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Cauldron Coinage

The following information was created to give people a variety of options to chose from or be inspired by, to use as the official currency in the city. Personally my favourites are the Copper Clasp, Silver Steadier, Gold Tumbler and Platinum Cusp but feel free to use any or all of them if you desire.

I hope you enjoy the little explanations in any event and if you come up with any more email me and I will be happy to add them to the download.

Uniform Coin Elements.
All coins printed in Cauldron have a small 'hole' cut in their centers. Initially this was done for to very practical reasons -
1 The first was to reduce the 'cost' of the currency by reducing the metal needed even if the saving was not substantial.
2 The second reason was to thread the coins together on a thick string to carry around a persons waste.

Today the practice is still retained for traditional reasons and to symbolize Cauldrons volcanic foundations within the dormant volcanoes mouth.

Cauldron Copper Coins

Option One
The Copper ‘Clasp’
The Copper 'Clasp' is a circular coin with a small round hole in its centre. A symbol of a claw clasping a flame is embedded on one side while the symbol of Cauldron is emblazed on the other.

The slang term - 'Clasp' comes from the discovery of a skeletal dragons claw found buried alone the lakeside within the basin when the town was first being constructed. Many believe that Hookface's mother once called the dormant volcano its home thousands of years previous until she met her end fighting another of her kind - perhaps even Hookface himself! Others state the claw was of a copper dragon slain by Hookface himself as a youth.

Option Two

Copper 'Cobbler'
The Cauldron Copper is a square shaped coin with a small square hole in its centre.

The slang 'Cobbler' came from early in Cauldrons history when the local builders and workmen helped build the unique town under the direction of the gnomes who had lived in the regions for hundreds of years.

The workmen at the time had great difficulty with the rocky slopes, loose rubble and jagged stones found within the volcano basin and their poorly constructed shoes, sandals and boots offered little comfort or protection under the conditions.

In response the practically minded gnomes of Jzadirune set about building hundreds of shoes and boots for the workers each bearing a copper buckle and offered them the footwear as part of their payment.

From this point on the workmen would take their footwear to the locale gnome cobbler for repairs as part of their weekly payments. The copper buckles frequently fell off and trading copper buckles to make running repairs became a common and recognizable part of the blossoming currency. Long after the style of shoe had vanished and the town was built the copper buckles or 'cobblers' were used by the workmen for payment until coins began to be minted resembling the workmen’s copper buckles from their gnomish-crafted shoes.

This is where the term 'Copper Cobbler' came from and is even attributed to the shape of the coin.

Option Three-
Copper 'Common'
When debate about the currency of Cauldron was first being debated amongst the new nobles, dignities and businessmen of the new town, the copper coin was almost not included in the currency. The nobles of the town argued that the copper coin found in most countries of the world were unsightly and rarely used except by the commoners. Eventually the merchants and businessmen convinced the nobles to print the coin so that the 'commoners' would have a coin to use.

This is where the term 'Copper Common' comes from. A coin for the commoners.

Cauldron Silver Coins

Option One

Silver 'Steadier
The criminals of Cauldron are executed in front of the town hall for the most heinous of crimes. Before the headsman swings his axe to behead the wrong doer they must pay the headsman his wage - a silver piece - ensuring a quick death. Criminals who choose not to pay the headsman can expect a haphazard job sometimes taking numerous blows before the unfortunate criminal is finally beheaded and feels no more.

Paying a silver to 'steady' the headsman’s axe is considered money well spent and is where the term ‘Steadier’ comes from.

Option Two-

Silver 'Salt'
The nobles and rich citizens of Cauldron often hold banquets and meals where they invite fellow noblity, loyal followers and visitors. The host sits at the top of the table or at a long table at the front of the hall where they sit with others of importance.

Salt in Cauldron is both expensive and difficult to acquire and rarely used except at meals such as these. Only those close to the host or are important to them are able to use salt which is kept in a great silver bowl or shaker, resting before the host. Those who are considered lower or of lesser importance and seated further down the table or room.

This is where the term comes from - 'Below the Salt' and also where the term 'Silver Salt' derives from - salt is always kept in a silver shaker or bowl and silver is a coin of value but still below the gold.

Option Three-

Silver ‘Silho’
The Silver Silhouette or 'Silho' comes from the out dated practice of the locale brothels having small rooms where their girls would work. Instead of doors the girls only had a thin piece of fabric covering the entrée to their rooms. When a new client would arrive the girls would come to the curtain so their silhouette would be seen and the eager gentleman would make his choice and pay his silver coin/s to the matron before stepping through the curtain.

This is where the slang - 'Silver Silho' derived from.

Cauldron Gold Coins

Gold 'Tumbler'
Cauldron was initially colonized, founded and eventually constructed by Sundabar Spellmason. When the popular mayor of the time died there was great debate as to his successor. To alleviate any conflict the nobles decided to give the post to a distant descendent of Sundabar. The poor fop was both arrogant and stupid and did not realize the truth behind his distant appointment and was thrilled to lead the city to a new golden age. The nobles had agreed to use the fellow as a figurehead and to lead the city jointly, at least in theory.

In an attempt to promote his unusual appointment, the nobles decided to spread lavish tales of his royal heritage, importance and grandeur and to hold a grand celebration for his arrival. Rather than endear him to the people, this instead began to alienate him.

For months the citizens of Cauldron were forced to pay increased taxes in preparation of the ‘royal’ visit. Much of the local food and produce began to be stowed away for the Royal celebration and many of Cauldron’s poor began to go hungry By the time the young fop had made his lengthy journey to the city, the citizens of Cauldron were disgruntled and far from welcoming.

As the fop arrived with much fanfare and paraded through the city he could sense the peoples obvious hostilities. In an attempt to alleviate their anger the fop choose to board a local fishing boat, fill it with food, sail around the inner lake and toss the food to the hungry citizens. What happened next became legendary in Cauldron.

Whether it was the weight of the food or the barrage of vegetables that the citizens hurled back at the astonished sovereign, the boat overturned sending the beleaguered fop tumbling into the dirty water. The roar of laughter as the fellow bobbled in the watery mix of food and flotsam was enormous while the fop dragged himself to the shore thoroughly embarrassed and looking like a drowned cat. He left for home that very night, the celebrations were cancelled and the food distributed back to the markets and onto the citizens table.

To this day the Cauldron gold coin has the depiction of the current mayor on one side. To the citizens of Cauldon the mayor is known as the ‘Fop’ after the poor fellow who ‘tumbled’ into the lake and the coin his face adorns – Gold Tumbler.

Gold ‘Monkey’
At one time it was quite fashionable to own monkeys taken from the nearby jungles surrounding Cauldron. Spider monkeys were used as companions, ferocious baboons trained to guard noble’s estates and mighty gorillas used for their strength. Cauldron Hunters began to develop a Monkey Trade where they transported caged monkeys to local and distant cities to be sold.

The Last Laugh during this time actually had some of the dexterous, nimble little Spider monkeys trained to act as distractions for their pickpockets. Some of the most clever monkeys were even trained to pick pockets themselves, always targeting the wealthy and always targeting their gold!

When people lost their money or their gold coins were spent they would claim that the ‘Last Laugh Monkeys’ or ‘Laughing Monkeys’ took them whether this was the truth or not.

This is where the term ‘Laughing Monkeys’ or simply ‘Monkeys’ originated.

Gold ‘Gambler
An extremely popular game in pub and organizations alike in Cauldron is the game of Gems. Most ‘official’ games found in clubs only allow bets in gold pieces on the table.

From this the term Gold ‘Gambler’ originated from.

Cauldron Platinum Coins

Cauldron only minted one batch of platinum coins at the demands of the nobility. They are extremely rare in the town.

Platinum 'Cusp'
The Cusp of Sunrise is a very old, traditional and exclusive club in Cauldron. It was formed very early in Cauldron’s history and has always been a haven for nobles and the wealthy from the toils of modern living. The common citizens of Cauldron are as likely to be allowed membership into this club as they are to own one of Cauldron rare platinum coins and Cauldron’s nobles are the only ones likely to possess a platinum coin in the first place.

It is a fact that Cauldron’s nobility rarely use platinum coins for little other than as ‘chips’ in the game of ‘Gems’ in the club or to pay for drinks, food or services therein.

This is where the term ‘Cusp Coin’ or simple ‘Cusp’ originated.

Platinum ‘Plodder’
Cauldron Platinum coins are both rare and extremely valuable. The common citizen could spend his entire life toiling away to merely survive without ever seeing one. In fact it is a common myth that if you added up all the coppers and silvers you earned in a lifetime it would equal a platinum.

There is a saying in Cauldron –‘A lifetime of plodding earns but a platinum’ and it is from this that the slang: Platinum ‘Plodder’ derives.

Platinum ‘Prison’
There is an old myth that states that over a thousand years past, in and around the extinct volcano that Cauldron was eventually built within, was used to imprison the local people. Stories tell of a time when terrible evil bulbous creatures of slime and acid created a massive prison and made the slaves mine for gold and platinum that was found deep beneath the volcano.

The term Platinum ‘Prison’ originated from this time.

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Skies Treasury (Chapter One)

Inventory & Prices

+1 banded mail 1,400 gp 1,260 gp
+1 chainmail 1,300 gp 1,170 gp
+1 dagger (Small) 2,302 gp 2,072 gp
+1 kukri 2,308 gp 2,077 gp
+1 heavy steel shield 1,170 gp 1,053 gp
+1 leather armor (2 1,160 gp each 1,044 gp each
available; one Small)
+1 light mace (Small) 2,305 gp 2,075 gp
+1 longsword (2 avail- 2,315 gp each 2,084 gp each
able; one Small)
+1 scimitar 2,315 gp 2,084 gp
+1 spiked chain 2,325 gp 2,093 gp
Arcane scroll of flame arrow 375 gp 338 gp
Arcane scroll of ice storm 700 gp 630 gp
Arcane scroll of levitate 150 gp 135 gp
Arcane scroll of mirror image 150 gp 135 gp
Bag of holding (Type 1) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp
Cloak of resistance +1 1,000 gp each 900 gp each
(2 available)
Divine scroll of dispel magic 375 gp 338 gp
Divine scroll of lesser 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of raise dead 6,125 gp 5,513 gp
Divine scroll of silence 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of speak 375 gp 338 gp
with dead
Golembane scarab (flesh) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp
Hat of disguise 1,800 gp 1,620 gp
Heward’s handy haversack 2,000 gp 1,800 gp
Potion of cure light 50 gp each 45 gp each
wounds (8 available)
Potion of cure moderate 300 gp each 270 gp each
wounds (3 available)
Potion of haste 750 gp 675 gp
Potion of owl’s wisdom 300 gp 270 gp
Ring of feather falling 2,200 gp 1,980 gp
Ring of protection +1 2,000 gp 1,800 gp
Rope of climbing 3,000 gp 2,700 gp
Sleep arrows (2 available) 132 gp each 119 gp
Wand of cure light 375 gp 338 gp
wounds (25 charges)
Wand of cure moderate 1,980 gp 1782 gp
wounds (22 charges)
Wand of Melf’s acid arrow 900 gp 810 gp
(10 charges)

Descriptions & Stories

+1 banded mail 1,400 gp 1,260 gp

Description: Armour crafted with alternate bands of silver and gold, etched with depictions of majestic eagles. Along the arms of the armour are gold wings while the gauntlets are crafted, and fingertip slightly pointed, to resemble birds talons. The full-face helm is toped with a golden eagle poised to take to the air.

