xela112233's page

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Tamago wrote:
xela112233 wrote:
where can i get a updated version of the one on this site http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/character-sheets

Which one? There are a whole bunch of sheets listed on that page.

To answer your question, though, you'd probably need to contact the author of the sheet you're interested in. I wouldn't hold my breath, though -- most character sheets are kind of a one-and-done project.:-D

the Dyslexic Studeos one that this thread is about here is a more direct link http://charactersheets.googlecode.com/files/pathfinder.zip

where can i get a updated version of the one on this site http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/character-sheets

what do I use for the black blade in the bladebound archtype