Mythic Monsters 48: Fey (PFRPG) PDF

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Fairies Both Friendly and Fearsome!

Mythic Monsters: Fey brings you an awesome array of mysterious and magical creatures from the realms of Faerie. These capricious creatures range from CR 1 to CR 20 and include monsters malevolent and benign. Some fey are helpful spirits, from the industrious brownie to the far-striding fastachee cultivating their corn, or the musical grigs fiddling in the night. Others have far more sinister intentions, from anguished fiend-blooded forlarren to sadistic tooth fairies. Like them, gremlins come in many shapes and sizes, all of them notorious from pugnacious nuglub thugs to vengeful jinkin saboteurs. Many fey simply wish to be left alone, like sprites and sprite swarms guarding the wild and beautiful places of the world from intrusion, or the serene and beautiful hamadryad queens who rule the forests. Mortals may seek to bargain with the fey, but woe betide any who double-cross a blood-hungry sangoi or a darkling vilderavn raven knight! As if a dozen existing monsters were not enough, the brand-new horzitoth is a nonesuch, an urban fey that devours dreams and feasts on fatigue, and savoring the loss of sleep for those who welcome it into their homes as an uninvited guest. In addition to the featured creatures, we bring you the fabulous fey-bound knight prestige class, perfect for those heroes of might and magic who have sought service with the lords and ladies of the fey realms!

The Mythic Monsters series from Legendary Games brings you dynamic and exciting mechanics alongside evocative and cinematic new abilities that really help creatures live up to their flavor text, whether they are creatures of real-world myth and legend or creatures born out of the RPG tradition itself. These creatures can work just as well in a non-mythic campaign as they do in one that incorporates the full mythic rules, as you can throw them at your jaded players who think they've seen it all or know the standard monster stats as well as you do. That look of surprise and "What was THAT?" will warm any GM's heart.

This all-new 32-page supplement by Mike D. Welham, Jason Nelson, and Loren Sieg is a terrific complement to the Mythic Monster Manual, with over 220 mythic monsters and an awesome array of monster-focused abilities, feats, and more for your Pathfinder game! Pick up both books today and Make Your Game Legendary!

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This installment of the Mythic Monsters-series clocks in at 32 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page inside of front cover, 2 pages of editorial, 1 page ToC, 2 pages of introduction, 2 pages of SRD, 3 pages of advertisement, 1 page inside of back cover, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 18 pages, chock-full with content, so let’s take a look!

So, this time around, we get something rather radically different – we get an actual, full 10-level PrC as supplemental material, the fey-bound knight, who requires a BAB of +4, the ability to cast a 1st level arcane spell from the illusion and enchantment schools, suitable languages for the courts and 5 ranks in a skill. The knight gets d8 HD, 2 + Int skills per level, 3/4th BAB-progression and ½ Ref- and Will-save progressions and 7/10th spellcasting progression. The PrC nets proficiency with simple and martial weapons as well as light armor. At 1st, 5th and 9th level, the PrC nets “Skill Focus (enchantment or illusion” or “Greater Skill Focus (enchantment or illusion)” – that should be Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus, respectively. The PrC gains low-light vision at first level, or upgrades the ability further. Additionally, the PrC class levels are treated as fighter levels for the purpose of feat prerequisites, 2nd level nets a +4 bonus to Bluff and on saves versus mind-affecting spells or effects, which upgrades to slippery mind at 7th level. 3rd level nets +4 to Stealth checks. The knight may also become class levels rounds invisible, as per the spell, as a swift action, with 7th level increasing duration to 1 minute per class level. At 4th level, when confirming a critical hit, the knight can force a target to fall asleep 1/day, +1/day for every 2 levels thereafter. The ability notes that the save is Charisma-based, but since this is a PrC and not a monster, we’d expect to see the save DC spelled out here.

At 5th level, the knight gets DR 2/cold iron, which upgrades to DR 4/cold iron at 8th level. 6th level nets class level minutes of fly via gossamer wings, with activation being a swift action. 7th level nets an illusory armor (once more, disbelieving DC should be spelled out); 8th level lets the knight roll twice on Bluff or Disguise checks. 9th level nets a breath of life/dimension door combo that also greater invisibility-s the knight as an illusory duplicate dies in her place. Usable 1/day. The capstone nets fey apotheosis. The prestige class comes with mythic upgrades for all abilities – darkvision and greensight, mythic spell abilities, etc.. However, there is another pretty crucial flaw here: None of the abilities properly codify their type – Ex, Su, SP? No idea in many instances. This is really puzzling, and, like the save DC-guffaw, a puzzling oversight. Don’t get me wrong – neither breaks the PrC, but they constitute unnecessary flaws in the PrC.