Story: Skie – ‘I’ve had this beautiful armour for years and have grown quiet attached to it. A few guards have inquired about it but I turned them away. Armour like this deserves to be worn by a hero, not a common soldier… ‘

Side Note : Skie purchased the armour years ago when the Hatil noble family were executed for treason and their estate was divided up. The armour was sold to Skie for a fraction of its worth but since that time she has found it extremely difficult to sell it. The truth is that most of Cauldron locals know of the items past and are reluctant to buy the banded mail in fear of getting bad luck themselves or worse still – have the Hatil Family ghosts come back to get it from them….

+1 dagger (Small) 2,302 gp 2,072 gp

Description: A small stiletto bladed dagger with a deadly sharp tip and a crescent shaped crossbar. The hilt is bound with black, soft leather and the base embedded with a small emerald.

Story: A member of the Last Laugh claimed this dagger in a duel with a group of Alleybashers who attempted to ambush her on a rooftop. She was able to duck, weave and tumble past their series of awkward attacks before taking them down with a flurry of pinpoint strikes. A dark gnome offered the blade in exchange of his life. The Last Laugh assassin took both.

+1 kukri 2,308 gp 2,077 gp

Description: Heavy, curved dagger with a razor-sharp edge made of glittering mithril on the inside of the curve. Soft black leather is wound around the handle with a pattern of white linked hands imprinted into the leather.

Story: Skie – I purchased this exotic beauty for my more discerning, worldly customers. It takes a masterful fighter to wield such a blade, one versed in abilities and skills rarely seen in these parts. A different breed of warrior is exactly what we all hope for in our little city and this blade would make the perfect tool for just such a hero…

+1 heavy steel shield 1,170 gp 1,053 gp

Description: A large rectangular shield blanketed with small spikes.
Story: This shield has been in Skie’s possession for years. Sold to her from an adventuring band that has since left for Sassarine (Vhalantru). As far as she can recollect, Skie remembers the shield was once owned by a crazed half orc mercenary that was struck down in a bar brawl by none other than young Sylar Krewis. Skylar had been forced to kill the man when negotiations turned sour and the mercenary struck down two of his team.

+1 leather armour (medium) (1,160 gp each 1,044 gp each)

+1 leather armour (small)

Description: Stone grey coloured with a symbol of a black rearing horse carved into its chest and on each shoulder.

Story: Skie – This mystic armour was found by a farmer who chanced upon a halfling lying dead by the road with not a mark upon him wearing the treasure. The farmer swore he saw a strange ghostly fish like humanoid floating away from the corpse at the time but the old fellow is know for his theatrics so take the story with a grain of salt. But on the other hand he did say he found it not 20 miles from what we know in these parts as the Haunted Village…so who knows.
What I can be sure of is the strength and craftsmanship of this fine armour. Just make sure you avoid ghosts cause even magical armour isn’t going to protect you from them!

+1 light mace (Small) 2,305 gp 2,075 gp

Description: Spiked diamond-shaped head sits upon a short silver shaft. The maces head is gold coloured contrasting with the weapon handle and grip. The base of the weapon depicts a smiling halflings visage and a horn. Etched along the silver shaft in a flowing hand is something written in halfling. The shaft and head of the mace seem strangely mismatched.

Story: Skie –‘Just another one of Maavus wares so not much of a story with this one. Perfect size in my opinion. I had the writing translated. It reads –
‘ Strength in Life, Faith in Mirth,’
Lovely don’t you think?

Strange thing with this weapon is that only the shaft is magical, almost as if the head and handle were put together later and don’t really belong together. Maybe its part of a much more powerful weapon, who knows? I would be keen to purchase the weapon on promise alone, let alone the fact that it is a powerful mace in its own right. All it needs is a wielder with the right potential and stature…

Side Note: The shaft is one half of a powerful weapon known as ‘Last Rite’ - a Mace of Disruption created by the church of Yondalla. A lich from the Haunted Village region defeated its previous owner and attempted to destroy the weapon but only succeeded in dividing the weapon into two parts. He then had his followers disperse the head and shaft to different ends of the land, believing this would ensure he would never come in contact with the item again.

The head of the weapon has the second half of the poem –
‘Peace in Death, Promise in Birth.’
Bringing the two parts of the weapon to a skilled weapon smith will reform the weapon. Skie can direct the party to such a smith if need be.

DMs Note: The head can be found in any number of locations preferably as part of an existing weapon perhaps wielded by one of the villains such as Ike. While Triel is probably an ideal owner for the ‘head’ of the mace I recommend discovering the item later in the Path due to the power level of the weapon.

Small Longsword +1

Description: Dark iron blade with an ivory hilt carved to resemble a Zorn with outstretched arms creating a cross guard and with the blade emerging from the zorns 'mouth'.

Story: Skie - ' I was sold this remarkable blade from Cauldron own heroes known as the Stormblades. Have you heard of them? After battling through the deadly catacombs beneath the city and slaying countless yapping bloodthirsty kobolds they faced off against the leader of the tribe - a monstrous kobold with red scales and long horns. After yipping a command at its bodyguards the leader drew its gleaming blade and attacked.

During the ensuring combat one of the Stormblades, the fiery redhead, slapped the devilish leaders blade from its grasp and with one quick motion caught the blade in her off hand and trust it into the astonish creatures heart.
This is that very blade.

+1 spiked chain 2,325 gp 2,093 gp

Description: Long thick black length of chain with wicked curved spikes permanently stained with blood. Red worm-like symbols squirm around each link endlessly, quickening and glowing when the weapon is wielded.

Story: A strange stooped figure shambled into my shop one rain swept evening, cloaked in a heavy hooded robe and dragging one leg behind it. In a raspy voice the figure asked for the owner of the shop and I quickly blurted out that I was the one he sought. The figure slowly drew something out from beneath its robes which rattled and clinked disconcertingly, and then held the item high. The act reminded me of a tyrannical general triumphantly holding aloft a defeated victims head to his bloodthirsty army. The image sent a chill right through me.

The object dangled down and swayed like a serpent. Lowering the chain onto the counter, the figure said it had heard I enjoyed hearing stories of the objects I purchased. I replied that this was true and, with a cruel smile, the figure began to describe the hundreds of cruel deaths the chain had inflicted upon creatures in the past.

He recalled with glee and delight how it had ripped people apart, how it had teared away their flesh, how it had dismembered and disfigured. With each story the figure became more animated and more excited but I couldn’t muster the will to stop him. He sickened and frightened me.

But for all my contempt I could see a profit to be had and offered the figure a pouch of gems for the weapon. Smiling with an overcrowded mouthful of rotting sharpened teeth, the figure snatched up the pouch and slipped from the shop and back into the rain.

This is not a weapon of grace or honour, but it is definitely a weapon of terror and death. I fear to say, but I believe it is a weapon that will have a place in Cauldron future too. What that role will be is only for the gods and heroes such as you to unravel…

Side Note: This weapon and will disappear at the end of Chapter 2 if it is not bought before this time. An Alleybasher will purchase the weapon and, sneaking a peak out the window and onto the rain blanketed street, Skie will see the rogue fearfully hand it over to a black armoured red head outside. This is Triel who will give the weapon as a gift to Takilar, the undead gnoll Ebon Triad leader from Chapter 3.

Due to this purchase, it is very likely the party come in to contact with the weapon during the next chapter and see it used to full, terrifying and brutal, effect.

Arcane scroll of flame arrow 375 gp 338 gp
Arcane scroll of ice storm 700 gp 630 gp
Arcane scroll of levitate 150 gp 135 gp

Description: These three scrolls have been scribed on the same parchment. All of them bear a wax seal, stamped with a sigil depicting a mountain crested by a sun and stars. One of the scrolls (levitate) has a circular hole on its edge, barely touching the arcane writing.

Story : I bought these three scrolls off young sir Splintershield, before he became the master of the Malachite Hold. Says he found them in a grotto beyond his ancestral home, deep within the mountain. They were in a small frayed sack buried under a caved-in section. Sir Splintershield told me he found the grotto in a most peculiar state. Sections of the wall apparently melted away, unnatural cave-ins everywhere, as if it was the site of a great battle. He never did find out what exactly happened there, though...

Side Note: The scroll of levitate is slightly damaged. It has a 10 percent arcane spell failure chance. The scrolls where scribed by the wizard member of a band of adventurers named the Wayscouts. The adventurers were one of the first to be ambushed by Vhalantru. Vhalantru made liberal use of his disintegrate eye-ray in that battle and hit the wizard as he was digging out a scroll. Vhalantru cleared out the cavern after that, but missed the three scrolls. One of the statues in Vhalantru's manor may bear a sigil on his gear identical to that on the scrolls.

Arcane scroll of mirror image 150 gp 135 gp

Cloak of Resistance +1 (red) 1,000 gp each 900 gp each

Description: Long deep ember coloured with a myriad of white symbols covering it. A white thin roper tie encircles the neck with both ends finishing in a white pearl.

Story: Skie – A wandering wizard, in exchange for quick cash, sold this magical wonder to me. He claimed to have secreted it from right out of Hookface’s overflowing horde as the massive red dragon slept. I was a bit sceptical myself until he produced a red shield sized scale to verify his claim. Dragon or not the cloak symbols sometimes glow with power. I believe this cloak hold more magic than it has initially revealed. Perhaps all it needs is the right owner…

Cloak of resistance +1 (blue) 1,000 gp each 900 gp each

Description: Just over waist length, twilight blue with white wolf fur lining and silver clasp resembling a wolf.

Story: The gallant Alek Tervical sold this beautiful prize to me. He told me he took it from an orcish shaman in the jungles to the north. The shaman had gifted the item to Alek after he rescued his familiar from a pair of trolls wandering the region.

Divine scroll of dispel magic 375 gp 338 gp
Divine scroll of lesser Restoration 150 gp 135 gp

Divine scroll of raise dead 6,125 gp 5,513 gp
Divine scroll of silence 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of speak with dead 375 gp 338 gp

Description: Large ash coloured parchments rolled and sealed with a red wax seal stamped with the symbol of death and magic. At the head of each opened scroll is the glaring symbol of Wee Jas that seems to follow the reader’s eyes wherever he moves. The writing is a red spidery script which glows and disappears once read.

Story: Skie – ‘Not much of a story here I’m afraid. I commissioned these scrolls from the Church of Wee Jas and had to pay through my ears to do so. But not to worry they are all in mint condition, never been opened in fact, were created by Ike Iverson and most importantly to you I won’t be passing on the high prices I payed to get them!

