Spellbook Wizard (OGL/PFRPG) Windows Download

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Casting spells is hard. Why should keeping track of them be?

Spellbook Wizard is a simple, easy-to-use utility for keeping track of a character's spells. It allows you to enter in the list of spells known, mark which of those spells have been memorized and/or cast that day, and quickly retrieve the spells' description text.

Features in this version:

  • Add in known spells by specifying just the spell's name and level
  • Color palette for highlighting certain important spells
  • Factor in Metamagic Feats with the Spell Level Adjustment system
  • Easy access 'Memorize', 'Cast Memorized', and 'Cast Spontaneous' buttons for marking spell counts, plus 'undo' versions of each of those operations
  • Spells-per-day grid for keeping track of how many of each spell level remaining
  • 'View Spell Description' button for quick access to the spell's text
  • 'Active Spell' checkbox for filtering out spells that aren't memorized
  • Spell search box for finding a spell by name
  • Spell Dictionary management commands for switching between 3.5 and PFRPG, and for specifying which books are available
  • Add in custom spells or houserule existing ones with the HTML spell editor

Program Requirements:

  • Requires Microsoft Windows (XP or later recommended)
  • Requires Java SE 7 installed and up-to-date (available at www.java.com)

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

Are there errors or omissions in this product information? Got corrections? Let us know at store@paizo.com.


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Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available (and welcome Firewind Software)!

Downloaded but it fails with a java error (both linux and WinXP). I suspect my java (1.6.0_21) is too old for this application. I will continue to troubleshot.

That was the problem. Updated to 1.7.0_09 and the software works.

Webstore Gninja Minion

derek_cleric, thanks for that information! I've checked with the developer and added the required Java version to the product description.

Scarab Sages

I'm just going to say that I use this program any time I play a spellcaster anymore. I wish it was updated regularly with new spells, but honestly, it's pretty simple to add new spells to the dictionary.

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