philreed's page

7 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ugh! That is terrible. Having run into a similar error in the past I can completely understand how frustrating and painful this is. But I think this is the right decision; get the book into the hands on fans now and fix on the reprint.

Ravenmantle wrote:
Undead Revisited


Vic Wertz wrote:
I think he means Classic Horrors Revisited.

Thanks, Vic. Though I have to say that I'm in the market for a companion that's titled "Classic Undead Revisted" because I can never get enough undead monsters.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Classic Undead does the same treatment. While there's some controversy on the mindless undead (seems to contradict the fluff of Nex for example) the other monsters really have, um, bite.

Classic Undead? I'll have to snag that one. Thanks!

I absolutely loved reading this book. Are the similar releases in the series as much fun to read as this volume?

We saw it in Austin (at the Alamo Draft House) several weeks ago and it was an excellent film. Dark, creepy, violent -- the violence took me by surprise.

I've heard reports of people walking out but I enjoyed it well enough that I want to see it again.