Side Note: Hastily penned in one corner of the Raise Dead scroll is a small note
The three shifted to Plain of Cysts. Contact Velior.
Ike hurriedly wrote down this message as he began preparing to create the scroll when Embril sent him an unexpected Sending. He later overlooked the small scribble used the parchment to create the scroll and then sell it not realizing his mistake. The message refers to the three Pelor clerics who were killed and then Plane Shifted to the Plain of Cysts in Ocipitus by Embril. Velior is one of the Last Laugh Jesters. The rest of the sending was written on another parchment and destroyed later by Ike.

Golembane scarab (flesh) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp

Description: Black, beetle shaped pin with pearl eyes and white tipped legs. The white underside is warm, soft and distinctly flesh-like to the touch.
When the user activates the scarabs detect ability, the beetles eyes change from white to black the closer a golem approaches. Similarly, when the scarab is used to bypass a golems damage reduction, the beetles legs begin to scurry as if it is attempting to attack the golem itself.

Story: This little fellow was part of a collection commissioned by a group known as the Tomb Rats who recently sold of all their adventuring possessions in Sasserine. The recently retired party were famous for researching, locating, exploring and plundering ancient tombs, cities, cairns and pyramids in the region.

After undead, undoubtedly the most numerous and dangerous guardians they combated in these ruins were golems. To better prepare themselves for such encounters, the group had a collection of scarabs created, each attuned to a different type.

This one was specifically designed to combat the terrifying, zombie-like golems made of corpses body parts - flesh golems. Horrific to see they are even more horrific to battle. Few live to see the other side of combat with such shambling nightmares.

That is of course, unless you have a secret weapon such as this on your side….

Hat of disguise 1,800 gp 1,620 gp

Description: Floppy leather artist hat adorned with a blue peacock feather.

Story: Skie –‘ Would you believe Lord Vhalantru himself sold this amazing hat to me. Just strolled in one day and told me an adventuring group gave him the item as a parting gift before descending beneath the city and then never returning. I remember cheekily asking him why he did not use the item himself and after an few uncomfortably seconds of silence he mentioned something about being out of fashion and too small for his head. I never thought he had a big head but incredibly hat none the less. Just between you and me I’ve even used it myself a few times when I’ve seen the tax man coming my way or worse still – an annoying family member on their way to visit…’

Heward’s Handy Haversack

Description: This backpack is made of fine red leather and bears an eight-pointed star symbol on the left strap.

Story: Skie - 'A few years back, a spry young man passing through Cauldron came by to purchase a scroll, which I happily sold to him. I sensed that he was looking for something else, though. As he spoke, his eyes wandered over many of the items I had on display. I thought I saw his eyes glimmer when he spotted something, but I'll never know what it was. When I came in to open the office the next morning, I found him dead in front of one of my display cases. The town guard, at the suggestion of Lord Vhalantru, granted me possession of his items.'

If asked about the eight-pointed star symbol, Skie replies 'I tried researching that symbol, but it doesn't seem to mean anything in particular. At least, not in these parts...'

If asked what the young man wanted to purchase, Skie answers 'I don't think I'll ever know. The display case I found him at is where I place my rings. But I thoroughly checked them, and they held no special properties other than what they were intended to hold.'

If asked how the man died, Skie says with a twinkle in her eye, 'Well, it's a dangerous business, sneaking into shops at night."

DM’s Notes: Maavu purchases this item during Chapter Two if not already purchased previously.

Potion of cure light 50 gp each 45 gp each
wounds (8 available)
Potion of cure moderate 300 gp each 270 gp each
wounds (3 available)
Potion of haste 750 gp 675 gp

Ring of feather falling 2,200 gp 1,980 gp

Description: Gold ban moulded to resemble tiny overlapping stylised feathers.

Story: Skie –‘Strangest thing, this ring came into my possession in the most peculiar and mysterious of ways. I came to work one morning and there it was silently sitting on this very counter with a small note lying by its side. The note itself was dusty and cracked with age as if it had been resting undisturbed there for centuries. Written upon the parchment in a broad hand was a simple message faded with time – ‘Pillars of Lore, City of cages, Circle of feathers, Key of pages…’

‘Never did find out what the message meant nor how the ring or message was left in my shop’ adding more to herself than any who listen she whispers ‘particularly with all the traps and guardians I have guarding my wares.’ Remembering herself Skie winks at the adventures and states – ‘I suspect this little ring is more valuable than it seems but I’ll still be happy to part with it for a pouch of gold or jewels to the right buyer…’

Side Note: The underside of the ring has been cut or marked with a small series of indentations. These ‘cuts’ form an uneven pattern. This item is a key to Fetors (or any other of the Cagewrights, of your choice, spell, diary or lore book). Placing it into the circular indentation upon the cover of the tome, unlocks the book and secrets within.

Ring of protection +1 2,000 gp 1,800 gp

Description: A thick steel band crafted to resemble a snake curled around on itself and biting into its own tail. The snake’s eyes are small red gems.

Story: A captain of a troop of Sassarine soldiers sold this delicate marvel to me some years back after retrieving it from the jungles west of the mountains. The captain took the ring from a creature he described as part man part snake and said he had lost half his men to the ambush the creature had led.

The captain recounted how from the trees and ground itself swarms of tiny and giant snakes set upon his patrol and if it was not for the fire obsessed war wizard he had accompanying the troop, the rest of them would not have survived.

Rope of climbing 3,000 gp 2,700 gp

Description: Silken black rope with a blue pattern of a vine climbing and weaving its way up the item

Story: Skie – ‘One of the many marvellous items sold to me by Maarvu the magical merchant from this city. I believe he told me he purchased this item from Sasserine but told me little else about the rope. I have tested it out myself though and I was able to scale my shop as easily as climbing stairs. An amazing item indeed.’

Sleep arrows (2 available) 132 gp each 119 gp

Description: Midnight blue feathers, white shaft and tipped with a rounded, sandstone blunt tip. A trail of glittering sand marks the arrows flight when fired.

Story: Skie –‘I’ve had these arrows only a short time. They were sold to me by a academic and wizard from the BlueCrater Academy. They are a new type of magical weapon. A far more civilised method of combat I suggest using these arrows. The battles could be won without a drop of blood spilled. If you want more I’m sure I can get them for you.

Wand of cure moderate 1,980 gp 1782 gp
wounds (22 charges)

Description: A 2’ long ivory wand carved with winding golden pattern of tiny clasping hands.

Story: Not much of a story with this item I’m afraid. Sarcem, the High Cleric of St Cuthbert, created the item and kindly granted it to me after a fairly hefty ‘donation’ to the church on my behalf. Very kind and powerful man Sarcem, and not a bad negotiator either. I found myself being far more ‘charitable’ with my gold to gain the wand than I would ever had been here inside this shop. Something to do with being inside a church I’d imagine.

In any event this wand will save you more than money during battle. It may save your life as well.

Wand of Melf’s acid arrow 900 gp 810 gp
(10 charges)

Description: Clear, thin, crystal 2’ in length that appears to be half full with yellow bubbling liquid.

Story: Another of Alek’s treasure is the deadly wand called – Molten. It was taken from a venerable, reclusive ogre mage who lived in the Cauldron Environs, west of city, in the jungles close to Redforge.
Alek servery burned his arm, leg and lost his metal shield to the ogre and the wand when the stooped giant raised its item and, laughing with delight, sprayed the paladin with yellow sickly acid. Alek managed to cast aside his smoking shield and strike out at the Ogre, severing the creature’s arm holding the wand with the blow.
Alek dragged himself towards the prone giant and watched in surprise as the creature’s arm began to grow back before his eyes and it began to cast a fearful incantation at the injured knight. Before it could complete the spell Alek mustered his strength and drove his blade deep into the monsters chest, killing the evil giant and claiming the ancient horde including this prized wand of acid.

I've been playing the Shackled City for quite some time now and drawing close to the end but one thing I can say is that it has taken some careful manipulation on my behalf to keep the players interested in saving the city and not leaving it to its fate.

The city seems to always be in trouble, always on the edge of disaster and I feel there was not enough links in the early stages of the campaign to give the players a strong connection to the city.

If I was to redesign the adventure path again (I've already had a fair crack at that with the latter portion of the campaign) I would try and give the party more assistance, more incentives, more ownership and more motivation towards the city and campaign as a whole. Having most adventures threaten the city is an over kill in my mind and having the city never fight back is draining.

Why not have the city more as a base where the party branch out from. Why does the city need to be flooded, attacked by a vampires minions, invaded by half-orcs, corrupted by disguised politians, destroyed by volcanic eruptions before finally being enslaved and used as a planar gateway to Canceri! Just seems like a little too much for mine.

What's other people take?


The ‘Delvesdeep’ Archive ;)

I am getting to the business in of the campaign and started looking back over some of the documents I have put together for the Shackled City over the years. I find it amazing that my party still has not completed the Path which just shows the sheer depth and size that the adventure has grown into.

I thought I would rate a few of the threads that I have put together on this site and some that I have posted (or have since been included) on other sites more to just amuse myself while I have a few minutes as much for any other reason. So here are my contributions in order of preference for me :D

Please excuse my self indulgences.

Here are my top 8 in order -

1. Alternative Adimarchus & the Cagewrights

This document underpinned the majority of the addition adventures, ideas and inclusions I made throughout the Path. It was my way of making the Path make sense for me and flow.

2. Demonskar Ball ll

The Demonskar Ball was inspired by my wish to try and foreshadow the Stormblades and nobles of Cauldron. I also wanted to create an adventure that rewarded role-play and skills that were not purely battle orientated. I loved creating the guests and the Bradly-Dipinshires in particular. 

3. Skies Treasury temDescriptionsStories&page=1

This was one of the first creative documents I conceived. The bigger version of this can be found on site but this thread was a great combination of ideas of which my party still enjoys. Skies Treasury remains one of their favourite locations in Cauldron.

4. Sasserine

The Sasserine document ended up being a monster in terms of depth and detail. I wish I could have used it more because the amount of adventure ideas I came up with particularly revolving around the cities Taverns and Inns were substantial. I really loved the idea of the two cities in one and Noble family mysterious family links.

5. The Acquires itionExplorationDivisionAGoodThievesGuild

The Acquirers were written directly for my party rogue who was ‘homeless’ with the only guild options evil. The Acquirers also gave the party more allies and brought the Last Laugh more into the game.

6. The Redgorge Siege ge

I wanted to come up with an adventure that wasn’t the typical Dungeon Crawl. I wanted it to be more event based and open-ended, something the campaign often lacks. The little side treks involving the Stone Giants and the Cemetery were my favourite parts of the adventure to write.

7. Foeshadowing Ideas

Years ago I wrote a series of articles on that were designed to foreshadow some of the important villains that I felt were under developed. I couldn’t find them on the original site but luckily Section8 and nib have kept some of them on this site. I particularly like Shebeleth, capturing the Shackle Born, the Necrocants and others not found here. I have copies of these if people want them.

8. Cauldron’s Coins e

These ideas were in response to another posters thread but I liked this little add on once again to give more depth to the city and campaign.

