Lord Raheem Pandisar

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Excellent Read


This book really drew me in. Elyana is a well-developed and extremely strong female lead. The backup characters were also well written.

Some of the strong points in the story included:

1) the depiction of the anarchy, violence and corruption of the nation of Galt

2) the clever way in which the contemporary action is interwoven with the history of the main character and her former adventuring companions

3) the mature look at racism (both overt and subtle)

4) the clever way that the Pathfinder RPG rules informed the plot without overwhelming the story

I can't recommend this book strongly enough.

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Excellent Read


This story hooked me from the beginning and never lost me. I read it through in one sitting.

I felt Ellasif's loss of her sister, but at the same time understood the fear that drove the Ulfen to destroy things experience had taught them were dangerous.

Ellasif was a strong and determined female lead, and Declan was somewhat clueless, but interesting nonetheless.

The dialogue was really engaging, and the resolution was highly satisfying.

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Mediocre Read


I read the reviews of Prince of Wolves before reading the book, and eagerly anticipated reading it for myself. I wasn't really impressed.

The story was good. I felt like the author did an excellent job of fleshing out the details of Ustalav and the Sczarni. The mystery was also engaging.

I also like the character Radovan. He seemed very real and I cared about his story.

Varian Jeggare, on the other hand, is one of the most thoroughly unlikable protagonists I've ever encountered. He's insufferably arrogant, unable to bear the thought that Radovan may ever be anything other than completely subservient to him. He's rude and condescending to everyone (including Radovan) whom he views as his social inferior. Furthermore, his vocabulary is so stilted and overly complex that he sounds like an unintelligent person trying to pretend that he's smart.