Pathfinder Adventure Path: Jade Regent Interactive Maps PDF

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This is a compilation of 32 maps from the entire Jade Regent Adventure Path, with special PDF-only interactive features: buttons that allow you to hide map tags and/or grids, or engage a player-friendly view, hiding secret doors and even obscuring secret rooms! These are the exact same maps that appear throughout the Jade Regent Adventure Path, presented at the exact same scale.

These interactive features are fully supported in current versions of Adobe Reader, but they may not work reliably with other PDF viewers. (In particular, Apple's PDF renderer does not currently support these interactive features, so they won't work with Apple's Preview app or iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones.) If your reader does not support the interactive features, you'll usually be able to see the maps, but the buttons won't hide anything. Adobe Reader is a free download from

Note that the Interactive Maps for each individual volume of the Adventure Path are already included with the PDF edition of the corresponding book, so if you already have the full set of Jade Regent PDFs, you do not need this collection.

Interactive maps do not support image extraction in Adobe Reader. The non-interactive versions of the maps can be found in the PDF editions of the individual Adventure Path volumes and may be extracted from those files. See the Interactive Map FAQ for more information.

Cartography by Jared Blando and Robert Lazzaretti

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Down and Dirty Review

I'm running this campaign online using Vent & MapTools. Currently I open this PDF up in Acrobat Pro (but would work with Reader if that's all you've got), toggle off the bits I don't want (typically hiding the numbers and secret doors/rooms), and then Take a Snapshot. This puts the image on the clipboard and I open a new document in Photoshop (which will be the same size of your clipboard image) and simply paste the snapshot. Next I Save for Web & Devices and adjust the quality of the optimized jpg depending on how much resolution I need. Works like a charm and does what it says it does on the tin.


Now available!

Super sweet

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Interesting. Are you going to include them for free, if someone already has the 6 AP pdfs?

Also their is an error in the email leading here. It goes to http://products/btpy8srb

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Catprog wrote:

Interesting. Are you going to include them for free, if someone already has the 6 AP pdfs?

Also their is an error in the email leading here. It goes to http://products/btpy8srb

Sort of, given that they're already in those six PDFs...

The Product Description Says wrote:

Note that the Interactive Maps for each individual volume of the Adventure Path are already included with the PDF edition of the corresponding book, so if you already have the full set of Jade Regent PDFs, you do not need this collection.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hooray! Thank you!

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