Thanks for all the banter over the last umpteen years and I hope there is many more good conversations to come before my game comes to a close.


In the last couple of days I have started to frequent these boards once again. I have just not had the time that I have had in the past with a new baby and a more demanding role at work to sneak in the hours I once did to write. But I'm sure you don't want to hear my sob story :'( ;D

So....what I'm looking for is a bit of help with a couple of side treks I have been planning on writing up for quite some time and which are fast approaching.

The first side trek adventure is the headquarters of the Last Laugh.

My party will have plenty of motivation to try and hunt down the LL and attack their headquarters and I am looking for ideas about how to proceed.

The party will enlist the aid of the Striders and Chisel in the attack plus the rogues small 'good' thieves guild -the Acquirers. I see the first step for the party is to plan the attack, find the headquarters and organise the groups.

I want the party to take centre stage with the Acquirers (good rogues) taking out the LL members who are out and about and the Strider & Chisel providing distraction so the characters can attack the main LL villians. The Cagewright Master and Last Laugh guildmaster -'The Fish' will be the final daunting challenge. Jil will be absent so she can be part of Chapter 8.

So what other ideas can you bring to the table?

What challenges can the party face?

What could the guildhouse look like?

What minor villians can the party face before meeting 'The Fish'?


The Redgorge Seige

Special thanks to Chef’s Slaad for his thread and ideas that inspired this adventure.

The Redgorge Siege occurs after the very tumultuous period in Cauldrons recent history. The Chisel, an organisation who reveres Sundabar Spellmason -Cauldron’s founder, had attempted to usurp the cities corrupt government beginning with the captain of the guard. This challenge, coupled with a huge tax riot, also organised by a member of the chisel, was all the motivation and justification the government needed to destroy the ‘renegade cult’.

Once the tax riot was dealt with, Teresong petitioned the Lord Mayor to lead a pre-emptive strike against the Chisel and the town that protected them. The Lord Mayor initially agreed but later called for delay while the situation could be investigated further. Only a few days later the Lord Mayor inexplicitly disappeared.

The now leaderless council voted to take action, mainly due to an impassioned speech from Lord Vhalantru, and Teresong immediately began to gather as many of his guard as the city could spare and began preparation for a siege of the town of Redgorge.

Vhalantru informed the Cagewrights of the fortuitous events and Dry’yrd organised that the lord of the Demonskar be told that Redgorge will soon be severely weakened and ripe for conquest.

Nabthatoran saw an opportunity he had been waiting for thousands of years for and immediately gathered his banished army and marched on Redgorge.

Without aid, Redgorge was destined to fall ….

The Redgorge Seige is an event based adventure designed to play as part of the SCAP.

This adventure is designed to play after the party arrive back from Occipitus proceeding chapter 6 – Test of the Smoking Eye. The adventure could easily be used after chapter 5 with a few alterations.

The adventure assumes that Nabthatoran escaped from the final encounter in the Demonskar Legacy. If he was killed you have a few options –

(1) Nabthatoran is raised by Dreghakas using ancient Spellweaver lore he found in the Demonskar rift (see end of Hard Cover).
(2) Dreghakas takes control of the army (increase his power and abilities)
(3) Demogorgon is outraged by the death of his banished general and decides to send an even more powerful servant to conquer the region beginning with Redgorge.

Dungeon and Dragon magazines gone!!! That will teach me for not frequenting these boards during a holiday :(

So I've had a look at the Pathfinder blog but I'm still confused (call it post holiday dementia ).

What is it?

How can I access it?

Is it worth using or should I drift off into D&D heaven where all the good old adventures and editions have gone?



If anyone is interested I have placed a few articles on offering ideas to further foreshadow Adimarchus, Nidrama and Vhalantru.

My aim is to come up with new potential methods to foreshadow the important SCAP NPCs weekly.

If you have any ideas for an article yourself about anything pertaining to the SCAP(perhaps even more foreshadowing ideas :)) or would like to add to what I have done, please feel free.

Let me know what you think - positive criticism is always welcome.


There are an incredible amount of loose ends, adventure hooks, hints and general opportunities for side treks/adventures that could be created for and from the SCAP.

What Side Treks/Adventures have you thought of creating from/for the SCAP?

Any ideas are more than welcome!


& the

This document suggests ways to better foreshadow, link and improve the main villains of the SCAP – Adimarchus and the Cagewrights.

The Cagewrights

In the official SCAP Hard Cover the Cagewrights are a collection of mostly faceless villains. When the party finally confront them during the Thirteen Cages and Strike on Shatterhorn adventures the battles end up of being just a collection of meaningless encounters, not the exciting conclusion to a long campaign as they really should be.

The two biggest problems I see with the Cagewrights are that they are not known individually to the party and that there are just too many of them to remember.

Presently the Cagewrights consist of 13 Cagewrights and 5 Apprentices.

In the Path many of the most memorable villains are not Cagewrights such as Vhalantru (Beholder), Jil (LL assassin), Blue Duke (Ogre-Mage commander of the half-orcs), Ike Iverson (Wee Jas cleric) and Fetor (Lore master from SotSP). This also seems like a double up to me – too many villains overall.

Finally the Cagewrights and Adimarchus should be connected. If Adimarchus is the ultimate villain of the path then his evil will should drive the overall plot and this includes the Cagewrights.

So …..

I am removing all of the Cagewrights I feel that are forgettable and unimportant to the overall plot. So of the 18 Cagewrights included in the official SCAP Hard Cover I have removed or replaced 11 of them with other interesting ‘bad guys’ so as to try and reduce the overall villains in the Path, leaving only the most important of these.

I'm changing the whole make up of the Thirteen to include only 6 Masters, 6 Apprentices and 1 leader.

The New Cagewrights
The Cagewrights are a Cult of Madness, determined to spread insanity and release Adimarchus - the Lord of Madness, onto the world. More on that later though.

Here are my ‘Thirteen’-

The Apprentices-
The Cagewright Masters of the Apprentices are written up in bracket next to each.

1. Zarn Kyass (Blue Duke - apprentice of Gau Kleeoch)
2. Fetor Abradius (Loremaster - Apprentice of Shebeleth)
3. Khyron Bonesworn (Leader of evil Adventurers - apprentice of Alurad Sozizan
4. Ike Iverson (Wee Yas 2nd in command - apprentice of Embril)
5. Jil (2nd in charge of the Last Laugh - apprentice of Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron)
6. Lady Thifirane (Cauldron Noble - Apprentice to Vhalantru)

Each of the Apprentice Cagewrights wear a small silver cage necklace (see Lady Thifirane's necklace for a more detailed description).

Cagewright Masters-
1. Vhalantru (Beholder – Cauldron’s self appointed 'Mayor')
2. Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron (Assassin & Last Laugh Jester/Guildmaster)
3. Shebeleth Regiden (Spiritual Leader of Adimarchus)
4. Embril Aloustinai (High cleric of Wee Yas)
5. Gau Kleeoch (Minotaur General/Body Guard of Dyr’ryd)
6. Alurad Sozizan (Blackguard/cleric, Adventurer Hunter)

Each Cagewright Master wears a ring identifying him as a master - see the HC for details.

Cagewright Leader-
Dyr'ryd (Demodand Cagewright Mastermind, Adimarchus' Voice)

Number One - Unless one escapes, it is very likely that by the end of the Party at House Rhiavadi all of the Cagewright Apprentices will be killed.
Ike - Defeated during SotSP (Church of Wee Yas)
Fetor - SotSP (Spellweaver Ruins)
Jil – LoO (Last Laugh Safehouse)
Thifirane, Khyron & Zarn – LoO (Party at House Rhiavadi)

Number Two - I am converting Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron into the Guildmaster of the Last Laugh and the only Jester.
To avoid confusion later I intend to only refer to Nulin as the ‘Jester’ unless the party are researching him specifically.
I realize the HC states that there is more than one leader but they are never written up anywhere so, as much to tie up loose ends as anything else, I will make 'Fish' (the Cagewright assassin) the ultimate leader and have Jil his second in command.

The party may attack the Last laugh headquarter before the latter chapters so 'Fish', and therefore one of the Thirteen, may be killed early. Otherwise they will face him during 'Thirteen Cages'. The party will hear of Fish and may even see him earlier in the path to help foreshadow this villain.

They may hear his crazied laugh when they find one of his dead victims in a Cauldron alleyway (a council member?) previous to this.


My idea is to link Adimarchus directly to Dry'yrd and therefore the Cagewright plans. This will create a better flow in the final stage of the path and give the players a better reason to hunt down the fallen angel in the end.

Adimarchus is the ultimate bad guy of the Path. He is the final encounter of the campaign and final step to ensuring Cauldron remains safe...yet he is locked in a cage and has no real influence on anything.

In reality he is a 'toothless tiger' who only starts to effect the party and the Cauldron in the final adventure. Sure a few Cagewrights are effected by his 'madness' including Fetor (SotSP) but if you removed him from the SCAP altogether it would have minimial to no impact on the campaign as a whole (Test of the Smoking Eye adventure the exception).

To me this seems an complete anticlimax.

The Cagewrights are the real villians of the Path. They are the ones from the first adventure manipulating the city, hunting down Shackleborn, weakening the churches and guard, infultrating(sp?) the government and ultimately almost destroying the whole city.

Adimarchus has nothing to do with the campaign until the end.

Adimarchus' Corrupting Madness

My idea is to have Dry'yrd be 'controlled' by a far more coherant/conscious Adimarchus than what is presented in the HC. From his prison Adimarchus can reach out with his insane nightmares and gradually corrupt a persons mind. He did so with Fetor, Shebeleth, Alurid and others to varying degrees.

My idea is to have Dry'yrd completely corrupted. He was the first creature to be touched by the fallen angels maddening dreams and has gradually fallen more and more under his control.

Cauldron was chosen as the location to create the permanent planar gate because of the large amount of Shackleborn, availabilty of future 'prisoners', isolation from potential threats (ie other cities/forces of good) AND, most impotantly, because it was directly aligned on Canceri, with Skullrot - Adimarchus prison.

When the gate is created the demodands would pour through but Skullrot would also tumble from the sky onto the city, destroying the prison and releasing the fallen angel.

When the party face Dry'yrd, Adimarchus directly controls the demodands smaller head. The smaller orders screams insanely at Dry'yrd, refering to him as his slave, to destroy the party.

When they finally kill Dry'yrd, the smaller head remains alive long enough to threaten them - 'His death matters not for I am Adimarchus and he was but a pawn, there are other Cagwrights that still live that I shall control. I have hundreds of corrupted minds that I can use.... even in your very own group' and laughs insanely before either being killed by the party or dying on his own but not before staring directly at the party member with the Smoking Eye and/or Dream Haunted Trait.

This party member feels a flash of searing pain and falls to the floor holding his head screaming. Have them make a Will Save DC 30. If they fall, they attack the party laughing insanely as they do, speaking with the same voice. Each proceeding round the character can make a new save or the party can intervene.

