Race Creation Cookbook (PFRPG)


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The best-selling point-based race creation sourcebook of all time returns UPDATED AND REVISED exclusively for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system! GMs with a taste for fantasy world-building can either borrow races for their setting from other sources, or build new fantasy races from scratch. Presented in this sourcebook are guidelines for designing new fantasy character races with access to a wide variety of abilities and balancing drawbacks. Whether these are exotic new fantasy races or variants of more familiar fantasy races, the tools are in your hands. This sourcebook contains everything you need to create variations on your favorite fantasy races to all new, all different fantasy racial ideas that no one has seen before.

    This sourcebook includes:
  • Core Ability Score Adjustments
  • Bonus Feats versus Racial Feature
  • Skill Adjustments
  • Defensive Racial Features
  • Effect Immunities and Saving Throw Bonus
  • Spell-Like Abilities
  • Size and Creature Type
  • Miscellaneous Features
  • Movement and Vision
  • Natural Attacks
  • And much more!!!

If you like creating new fantasy races for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system and gaming but wished there were balanced rules that actually made sense, your prayers have been answered. The Race Creation Cookbook is the book you have wanted to see, done in an easy way to add to your game. Come check it out!

Written by Neal Bailey with art by Anthony Cournoyer.

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Now available at Paizo!

LMPjr007 wrote:
Now available at Paizo!

Augh! I just bought the previous release just over a week ago.


Urizen wrote:
LMPjr007 wrote:
Now available at Paizo!

Augh! I just bought the previous release just over a week ago.


Well for some GOOD news, the person who worked on that one was the person who did this one. So the quality is top notch.

LMPjr007 wrote:
Well for some GOOD news, the person who worked on that one was the person who did this one. So the quality is top notch.

I don't doubt it. What I'm implying is that if I knew the Pathfinder one was going to be released at set date, I would have never bought the other one and held out for this release. While I buy PDFs, the one inconveience about them is not being able to return them like you can with a physical book. C'est la vie, I suppose.

Urizen wrote:
LMPjr007 wrote:
Well for some GOOD news, the person who worked on that one was the person who did this one. So the quality is top notch.
I don't doubt it. What I'm implying is that if I knew the Pathfinder one was going to be released at set date, I would have never bought the other one and held out for this release. While I buy PDFs, the one inconveience about them is not being able to return them like you can with a physical book. C'est la vie, I suppose.

Well shoot me an email directly and I will se what I can do about that: LMPjr007@aol.com.

LMPjr007 wrote:
Well shoot me an email directly and I will se what I can do about that: LMPjr007@aol.com.

Thanks, Louis! I'll do that when I get home. I'll make sure I identify when / where I got it for cross-reference.

Lantern Lodge

Will this become available in a (non-pdf) printed book format?

(preferrably via Paizo so I can slip it in amongst my regular subscription shipments)

Looking forward to reading a Pathfinder review of this one.

DarkWhite wrote:

Will this become available in a (non-pdf) printed book format?

(preferrably via Paizo so I can slip it in amongst my regular subscription shipments)

Looking forward to reading a Pathfinder review of this one.

We are planning to do a Lulu.com version of the book, but that will be in a few months.

Urizen wrote:
LMPjr007 wrote:
Well shoot me an email directly and I will se what I can do about that: LMPjr007@aol.com.
Thanks, Louis! I'll do that when I get home. I'll make sure I identify when / where I got it for cross-reference.

Email Sent.

Urizen wrote:
Email Sent.

Check your email.

LMPjr007 wrote:
Check your email.

Excellent customer service, Louis; I appreciate it! I did read it and will follow up on the rest shortly.

Now, I must crack my whip so you can get back to focusing on releasing your two new mash-up settings for 1Q2010. "Me wants!"

So, I bought this book the other day, and its pretty cool, but there are some things that.... well, I'm confused about.

First, in the beginning of the book it says it will have a breakdown of the core races, but I don't see that anywhere. I'd like to have it so I can see the powers of the abilities and stuff they have.

Also, how are we to do the stat bonuses section? The part with the point values says its "assuming you've decided not to use the basic +2 to two
stats, -2 to another," so does it mean that you don't use those point values for doing the +2, +2, -2? And how many points does it cost for +2 to any ability score??

And lastly, they don't have a lot of special abilities in the miscellaneous features section. Specifically, they don't have stuff like fast healing, regeneration, and races with more than 2 arms or legs.

Am I missing something? Can someone please help me here?

I really hope someone responds to this this time. Seriously, this book looks awesome, but nobody in my group wants to use it because it seems incomplete. I'm sorry to say, but I'm a bit disappointed in it, mainly because of my previous concerns (above post).