Okay, there are a couple of CR 1/MR 1 fey herein: The brownie gets a series of cool SPs and makes these fey really helpful for Crafting and persuading folks, using the surge die in a cool manner. Their happy whistling while working also translates to some bardic tricks, making this an epic take on the concept. Big plus! The jinkin gremlin can solo the group tinker ability and leading a group, a mythic jinkin improves save DC and CL while also increasing the severity of the curse placed on magic items. The mythic jinkin can also use its hatred to penalize a target (I assume the default standard action for SU-activation, but an activation action would have been nice…) and become permanently greater invisible to the target – for mythic power, this may extend to a second target…damn cool! The mythic grig may 3/day upgrade its SPs to the mythic versions, and the grig may maintain its fiddling, once started, quicker and use mythic power to regain rounds of fiddling. The mythic sprite can use its luminosity to dispel darkness-based effects. The verbiage has a slight deviation from standard here. The sprite also gets the ability to emit a burst of potentially blinding light. The tooth fairy is wicked: Odontophobia makes it gain frightful presence versus a victim after extracting a tooth and imposes a penalty to saves versus its tricks. Brandishing a creature’s tooth lets them restart this ability. EW. They can also penalize natural bite and claw attacks. Really cool mythic upgrade.

The pdf also contains 2 CR 3/MR 1 creatures, the first of which would be the forlarren gets more versatile SPs and may exchange heat metal uses. The forlarren may also use an immediate action to relegate the remorse felt to other characters – when it uses this ability, a mythic power use nets an AoO nauseating aura. The nuglub gremlin would be the second creature at this CR/MR loadout and gets opportunistic grappling and bleed damage claws and teeth as well Improved Sunder as well as use mythic power to ignore hardness of an item.

At CR 6/MR 2, we get a mythic version of the sprite swarm, which can duplicate a hypnotic or rainbow pattern, though the latter requires a mythic power expenditure. The swarm also gets a bleeding damage causing needle cone that also affects targets with distraction. Nice one! The mythic iteration of the fastachee clocks in at CR 13/MR 5 and may use its abilities to 1/day duplicate heroes’ feast and the summon nature’s ally spells can be cast faster, with mythic power even as a swift action, and single creatures can get the agile or savage templates added. They can also instruct targets in farming and gardening, with a bonus for 1 year. Domain spells may be freely upgraded to their mythic iterations and the fastachee criting a target can alleviate starvation, but also make the target overly full – and yes, this may be used with regular attacks via mythic powers.

At a pretty massive CR 18/MR 7, the mythic hamadryad can’t be flanked or caught flat-footed, may extend her DR and energy resistance to allies, and is excellent at social skills – oh, and more targets for charm effects. Her arrows entangle (add constriction via mythic power…ouch!) and a mere touch can wreck metal - really cool. The hamadryad is also guarded from harm by terrestrial animals, plants and vermin, as befitting of her station. Cool mythic upgrade! The Cr 8/MR 3 mythic sangoi reprints the Mythic Aid feat for your convenience, and the curse of misery ability is significantly better. They can sneak attack bleeding targets, their horrific critical ability gets better…and they receive a paralyzing gaze, making an already cool critter even more badass. Speaking of which…at CR 20/MR 8, there would be the Vilderavn. This fellow is AMAZING. They can analyze fighting styles, use mythic power to reopen bleeding wounds just closed, add murderous command to their already nasty shatter loyalties ability. Oh, and they get better defenses, a death curse, better critical (including fortification-negation…), instant assumption of those whose souls they have eaten…the statblock takes up a total of 2 pages with a ton of unique and amazing abilities that further enhance an already impressive critter. Big kudos!