Before the character is realised Adimarchus will say - 'It is only a matter of time before he/she is completely corrupted and mine to control..'

In the aftermath of the battle the party will find Dry'yrds mad wanderings written down on a parchment made of dryed human skin revealing his/Adimarchus plans (anyone have an alternative method for revealing this other than the clique diary?)

Hopefully this links the Dry'yrd with Adimarchus, gives the party more reason to hunt down the other Cagewights and ultimately the fallen angel.

As usual, just my thoughts at the moment



Sorry - this is a double post. I hate it when that happens especially when it is an actual thread! Please ignore this thread and use the other one if you have a comment/suggestions.

Once again sorry.


I was intending to post this up on Riptide777's thread about Cagewrights but I was concerned about ambushing his thread so...

As others have mentioned many times over one of Shackled Cities greatest weaknesses is the main villians - the Cagewrights.There are 13 of them! Most of theses villians are never seen until the final few adventures just before the party desposes of them. They may as well be random monsters for all the feeling, anticipation and closure the encounter gives to the party.


I'm changing the whole make up of the Thirteen to 6 members, 6 apprentices and 1 leader.

Here are my 'Thirteen' and when they are encounter by the party -

The Apprentices-Most are present during the 'Party at House Rhiavadi' plus a few other guests

1. Zarn Kyass (Blue Duke - apprentice of Gau Kleeoch)

2. Fetor Abradius (Loremaster - Apprentice of Shebeleth)

3. Khyron Bonesworn (Leader of evil Adventurers - apprentice of Alurad Sozizan

4. Ike Iverson (Wee Yas 2nd in command - apprentice of Embril)

5. Velior Thazo (2nd in charge of the Last Laugh - apprentice of Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron)

6. Thifirane (Cauldron Noble -Apprentice to Vhalantru)

Full Members/The Masters

1. Vhalantru (Cauldron self appointed 'Mayor')

2. Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron (Assassin & Last Laugh Jester/Guildmaster)

3. Shebeleth Regiden (Spiritual Leader of Addimarchus)

4. Embril Aloustinai (High cleric of Wee Yas)

5. Gau Kleeoch (Minotaur Fighter)

6. Alurad Sozizan (Blackgaurd/cleric)




1Fetor will most likely be killed during the Secrets of the Soul Pillars chapter but the party will find correspondance to and from Shebeleth to let them know of their connection.

Similiarly Ike will probably be cleaned up during Secrets of the Soul Pillars. If both these events occur then by the Party at Rhiavadi there will be only 4 cagewright apprentices left plus other potential evil allies.

2During the Party at House Rhiavadi the party will have an excellent opportunity to despose of almost all the Cagewright apprentices. Other powerful evil allies have also been invited to the party (Mhad, Vervil Ashmantle, Adrick Garthun etc. Thifirane is the longest serving apprentice and closest to full membership and therefore spokesperson of the leaders.

I will have to change Thifiranes speech a small amount and foreshadow the meeting as a collection of apprentices and allies but other thean that little will have to change I hope.

3I will need to come up with another adventure/side trek after Thirteen Cages to make up the players XP they will need to face Adimarchus but this should not be difficult.

4 I am changing Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron into the Guildmaster of the Last Laugh and only Jester. I realize the HC states that there is more than one leader but they are never written up anywhere so, as mush to tie up loose ends as anything else, I will make 'Fish' the Cagewright assassin the ultimate leader and have Velior Thazo (the Jester mentioned in the Party at House Rhiavadi) his second in command.

The party may attack the Last laugh headquarter before the latter chapters so 'Fish',and therefore one of the Thirteen, may be killed early. Otherwise they will face him during 'Thirteen Cages'. The party will hear of Fish and may even see him earlier in the path to help foreshadow this villian.

5I will (DMTodd has inspied me here) drop the Strike at Shatterhorn adventure altogether and move Embril elsewhere - either to Thirteen Cages or back into the Cauldron (Church of Wee Yas?)

Shatterhorn to me is a huge waste of time and the Embril encounter seems like the only memorable and important portion of the whole adventure.

Cagewright Foreshadowing

Shebeleth High Bishop of my clerics order but he can be a visiting High Bishop/Church Leader of St Cuthbert or any other church. At first if he appears generous and kind, even offering gifts to to the party and community this will help alevate suspicions. Later he may return demanding changes to the church etc. When the party uncover his true identity and motivations it will be a shock.

Nulin 'Fish' Wiejeron Guildmaster/Jester of the Last Laugh. The party may meet the dangerous villian when they interupt a meeting he is having with Vhalantru, when they attempt to hunt down Jil and/or when they attack the Last Laughs headquaters.

Gau Kleeoch Gau is the General of a great army who waits to invade the frontiers lands after the Canceri gate is opened. The Blue Duke commands a division of this army who she sent to Cauldron as the strike team of her forces. When the Blue Duke dies she seek to meet with his killers (disguised) and attack them before she looses her temper, changes form and attacks before fleeing when Vhalantru appears to rescue them (part of his manipulations & efforts to keep the Cagewrights plans in place) or the Striders/Chisel.

Alternatively perhaps she is seen by the Chisel on the battlefield after the Invasion of Redgorge. She may even issue a threat to send out the Blue Dukes heros or destroy the town on her own before leaving in a rage.

Later research may reveal her identity...?

Alurad Sozizan Blackgaurd and sadistic killer of any adventurers attempting to aid Cauldron in the past perhaps Alurad was seen by the party murdering an adventuring party who enters the city. Perhaps he was the one who killed Todd before her came to be left in the Cathedral of Wee Yas?

Vhalantru - takes care of himself

Embril - takes care of herself

Dyr'ryd – does he need foreshadowing???

Can anyone see any problems with these changes?

Should I swap any of the apprentices or masters with other NPCs?

Anyway just the way I'm leaning at the moment.


I was unsure whether to post this up here or on the SCAP forum but I thought my question was more generic so here it goes....

Beholderkin -

What types are there?

What are their differences?

Are they all underpowered versions of the original?

What types and how many would be found in a cache of the creatures?

Potential Side Trek
The motivation behind the questions is to create an adventure where the players investigate the disappearance of Cauldrons Lord Mayor which leads them to Sasserine (my own SCAP version) and Vhalantru's original beholder cache.

The idea is that, before his untimely demise, the Lord Mayor had grown particularly suspicious of Vhalantru and sought to personally investigate the mysterious nobles past. Rather than hire someone and risk betrayal the Lord Mayor forged a letter from a family member urgently requiring his to travel to Sasserine.

Under this guise the Lord Mayor travelled to Sasserine and attempted to discover more about Vhalantru. Ultimately his investigation leads to the discovery that Vhalantru is an imposter and the real noble went missing years a go.

Finally following the real nobles last movements before his disappearances led the Lord Mayor to the Beholder Cache where he managed to flee. Unfortunately for him, the beholders were able to warn Vhalantru of the discovery and when the Lord Mayor returned to Cauldron he was quickly desposed of before he could recount his discovers to anyone...

Anyway this is just my basic thoughts at the moment.

Any help with the Beholderkin or the side trek in general is more than welcome.


In the description of the Chisels Headquarters - The Hall of Carvings - in one section it discusses an Earth Pool in which a Earth Weird once dwelled.

Now I haven't got my Hardcover with me but if I remember correctly the Weird was brought there by Sundabar but recently disappeared.

I'm toying with the idea of sending my party on a mission to find the weird and bring her back for the Chisel.

Here are my questions -

Why do you think the weird disappeared?

How long a go did she vanish

Where did she go (Earth Plane, Elemental Ruins near Sasserine, etc)

Is it unbalancing to the game to bring her back - I believe Earth Weirds predict future doom

Any advice/discussion is extremely welcome



What is your favourite adventure in the path and why?


My party is just starting Chapter 4 and I have only written up my version of Skies Treasury to Chapter 5.

I always assumed that the players would be too busy in Occupitus during Chapter 6 to warrant new items for the chapter but I thought I would include Chapter 7 at a later stage.

Cauldron only has a realtively small maximum gold piece amount so is it realistic to make an exception with Skies Treasury?

SO my question is...

What happened to Skie after Chapter 7 when Cauldron is evacuated?

Where will the players buy magical items from beyond this point - Sasserine?

Is a magical shop needed at all beyond chapter 5?


I, like many it seems, have the idea to use the Haunted Dreams trait to foreshadow future events particularly pertaining to Adimarchus.

Some excellent sample dreams have been included on the RPGenius sight but I would like to brainstorm some dreams (with anyone who cares) which helps build up the trait and the Adimarchus story.

What ideas do you have for dreams?

Here are some of my own ideas at the moment-

Dream One - personal reoccuring dream of the players childhood (Mother going mad, killing the family while the character hides under the bed, burning house rescued by wizard)

- yes I realize this is not pleasant but I reason that if the player is screaming and waking every night from nightmares the nightmare needs to be fairly horrific...especially when it is based on the characters real background.

Dream Two - same dream except the character is rescued by an angel who changes into a demon...

Dream ThreeThis is where the insane dreams of Adimarchus begins to overwealm the characters own nightmares.
- Adimarchus/The PC is an angel sitting in the Cathedral of Heaven where he is cast out because of his/the pcs actions (any ideas?)

Dream Four A demonic army battles with an army of angels while the pc/Adimarchus directs the invasion. A colossal demon (smoking skull in Occuptus) leads the charge. The angels are overwealmed but a golden angel descends from the clouds and sacrafices herself to destroy the colossal demon and tear the battlefield away from heaven and cast it into the Abyss.

What next? Are the above dreams logical or do they give away too much? What is your opinion?


What encounter do you believe is the most difficult in the whole Adventure Path?


What things are essential for characters to survive the Shackled City Adventure Path?

What mistakes have your players made during the path that came back to haunt them later in the game.

For example -

Following their return to Cauldron in Lifes Bazaar the party met with Vhalantru to discuss what occured during their rescue attempt. They took great pleasure in retelling their meeting with the 'pitiful beholder' that they allowed to live after defeating it soundly and commanding it never bother the city again. As you would imagine Vhalantru found the story extremely interesting and praised the party for their heroics.

I'm looking forward to Vhalantru 'rubbing the parties nose in it' later in the path.

Any stories would be more than appreciated.


I was recently inspired by the AoW adventure callen the Lord of Redhand (I think?) which was created to offer the players an adventure that predominately relied upon roleplay and investigation rather than the standard series of combat encounters.I thought the adventure was a breath of fresh air and saw it as an excellent model to follow to create such an adventure for the Shackled City AP.

The Demonskar Ball seemed ready made for such a side trek/adventure. I used the information given by James in the Hard Cover and added to it but am still left with plenty of deliemas.

The problems I faced was 1) to find an appropriate location between the adventures to insert such a side trek/adventure
2) create rewards that were not experience based so the adventure would not throw out the power level of the party &
3) to try and make it fun for the players when combat was not an option.

I have placed my first attempt at this on the RPGenius site but want to make improvements.

So what I am trying to achieve in this thread is to get peoples advice how to improve what I have written and to get people to add to it themselves.

