
slacks's page

165 posts (167 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

If I have an animal companion with Int3, can I take Monster Feats that my companion is "physically capable" of performing?

For instance, could an INT3 bird animal companion take Flyby Attack?

Hey guys, I'm trying to make a character that emulates a Mongolian falconer. My first instinct is to go with the Falconer archetype, but I'm not sure if there are better options.

Requirements are:
Level 6 character, standard WBL, 20 point buy
Has a falcon, rides a horse, and shoots a bow

Nice to have:
Single class (archetypes okay)

Thanks in advance!

I am trying to explain the thematic differences between the base classes and am having trouble with a few:
1. Magus and Monk
2. Fighter and Cavalier
3. Druid and Witch
4. Rogue and Gunslinger
5. Wizard and Summoner

Each later choice seems like a gimic version of the former choice... Could someone help straighten me out? :)