Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Trodoon Gate Saga (OGL) PDF

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Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Trodoon Gate Saga throws the characters into an action-packed encounter designed to electrify your game. When a clan of masked monks ambushes an illicit exchange in a dilapidated dockside warehouse, their onslaught hurls the heroes into a chaotic, explosion-rent fracas. Thrust into one fast-paced, deadly clash after another, they slowly piece together the truth: apocalypse threatens, and only they can stop it! After ever-increasing dangers, this epic adventure saga finally ends on the Trodoon homeworld, atop a snow covered peak, in the isolated outpost of a fallen civilization. Our heroes repair the portal key that will take them home—only to trigger an avalanche! Can they escape the tsunami of snow and rock, survive the primordial jungle below, traverse the void separating time and space, and reach home? Sidetrek Adventure Weekly Presents: The Trodoon Gate Saga is a pulse-racing, white-knuckle adventure series.

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Scarab Sages

Does this collect all 12 of the first series? because if so, then 2.99 times 12 does not 20$ make... Which leaves me confused as to what this is in relation to the other 12.

The same question actually goes for the other saga too. Is it a collection of the individual sidetreks, or is it something else entirely?

Also, why are there 12 in this one but only 6 in the other?

kessukoofah wrote:
Does this collect all 12 of the first series? because if so, then 2.99 times 12 does not 20$ make... Which leaves me confused as to what this is in relation to the other 12.

This is a collection of the 12 adventures and instead of charging you $36 we decided to give you a price break when you buy them all at once. You can buy them individually if you like for $36, I wouldn't mind.

The same question actually goes for the other saga too. Is it a collection of the individual sidetreks, or is it something else entirely?

Yes it is a collection of the 2nd Sidetrek Adventure Weekly series.

Also, why are there 12 in this one but only 6 in the other?

Because the first Sidetrek Adventure Weekly series we did 12 adventures, while in the second we decided to only to 6 adventures. I is just that simple.

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