I wish to use this adventure soon so any help is most welcome.

Summary of Events

Event One
The party receive their invitation to the Demonskar Ball to be held in a fortnight and investigate the event. One of the party members is given the Nabthataron Invitation.

Event Two
Costumes and Coaches are hired, dance and etiquette lessons sought.

Event Three
Arrive at the Demonskar Ball and socialise in the foyer, potentially with Lord Vhalantru, Celeste, Lady Ophellha and the Stormblades.

Event Four
The party is moved into the Grand Ballroom and formally greeted by the Aslaxins, the Lord Mayor, Embril, Asfelkir and Alek.

Event Five
The Song of Heaven Competition occurs. Annah performs against one of the characters while the rest of the party dance. Cora attempts to damage one of the parties costumes.

Event Six
Kozomagon’s Folly is held, a dance celebrating the disastrous creation of the Haunted Village and the tragedy surrounding one of Sundabar’s good friends. Winning the dance ensures a valuable prize and the title of Mayor of Liduton.

Event Seven
The guests move to the dining hall and meet the other guests seated on their table. These include Dalam - a half-orc ex-bodyguard, Vortimax – a cantankerous alchemist and mage, Geneth – a disguised dwarven guild master, Bolar – a gnomish mapmaker and the Bradly-Dipinshires – two extremely pompous nobles.

Event Eight
The party enjoy the first course, toast Sundabar and engage in conversation with the guests including Bolar about Keygan.

Event Nine
Second Course. Riddle competition. Geneth discusses thieves and scoundrels with the party to test their character and alliances. Dalam becomes increasingly annoying and boisterous with each drink.

Event Ten
Main Course. Alek amazes all the guests with his strength. Dalam challenges the strongest party member to a Test of Strength outside.

Event Eleven
Fourth Course. Todd attempts to poison the party’s food while the Stormblades distract the party with insults and intimidation.

Event Twelve
Final course. Crater Cake prepared by Lady Aslaxin. The party are placed in a quandary when they are told the cake caused illness to all who sampled it last year. Lady Aslaxin comes to the table to see how her new recipe was received before judging a spontaneous Boasting Competition on the table between Dalam, Vortimax and the party.

Event Thirteen
The Clash of the Armies. The party is paired up with a Stormblade who attempts to trip, unbalance and embarrass them during the dance.

Event Fourteen
The Demonskar Dance. The character that received the Nabthatoran invitation dances with Lord Aslaxin through a series of complicated steps and the winner of the Song of Heaven hands over Alakast to Lord Aslaxin to complete the dance.

Event Fifteen
The party are awarded medals of honour and other rewards depending on how well they succeeded during the night during the final ceremony.

The Shackled City AP was written by a myriad of authors with each adventure linking not always a huge concern. This is evident in the amout of NPCs and organisations that go missing during the path. While James Jaccobs did his best to try to foreshadow certain important allies and foes in the Hard Cover not all loose ends were avoided.

So.... This thread is all about the loose ends you found in the path and what, if anything, did you do to clean them up?

From the first chapter I found Keygan Gelve's whole involvement in the kidnappings a bit of a loose end. In the HC James mentions he may be arrested. My party were not particularly taken with the deceitful gnome and found his familiar ransome excuse pitiful. As a result I had Keygan arrested and tried for his actions. My party is at a currently at a quandary whether to help the gnome or leave him to the mercy of the court.

Anyone else know of any loose ends?


In my campaign I am planning to provide the party plenty of motivation and eventually an oppotunity to attack the Last Laugh Headquarters during Chapter 8.

Has anyone drawn up the plans for the headquarters and/or thought much about its layout, contents, traps, gaurdians and other Jesters?

How many Last Laugh members are there?

What do you think will happen to the Last Laugh and their Headquarters during Chapter 9 (Foundation of Flame)?


What is the name of the more 'evil' nobles?

What is the symbol of the Bluecrater Acedemy?


I have posted this up once before on this forum but have recently made some additions to the work. Most importantly I have (if you care to san to the end of the document ;)) a timeline of each chapter and how this organisation can be used and fits in during the Adventure Path. Currently I have only done up to Chapter 7 but I plan on finishing the remaining chapters soon.

Be warned the document is a lengthy one so if you haven't the time to read through the whole thing or have read it before, scroll to the final section on the Timeline to see my most recent ideas.



Explorers & Acquirers Division of Sasserine Museum

The Explorers & Acquirers Division of Sassarine Museum of Cauldron is a currently a small group of 14 members that currently comprise of one sage/historian, one art expert, one wizard, 9 warriors, six rogues. The wizard and three of the rogues are all recent recruits to the Division while the others have travelled to Cauldron at the request of the Museum Doyen – Lorian Dorcemetry, to scowl the frontier lands for ancient remnants of the ages before man.

The Division is still in its infancy but has already made some progress in its task securing a handful of artefacts from the Spellweaver Empire. Currently the Division operates from a large four-story house near the Tipped Tankard Tavern. The Division is divided into two teams – Research & Acquisition.

The Research Team

The Research team are the ‘brains trust’ of the Division and are the only members that have a permanent residence in the Head Quarters. There are three research members – Geneth Taliwar (Division Leader), Ralter Swir (Art Expert) & Falliwing (Magician).

Geneth Taliwar – Division Leader

The Division Leader and sage/historian of the group - Geneth Taliwir, is an elderly dwarf with a silver monocle, an eye patch overing his left eye and a short, well-groomed white beard. Geneth walks with the assistance of a wooden cane covered with smooth metal protrusions and has a noticeable limp. Geneth always wears worn leather pants and boots that look as old as their wearer, dons a silken red tunic and has bejewelled rings on each finger.

Geneth Taliwar was originally an infamous explorer, adventure and rogue who specialised in ‘acquiring’ exquisite and expensive artwork, relics, artefacts and jewellery from homes and ruins alike. When the overly ambitious rogue led a team into the ruins of Mauve Castle, where his team were all killed and he was left for dead, he was rescued by an ‘Acquisition Team’ from the Sasserine Museum.

Crippled from the expedition, Geneth spent his recovery learning more about his rescuers and researching about the treasures of the past. Division Leadership of an Acquisition Team was not a far cry from his old life. Geneth surprised himself by the pride he felt when the Museum Doyen asked him to travel to the Frontier Lands and base himself in Cauldron to head up a team to explore, map, discover and acquire artefacts from the unexplored wilderness of hidden ruins and mysterious monuments.

Ralter Swir – The Art Expert

Ralter Swir worked at the Sasserine Museum as an art expert specialising in sculptures, architecture and carvings. Raltar has always been particularly fascinated with works from ‘Sunken Civilizations’ and aspires to collect a substantial and priceless collection of artwork from these ancient underwater empires.

Raltar is a rock gnome with a long brown moustache, a baldhead and thick spectacles that sit precariously on the end of his large nose. Bumbling and jittery, Raltar is quiet and unsure during normal conversation but becomes increasingly passionate and confident whenever he discusses or is presented with a valuable work. Geneth has learnt to value the unassuming art expert’s opinion on visual history and other historical obscurities.

Raltar unexpectedly volunteered to join Geneth and his small team to face the dangerous and unexplored lands of Begedis only days before the expedition began. Many of his learned colleges tried to persuade the normally quite and reclusive art expert into reconsidering his ‘rash’ actions but all for nought. Raltar saw a chance to experience the adventure of discovery and the opportunity to be the first to unlock a piece of history.


Falliwing is a recent recruit to the Division and has become an important asset to Geneth and the team. Falliwing is a gaunt sickly man with a long, pointed brown beard, a flat cushioned hat and thick layers of fur that assists to disguise his frailty and keep him warm. Falliwing leans upon a crystal topped staff that contains golden vein that swirls about within it. While the disease that is slowly eating Falliwing away is not contagious to others, most people give the obviously sickly mage a wide birth.

Gurp, Falliwings toad familiar, sits inside the magician’s robes making strange noises from time to time. Falliwing has become completely oblivious to Gurps noises but these can be quite disconcerting to the unaware.

Falliwing grew up in Sterich in his youth and became an apprentice at a young age. As soon as he was made a full wizard Falliwing joined an adventuring group and jumped aboard an exhibition bound for the newly settled Frontier Lands. Falliwing and his group spent months trekking through the wild lands combating its monsters and searching through its ruins before he and the rest of his party were contaminated by a mysteriously disease.

Falliwing is now the last of his group. The rest have either succumb to the disease or one to many risky exploits. Falliwing saw in the ‘Acquisition Division’ an opportunity to find an answer to the disease that is slowly making him waste away to nothing. Within the one of the ruins of an ancient Serpent People Falliwing contracted the strange illness and it is within similar ruins the ever-hopeful mage hopes to find its cure.

Falliwing struggles to breath some days and is wracked by fits of coughing. Falliwing always feels continually cold and ensures he is smothered in furs and his large fireplace rages with stifling heat.

Falliwing acts as the Acquisition Teams magical liaison and assists with research and supplies of potions and scrolls whenever he is able. Falliwing also possesses numerous magical items he uses to assist the group in any way he can. In exchange for his aid Geneth has allowed Falliwing to stay in the Divisional Headquarters where he now dwells on the top floor attic. Geneth ensures Falliwing has everything he needs including components, an alchemy lab and plenty of fuel for his fire and warm meals to dull the aching cold.

Members of the Division frequently buy scrolls, potions and even minor magical items from Falliwing for half the normal cost. Falliwing is always looking for clues to his cure and in the shorter-term methods of relieving his pain, cough and cold.

Exploration & Acquisition Team

The ‘Acquirers’ are the ground troops of the Division, devoted to gaining artefacts, relics and art works from the region and particularly the lost civilisation ruins they continuously strive to uncover. Currently there are six members of this team but occasionally others are hired for specialised jobs. The Division is always on the lookout for loyal recruits that fit the mould.

Pouches - (Acquisition Leader)

Sebastian Destumtree or ‘Pouches’ to his friends, is a Fiddlekin with an insatiable appetite for adventure, risk and reward. Pouches was a cutpurse that Geneth rescued from execution when he chose to steal the wrong person. Pouches had his left hand removed from the incident and then was then left unconscious bleeding to death in the street by his would-be target. Geneth dragged the tiny halfling from the streets and into the Sasserine Museum and nursed him back to health.

Pouches was a reluctant recruit initially but the good treatment, skills, focus and rewards Geneth gave the capable young halfling quickly earned both his respect and loyalty.

Pouches is now no common thief. Infact Pouches only uses his skills to legitimately ‘acquire’ treasures for the Museum, never purely for profit. This is not to say Pouches isn’t fond of coin - he is, it’s just that he receives more than enough rewards for his retrieval of such goods from his benefactor.

Pouches acts as Geneth’s general, leading his ‘Acquirers’ and weeding out disloyalty and acts of petty thievery from the ranks. Those who wish to join the Acquirers ranks need to prove their worth, character and loyalty before they are accepted and Pouches is always the first port of call.

