detail, and these sites are great to drop in at a moment's notice. Need your PCs to inquire about the rare poison that killed a king? Send them to Lorn's Entropot. Searching for the madman, once a knight, who knows all of the royal family's secrets? To Bedlam Asylum with you! Did the party just get back from slaying a mighty beast, and wants to spend their fortune? Kavit M. Tor's Emporium of Collectible Curiosities is your answer, with wonders in every corner.

Every location is detailed with multiple maps, including scaled maps for miniature play, portrays unique NPCs, and adventure seeds—ready for any GM to drop into any city in their campaign!

Check out the rest of Rite Publishing's Pathfinder RPG supplements here!

More Blog.

I wanted to thank Paizo for getting this up there. I am hard at work right now making this a pdf bundle including the printable map packs.

Oh and finally its not a pun on the word Rite :)

Are you saying this is where the girls are pretty?

Sovereign Court

NooOooOooooo! The song is stuck in my head!


Rite Publishing wrote:

I wanted to thank Paizo for getting this up there. I am hard at work right now making this a pdf bundle including the printable map packs.

Oh and finally its not a pun on the word Rite :)

Eh, I couldn't get it worked in rite. :P

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Eh, I couldn't get it worked in rite. :P

It's okay, Liz. It ain't often that he cracks a joke at someone for using Rite as a wordplay, I'd take it as a badge of honor. ;)

Tomorrow will see the release of The Gift (Curse of the Golden Spear part 1) for the Japanese Horror setting Kaidan, 101 Monsters Feats (The 14th release in the 101 Series), Fantastic Maps: The Bandit's Lair which appeared originally in Kobold Quarterly, and finally Pathways #4 which has an interview with Greg Vaughn.

Rite Publishing wrote:
Tomorrow will see the release of The Gift (Curse of the Golden Spear part 1) for the Japanese Horror setting Kaidan, 101 Monsters Feats (The 14th release in the 101 Series), Fantastic Maps: The Bandit's Lair which appeared originally in Kobold Quarterly, and finally Pathways #4 which has an interview with Greg Vaughn.


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