I statted out all of the core races a while back, and it turned out that by this system, halflings had about half the average power level of a race, and gnomes had very close to a +1 adjustment. Is that right?? I mean, sure halflings kinda suck, but gnomes are way above everybody else by a long shot.

And I did all of those not knowing whether or not to add in the point costs for the ability scores, or just go with an average value, or what, and doing all of that did not help one bit in telling me how adjudicate costs for ability scores, or most of the racial abilities, because very few of them are actually listed.

I'd really appreciate if someone got back to me on this, even just a sentence or two. I like the idea of player created races, and I really, really wanna do it, but nobody in my group will accept races made based on assumptions in an unfinished system.

Luei wrote:

I really hope someone responds to this this time. Seriously, this book looks awesome, but nobody in my group wants to use it because it seems incomplete. I'm sorry to say, but I'm a bit disappointed in it, mainly because of my previous concerns (above post).

I statted out all of the core races a while back, and it turned out that by this system, halflings had about half the average power level of a race, and gnomes had very close to a +1 adjustment. Is that right?? I mean, sure halflings kinda suck, but gnomes are way above everybody else by a long shot.

And I did all of those not knowing whether or not to add in the point costs for the ability scores, or just go with an average value, or what, and doing all of that did not help one bit in telling me how adjudicate costs for ability scores, or most of the racial abilities, because very few of them are actually listed.

I'd really appreciate if someone got back to me on this, even just a sentence or two. I like the idea of player created races, and I really, really wanna do it, but nobody in my group will accept races made based on assumptions in an unfinished system.

Let me see if I can get the writer of the book to comment on this.

LMPjr007 wrote:

Let me see if I can get the writer of the book to comment on this.

TANK YOU. So much. I really want this thing to be cool and be able to use it. The main thing is how to do the cost for the ability score modifiers. With that, the book is usable, if a bit lacking in special abilities.

I am in the same boat as Luei. I am in a group that wants to use this, but we are unclear on some rules.
What are the rules for poison?
How do you do ability scores?
What is the cost to make a spell usable unlimited x/day?
Cost for multiple arms?
What is the cost to give a race a feat, like Exotic Weapons Proficiency? do you average the cost from the class value list?

These are just examples, and I think the book is great so far, but it needs a bit of expansion.

I kinda have to agree as well. It seems like the book was made with the assumption that you would build the race around which class you intended to play for that specific character, not for building a new race for any character to potentially be. Rules clarification would be appreciated.

I know this is kind of old but....

The math on everything is pretty rock solid, I've read them front to back.

He kind of alludes to how much an At-Will should cost under the sections for Flight if you read it a bit more.

Poison, now that you mention it was not entirely there, if the Spell-like section was expanded to include constant effects(i.e. auras and such) that might allowed for a wider array of customization though like previously mentioned you can probably use the 'At-Will' modifiers applied to flight for a spell-like that's similar. .

Multiple Arms can be covered in Natural Attacks Section under Off Hand Attacks.

Seems to me that the book was designed with the assumption that a player could assign ludicrous racial modifiers with out breaking the system.

That all said I haven't found any sections on Spell Resistance.

From our facebook post:

But I will say this, With the changes in the Advanced Players Guide, I have decided that we are goign to redo the Race Creation Cookbook for Pathfinder from the ground up. I was never completely happy with the Pathfinder update over the 3.5 version. Don't worry if you already have brought the current Pathfinder version of the Race Creation Cookbook, we will be updating you with this new one for free (PDF only of course).

LMPjr007 wrote:
...With the changes in the Advanced Players Guide, I have decided that we are goign to redo the Race Creation Cookbook for Pathfinder from the ground up. I was never completely happy with the Pathfinder update over the 3.5 version. Don't worry if you already have brought the current Pathfinder version of the Race Creation Cookbook, we will be updating you with this new one for free (PDF only of course).

Any news on when this updated version might be tentatively scheduled for release?

Slaad-Barr wrote:
LMPjr007 wrote:
...With the changes in the Advanced Players Guide, I have decided that we are goign to redo the Race Creation Cookbook for Pathfinder from the ground up. I was never completely happy with the Pathfinder update over the 3.5 version. Don't worry if you already have brought the current Pathfinder version of the Race Creation Cookbook, we will be updating you with this new one for free (PDF only of course).
Any news on when this updated version might be tentatively scheduled for release?

Well now with the playtest of the Advanced Race Guide, It might be a while.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any news on when a possible ARG-friendly update will turn up?

And will those who've already bought one get updated?

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