Membership into the Exploration & Acquisition Division of Sassarine Museum

Membership into the Division gains many benefits including –

1 Acquirer Ring
Silver with an in signature of the Acquirers imprinted upon it (Compass & Tower)
+ 3 to Search & Disable Traps
+2 to AC(creates a haze around wearer that makes it more difficult to target the owner).
Ability to Intuit Direction

2 Cheap Equipment
From 10 to 50% off all Thieves Equipment, Low Level Arcane Scrolls, Potions & Magical Items

3 Safe house
The headquarters of the Acquirers have two rooms they leave for members in need of a place to stay or hide.

4 Research
The second level of the Headquarters is allocated to the Divisional Library and Art Collection and contains a comprehensive selection of historical tomes, texts, scrolls and tablets. Research checks on ancient civilisations in this library give the researcher a + 5 to +10 modifier.

5 Rumours/Information
With a group of street smart ‘Acquirers’ at your disposal Geneth has each member in a Tome Known as The Rumour Mill. The Rumour Mill is a collection of rumours members have heard in their travels which they write in the tome when they report in. The rumours always include a date and validity rating.

Gather Information Checks about Cauldron or its Environs are made at +5 with the use of the Rumour Mill.

6 Connections
The Acquirers have a growing list of contacts that include the ‘Off the Map’ store, Tipped Tankard Tavern, Church of St. Cuthbert, Skye’s Treasury, Frontier Merchant Coster & many others. Showing the Acquirers Ring gives members benefits ranging from cheaper prices to special favours. Members are likewise expected to return favours when these establishments need help.

7 Allies
The Acquirers are a small organization with a strong sense of loyalty to each other. If the need is dire the whole Division will take up arms to defend one of it’s own. Recently The Last Laugh thieves guild has began to try and poach the Divisions members and Geneth suspects his two newer recruits have ties to the guild. Geneth has tossed up the idea of making tentative alliances with the guild but dismissed the notion. Geneth wants to keep his organization legitimate and his Acquirers focused on ‘legitimate’ finds and exploration not petty theft, smuggling and burglary.

Important Notes/Adaptations

I have used Pouches instead of Jil in Drakthars Way. In my opinion Jil is a villain and having her assist the party seems a bit disjointed.

I have swapped the owner of the Trinkets shop (Demonskar Legacy) with Pouches and his constant companion Patch (the blink dog not the Orphanage worker). I have also changed the mysterious informant (Flood Season) to a halfling rogue named Snival who works for the Last Laugh and, by chance, is Pockets nephew. Pockets is embarrassed of his nephew due to all the underhanded dealings and scams he has inflicted on others, including his family, in the past. Pouches keeps this affiliation secret but still watches out for his trouble-finding nephew.

I have changed the location of the ‘Gems Game’ to the Acquirers guild rather than the Cusp of Sunrise. It is played twice a week with the mid week game having three tables (silver, gold and platinum) while at weeks end a ‘True Gems Game’ is played. This game is played by the best ‘Acquirer gamblers’ (Pouches, Geneth, Falliwing) and their closest allies (Skie, Maavu etc) along with invited guests will engaging in friendly banter and partaking in a refreshing beverage and light meal. This ‘True Gems’ game uses real gems to bet with, usually less valuable varieties but occasionally with emeralds, rubies and even diamonds.

Adventure Path Timeline & Organisation Uses/Links

Chapter One (Life’s Bazaar)
At the beginning of the Path the Acquirers are still settling in to Cauldron. They have already gains some allies and recruited a small number of rogues to assist in their operations. Some of these were once members of the Last Laugh or Alleybashers so screening them for loyalty, aptitude and skill is a crucial component of team assembly so far. Pouches has been given this vital role.

Vhalantru is suspicious of the organisation and has enlisted the Last Laugh to infiltrate the guild to keep a better eye on their motivations, members and successes. Too this aim the Last Laugh has been able to plant a ‘sleeping’ spy/assassin into the headquarters themselves in the way of the cook who they intend to awaken if the need ever arises.

Last Laugh has also requested that a few of their rogues ‘join’ the team, all of which have somehow been found out and subsequently rejected by Pouches to date (Pouches nephew, Snivals, has assisted Pouches in this)

The party may learn and contact the organisation through various means but most likely through Pouches.
- Pouches may rescue the party from an attack by a group of Alleybashers or Last Laugh one evening.
- Pouches may act as a convenient method to purchasing or selling unusual goods, items or relics in the Tipped Takard.
- Pouches may approach the party and tell them they are being shadowed by two cloaked Half Elves.
- Pouches may even just buy them a drink one night and introduce himself and his blink dog – Patches.

Chapter Two (Drakthar’s Way)
If he hasn’t already Pouches will meet the party when they are looking for the source of the goblins raids on the city. The Last Laugh keeps a vigilant eye over the guild but remain unalarmed. Most of the Acquirers work is currently directed outside Cauldron, in small ruins and dungeons so they are not impacting greatly on the ‘true’ guilds at this point.

Pouches may introduce the party to his eccentric drinking buddy Raltar at this stage and have the stuttering intellect share his obsession with Sunken Civilisation and Kingdoms and his research into the Kopru Empire that once ruled the region. This will pave the way for next chapter’s incursion into the Kopru Ruins. When Raltar goes to get a drink Pouches will inform the party that if they can acquire a relic from such a ancient civilisation and procure it for Raltar such an act would be highly rewarded financially and professionally by him.

Chapter Three (Flood Season)
The party will met with Snival for the first time this Chapter when he offers them information at the Cauldron Lakeside Pavilion about Triel. Like his uncle Snival has a broad ‘Irish’ accent and makes sure he leaves the party with -‘Make sure ye say a cheereo to me Uncle Poches now ye here!’ before disappearing.

If the party can locate a statuette, a relic. a map or even make an etching of something within the Kopru ruins and bring it back to Pouches and Ralter in the Tipped Tankard, they are rewarded. Raltar and Pouches suggest coming back to the Headquarter to receive the reward and while relaxing in the Parlour Raltar rewards the party with 500 gp in pearls and Pouches asks the rogue of the party if they would wish to join the organisation.

The party may also be invited to a game of ‘True Gems’ where they can met the organizations leader for the first time – Geneth, and the Acquirers Mage – Falliwing. Meeting Maavu during this game is also a great way to foreshadow the future tax riot. Maavu spends a great deal of time grumbling about Cauldrons unfair taxes during the game while Skye admits that her prices may soon have to increase also because of the taxes.

At the end of the night Maavu waits until Skye leaves and then quietly invites the party to come visit his warehouses and see some the magical goods he has recently purchased before he sells them to Skye. This gives the party a reason to be in the area when the Fiendish Umberhulk attacks at the start of the chapter four.

Chapter Four (Zenith’s Trajectory)
At the beginning of this chapter, assuming the party has met with Maavu and taken up his offer, the Umber Hulk attacks just before the party reaches Maavu’s Warehouse. Maavu emerges in the aftermath and tells the party, in no uncertain terms, that this attack was no accident, the whole government is corrupt and he was going to go speak to some friends who will fix everything.

The party are eventually sent on a mission into the Underdark and the Koa-Toa Hold after meeting with Celeste. If they think to discuss this with Raltar he can impart a great deal of information about the race to the party. In addition he believes the Hold may contain a great array of beautiful Koa-Toa frescos, ceramics and even tapestries. If the party can return with a Koa-Toa tapestry, fresco paints and a crafted pot Raltar will ask Skye to reward them with her discount from that point on or, if they already have the discount, give them 50% off any of her items for the day.

Chapter Five (Demonskar Legacy)
The Last Laugh report to Vhalantru about the increased collusion and strengthening alliance between the Acquirers and other prominent Cauldron citizens including Maavu. Fearing possible future opposition from the Acquirers, Vhalantru instructs the Last Laugh to awaken the ‘sleeper’ to dispose of the Organisation Research Team and Leadership group.

As the party enter the Demonskar and Vaprak’s Voice, during the night, Mandy (the cook) arms herself and creeps up the stairs into the upper levels and the bedrooms. Mandy first disposes of Raltar as he sleeps before moving down towards Geneth’s room. Before reaching the door though, Hallow burst out of his room and attacked Mandy and yelled for help. Before she could escape, Hallow and Geneth trapped Mandy between them and quickly disposed of her.

They take Raltar’s mutilated body and Mandy’s corpse down to the Church of St Cuthbert where Jenya is able to use Speak with Dead to learn that Mandy was affiliated with The Last Laugh. Jenya is unable to Raise Raltar in his current state so Geneth takes him to the Church of Wee Jas that same night, where he hopes Embril can resurrect him.

Chapter Six (Test of the Smoking Eye)
Geneth prepares for an attack by the Last Laugh and strengthens up fortifications and operations at Headquarters and in the city. Last Laugh operatives attempt to ambush known Acquirers and dispose of 4 warriors and 3 rogues. Pockets is also waylaid but is able to escape his attackers with the help of Patches.

Geneth attempts to call back all surviving members to Headquarters and prepares for any attack. Fortunately for the Acquirers Vhalantru’s attention is turned to other matters and opposing organizations at the time so delays his next attack for the time being.

Chapter Seven (Secrets of the Soul Pillars)
The party return to find Cauldron a very different place and the Acquirers Headquarters in siege mode.

Geneth asks the party to escort Pouches to the Lakeside Pavillon that night where he hopes to meet with Snival and find out more about the Last Laugh and their plans. When they arrive Snival is waiting. The Wee Jas assassins attack here led by Jil. Pouches faces off against Jil while the assassins attack the party. Pouches is ultimately betrayed and backstabbed by Snival and Jil knocks Patches unconscious before attempting to flee with Pouches body (teleporting away with a scroll) to the Church of Wee Jas.

Jil instructs Ike to plane shift Pouches body away with Raltars body to avoid any resurrection. Ike attempts to contact Embril with a Sending without success while fortifying the church and delays plane shifting the bodies until the threat of attack has passed.

After the assassination attempt and subsequent discovery that the Church of Wee Jas instigated it, the party realize that Raltar’s and Pouches bodies are in the hands of their enemies. The bodies are left with the body of the Stormblade member.

Returning with relics from the Spell Weavers Enclave may be a small silver lining for the Acquirers on an otherwise disastrous few weeks.

The rest of the timeline and the Headquarters description will be included ASAP. I have also posted this on the new SCAP website organised by Koramodo so if you would rather download it completely feel free .


Just a few questions and concerns with the adventure.

1 Has anyone played through this adventure yet?

2 Is their any magical items of worth in this adventure? After a brief skim, as far as I can see their is only potions and an amulet of natural armour.

3 I am interested to hear what players reactions were to the Half-Orc Mercenaries.Does this stop Vhalantru from filtering in the half-orcs into the city and gaurd?

4 I am not sold on having Jil and the Last Laugh set up almost as 'allies/informants' to the party. By this stage Jil has already threatened the party and the players have actively battled Last laugh members in the first scene of the AP. I have always seen them as villians. Wouldn't the alleybashers, Striders or even a detective/city agent be better.