The new critter herein is a winner: The Horzitoth is described thus: “A thick mound of lumpy, tattered rags hangs suspended like a cloak over a blot of darkness in the doorway. Its two spindly arms end in long, downward-facing knives, and a horse skull, with a wild green eye behind it, rests where its face should be.” Yes, this one is CREEPY. At CR 8/MR 3, these fey are addicted to nightmares and pull the nightmares of the sleeping into the waking world. It also regains hit points or gains temporary hit points in the presence of sleeping targets, and it may Wisdom drain targets and regain mythic power. While this cannot be cheesed, these fey can use mythic powers to affect the waking world with them. They can also return home via mythic power, but only while near a civilized structure or observed. Not unobserved. Observed! Nice one. Oh, and it can dimension door with grappled targets through doors… Super cool critter!


Editing and formatting are very precise regarding most components, but there are a couple of details that are not as refined as we’ve come to expect from Legendary Games, particularly regarding the PrC. Layout adheres to the 2-column full-color standard of the series, and artworks are a mixture of old and new, with the quality being high. The pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience.

Mike Welham, Jason Nelson and Loren Sieg all are designers that stand for excellence, and as such, it should come as no surprise that I adored most of the builds within. While the sprite somewhat underwhelmed me, the horzitoth is amazing, and so are most of the upgrades herein. HOWEVER, the PrC is significantly less impressive. It offers nothing I haven’t seen before apart from the mythic upgrade-synergy, is conceptually okay, but its rules-presentation is more in line with monsters than with PrCs. It feels a bit cumbersome and unfocused, as far as I’m concerned, and not up to the coolness of the rest of the pdf. If you don’t mind that, then consider this an excellent installment; as a reviewer, however, I need to take this into account, which is why my final verdict, alas, has to be 4 stars. However, since a couple of the builds herein, particularly the horzitoth, hamadryad, vilderavn, brownie and sangoi really captured my imagination, I will bestow my seal of approval onto this in spite of its imperfections.

Endzeitgeist out.

Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

Now Available!

Right on time!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

This is a FEYrly good product! You should totally grab a copy! :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Jason Nelson wrote:
This is a FEYrly good product! You should totally grab a copy! :)

This really is a faerie good book. ;)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

And the art, c'est magnifique!

Just nabbed this off DrivethruRPG.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am just wondering if grabbing this would ultimately be a bad idea for me if there is a significant overlap with the monsters inside the upcoming Forest Kingdom Campaign Compendium (did I remember the full title right?). Plus, I think I already have an earlier collection of mythic fey monsters from this series. Hmm.


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Actually, there is almost no overlap between this book and the Forest Kingdom CC - just the hamadryad and the non-mythic version of the prestige class.

There's actually more overlap with the Forest Kingdom CC and Mythic Monsters 12: Fairy Tale Creatures (but even then not *too* much).

Hmm. *checks bank account* I really should stop buying stuff from you guys, it's like a bad shopping addiction, lol. *fidgets* Dang it, I should finish Hero's Blood and the one-on-one adventure you put out earlier this year and post the reviews first though.

*sigh* I will pick this up sooner or later this week. Damn my weakness against fey-themed stuff! That vilderavn and the fey-bound PrC should be good stuff to add into my mythic Kingmaker. :)


Looking for ways to work this into my mythic Courts of the Shadow Fey campaign.

If my players are looking...shame on you! ;P

Also...Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa!!!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are all about separating CB from his money!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Brother Fen wrote:

Looking for ways to work this into my mythic Courts of the Shadow Fey campaign.

If my players are looking...shame on you! ;P

Also...Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa!!!

This book should be PERFECT for that!

Jason Nelson wrote:
We are all about separating CB from his money!

Oh it's true. It's damn true.


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

People were very interested in this one at PaizoCon. The cover art by Arrahman Rendi is very eye-catching, and the fun fey stuff inside definitely closed the deal!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The next Mythic Monsters is dropping today, just in time for the start of summer this week: SOUTH PACIFIC!

Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc.

Just wondering if there will be a consolidation of the mythic creatures from the Mythic Monster Manual until now any time soon? if this question has been asked already I apologize and please point me in the right direction for the answer.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Guy Ladouceur wrote:
Just wondering if there will be a consolidation of the mythic creatures from the Mythic Monster Manual until now any time soon? if this question has been asked already I apologize and please point me in the right direction for the answer.

In fact, yes! We're currently putting the finishing touches on the Mythic Mania II Kickstarter that will do precisely that! The current plan is to launch the week after Thanksgiving, so keep an eye on things here at the Paizo boards and at our website at for the latest!

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