Hill Giant Slave

lynnfredricks's page

Organized Play Member. 128 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Submitted again - this is the third year for this event, new prop pictures are in the works. If by chance it doesn't get into the event schedule, Ill run it anyway at a free table.


Event Name: Failed Sanity Check

Event Description: You bolt up after a mind shattering experience in a strange and unpleasant place with no memory of who you are, with only a smeared reflection as you guide. Bring two colors of d6 dice for this direct sequel to one of HP Lovecraft's most famous stories. This is a mystery-horror adventure - only sign up if you've never played in it before. No experience required.

Category: RPG
Game Master Name: Lynn Fredricks
Game/Rules/System: Don't Rest Your Head
Game Edition: Don't Rest Your Head
Will you be providing pregenerated characters?: Yes
Age Rating: 17+
Game Complexity: Easy
Experience Required: None

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I sort of expected more postings this close to PaizoCon. Im getting excited, preparing my own game and also looking forward to JJ's Call of Cthulhu game. Where's the outrageous forum hype? :-)