
el_skootro's page

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I'm thinking of running a campaign centered entirely in Kaer Maga. Other than City of Strangers (natch), does anyone have any resources or adventures that can be easily ported over? I can deal with switching concepts over from other editions, I'm just looking for ideas as to where to start.

Currently, I'm thinking of ripping off a lot of Freeport and Ptolus, but that's about as far as I've gotten.

I'd love some advice on good urban adventures that would feel at home if transported to Kaer Maga.

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A clarification on rules needed here - in the Advance Player Guide it says regarding the Energy Body revelation for Oracles that:
"You may remain in energy body form for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level."
So does that mean at first level I can use this ability once per day or that I can only use it one round at a time?