The rationale to having the Last Laugh help the investigation and party is that Captain Tersong threatened them that he would crack down on crime in the city unless they assisted but again this doesn't wash with me. The Last Laugh are a very powerful organisation and Vhalantru has corrupted the gaurd. Surely the LL would know this is a hollow threat.

In addition if Tersong is the unwavering lawman I believe him to be he would have been attempting to crack down on all crime regardless. Whether the LL assist him or not he would be determined to bring down all criminal elements in the city. And how does he contact them in the first place?

5 Does Drakthar rip the heart out of the group. I mean to say he appears both a fearsome and cunning villian with more than enough abilities, allies, tactics and powers to face of against mid level characters let alone low level ones. He is written up as being 'underpowered' but he appears pretty powerful to me.

6 Lastly does it gel with Life's bazaar and Flood Season? Does it act as a good stepping stone or does it just seem like a side trek? Does it reveal any new facets to the adventure or it is just a stand alone adventure. The Half -Orc entre point is the crux of the adventure but what impact, if any, can the party have on this operation whether they win the day or not? Is the adventure just a means to discover a slither of information that fits together later? What is your opinion.



Just a few questions and concerns with the adventure.

1Has anyone played through this adventure yet?

2Is their any magical items of worth in this adventure? After a brief skim, as far as I can see their is only potions and an amulet of natural armour.

I am interested to hear what players reactions were to the Half-Orc Mercenaries.Does this stop Vhalantru from filtering in the half-orcs into the city and gaurd?

[/b]3[/b]I am not sold on having Jil and the Last Laugh set up almost as 'allies/informants' to the party. By this stage Jil has already threatened the party and the players have actively battled Last laugh members in the first scene of the AP. I have always seen them as villians. Wouldn't the alleybashers, Striders or even a detective/city agent be better.

The rationale to having the Last Laugh help the investigation and party is that Captain Terrem threatened them that he would crack down on crime in the city unless they assisted but again this doesn't wash with me. The Last Laugh are a very powerful organisation and Vhalantru has corrupted the gaurd. Surely the LL would know this is a hollow threat.

In addition if Terrem is the unwavering lawman I believe him to be he would have been attempting to crack down on all crime regardless. Whether the LL assist him or not he would be determined to bring down all criminal elements in the city. And how does he contact them in the first place?

4Does Drakthar rip the heart out of the group. I mean to say he appears both a fearsome and cunning villian with more than enough abilities, allies, tactics and powers to face of against mid level characters let alone low level ones. He is written up as being 'underpowered' but he appears pretty powerful to me.

5 Lastly does it gel with Life's bazaar and Flood Season? Does it act as a good stepping stone or does it just seem like a side trek? Does it reveal any new facets to the adventure or it is just a stand alone adventure. The Half -Orc entre point is the crux of the adventure but what impact, if any, can the party have on this operation whether they win the day or not? Is the adventure just a means to discover a slither of information that fits together later? What is your opinion.



Besides sheer quality, fluency, ease of use and amendments ....

what differences have people found between the old 'dungeon' adventures and the HC adventures?

I noticed that in the write up for Life's Bazaar there is now mention of the ramafications to Ghelves after his self serving actions and 'alliance' with the Skulks. I like this as I could never really stomach Ghelves actions - Rat vs peoples lives including little children. It always seemed far to self serving to me.

Has anyone found any other additions?


Where can I access the free downloads from the Shackled City and Age of Worms AP?


Here is the list of what Sky is selling and can I just add that that wand of cure lights wounds is the buy of the century!

+1 banded mail 1,400 gp 1,260 gp
+1 chainmail 1,300 gp 1,170 gp
+1 dagger (Small) 2,302 gp 2,072 gp
+1 kukri 2,308 gp 2,077 gp
+1 heavy steel shield 1,170 gp 1,053 gp
+1 leather armor (2 1,160 gp each 1,044 gp each
available; one Small)
+1 light mace (Small) 2,305 gp 2,075 gp
+1 longsword (2 avail- 2,315 gp each 2,084 gp each
able; one Small)
+1 scimitar 2,315 gp 2,084 gp
+1 spiked chain 2,325 gp 2,093 gp
Arcane scroll of flame arrow 375 gp 338 gp
Arcane scroll of ice storm 700 gp 630 gp
Arcane scroll of levitate 150 gp 135 gp
Arcane scroll of mirror image 150 gp 135 gp
Bag of holding (Type 1) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp
Cloak of resistance +1 1,000 gp each 900 gp each
(2 available)
Divine scroll of dispel magic 375 gp 338 gp
Divine scroll of lesser 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of raise dead 6,125 gp 5,513 gp
Divine scroll of silence 150 gp 135 gp
Divine scroll of speak 375 gp 338 gp
with dead
Golembane scarab (flesh) 2,500 gp 2,250 gp
Hat of disguise 1,800 gp 1,620 gp
Heward’s handy haversack 2,000 gp 1,800 gp
Potion of cure light 50 gp each 45 gp each
wounds (8 available)
Potion of cure moderate 300 gp each 270 gp each
wounds (3 available)
Potion of haste 750 gp 675 gp
Potion of owl’s wisdom 300 gp 270 gp
Ring of feather falling 2,200 gp 1,980 gp
Ring of protection +1 2,000 gp 1,800 gp
Rope of climbing 3,000 gp 2,700 gp
Sleep arrows (2 available) 132 gp each 119 gp
Wand of cure light 375 gp 338 gp
wounds (25 charges)
Wand of cure moderate 1,980 gp 1782 gp
wounds (22 charges)
Wand of Melf’s acid arrow 900 gp 810 gp
(10 charges)


I took up a dungeon subscription a couple of months a go and as of yet I have still not recieved any magazines in the mail! I live in Australia so I understand that I have to wait for a bit longer than the usual subscriber but I am beginning to get a bit worried.

Could you please check it out for me.


Delvesdeep (Michael Farrell)

I am a huge fan of the Shackled City Adventure Path. The underlying plot is excellent and the initial Villans are sinister, intelligent and manipulative.

Vhalantru is a fantastic villian but...why do the characters hate him?

After all they only find out he is the bad guy just before they kill him.

I intend to remedy this in my capain by having Jil kidnap a party member by luring him to the Lakeside Pavillion once again to secretly meet with Artus. Once kidnapped the party member will be questioned by Vhalantru in a Last Laugh safehouse before being turned to stone and 'hopefully' have his statue rescued from the safehouse before it is taken by Jil in the morning to Vhalantru's manor.

I also struggle with the AP climax build up once Vhalantru is killed. The adventures proceeding the Foundation of Flame just seem..well..such an anti climax to the players.

The Cagewrights are unknown by the players, have had no interaction with them and become just a series of encounters to the party when they discover their two headquarters. Unlike Vhalantru who they have at least met in Life's Bazaar they have no emotion motivation to attack this group except the being told they are the braintrust of the villians.

Do people have any ideas how to make these final adventures more 'climatic' to the players? Foreshadowing ideas? Connections?

Anyway thanks for reading


At which stage did your party/players meet Lord Vhalantru?

How did the meeting progress?

How did you play him?

How many other times did they or will they meet him?


I recently made an order of 3 old dungeon magazines, the fiend folio and the Shackled City HC. Will the order be sent in two lots or will you wait until the Hard Cover is ready and send it all one one hit?

Thanks for all your hard work. I was plesantly surprized how quickly my last order arrived so keep up the great work.


I guess this wasn't such a good idea after all :(. Has anyone read it? I don't care if you think it is a terrible organisation just a little feedback would be nice.

Anyhow in the vain hope someone actually read the organisation and wanted to hear more (I think I'm dreaming here!) I'll post up the rest.

Exploration & Acquisition Division for the Greyhawk Museum of Cauldron Headquarters

The Headquarters of the Division was purchased and renovated just under a year a go. Since this time the Division has gone a long way to creating a workable base for their operation.

Street Front
The headquarters are built on a slab of malachite 5 feet above the level of the street and most importantly, the lake. A small flight of stairs leads up to a reinforced oaken door and a sign that swings above it displaying a compass, tower and crescent moon (combined symbols of the Acquirers and Museum). The door itself has a small slit that allows the guard to peer out onto the street before allowing entry.

Gazing up from the street at the four story building reveals a tall, narrow building with a shingle peaked roof, shuttered windows beginning from the second story and an attic window near its zenith.

Ground Floor

Walking through the front door reveals a small entrée chamber with doors to the left and right and ascending stairs straight ahead. A cloak rack hangs to the right of the door and a long, low locked box sits beneath it.

The House butler greets members, takes their cloaks, hats, staves, bulky weapons and shields and places them in the security box by the door. Geneth brought with him an elvish butler to act as both servant and guard to the Headquarters. Hallow is a skilled swordsman but has the etiquette and organisational skills to make an excellent butler. Hallow possesses a caring and king manner and is tolerant yet stern. Hallow is almost as old as his long time employer Geneth and they share a mutual respect and understanding built over decades of trust.

The door to the left leads into a comfortable parlour with cushioned coaches and chairs, a decanter and crystal cabinet and a large fireplace. The members use this small room to relax, talk, read and meet. Glasses of spirits and wine are swilled here along with mugs of frothy ale, hot coffee or tea. Small meals are also served up in this room to valued members such as a bowl of spiced mushrooms and potatoes, cheese and warm bread, fruit platters or a hot soup.

Sitting on an old coffee table between the weathered cushioned coaches is a huge leather tome bearing the symbol of the Acquirers – the tower, crescent moon and compass. The tomb has a small lock (DC 25) that can only be opened by a small silver key given to each member upon joining. This is large leather bound book is 3 feet by 2 feet in dimensions and is affectionately known as ‘The Rumour Mill’ to Acquirers.

Within the tome a reader can find hundreds of rumours, pieces of gossip, stories and information from Cauldron, its environs and further abroad. Each piece of information has a rating as to its credibility. Members are expected to regularly ‘check in’ to the Divisional Headquarters to speak to Geneth and make an entree into “The Rumour Mill’.

Acquirers using ‘The Rumour Mill’ to Gather Information gain a +5 bonus to their skill check

Dining/Meeting Room
The door to the right reveals a larger room with a long wooden table that seats twelve. A large, high backed, cushioned chair sits at the top of the table to the right of the door with a great tapestry covering the wall spun to depict a map of the Inis Kingdoms and surrounding islands. The remaining chairs that encircle the table are small but comfortable.

This is the dining room and meeting room of the Headquarters. It is rarely used except for gathering and official meetings. The Division holds a meeting once every three months to discuss general business, missions, acquisitions and other prominent issues. Accolades, rewards and promotions are also given during these meetings.

Geneth, Ralter and Falliwing usually have their meals brought up to them in their rooms or have them together in the Parlour or Library.

Off the Dining Room sits the small kitchen and storeroom. The House Cook has been recently employed but has proven more than adequate given her minimal wage. Geneth found the middle aged lady attempting to sell food at a stall in the town market and was able to produce some excellent meals with little ingredients. Geneth asked the needy lady who called herself Mandy, to cook for his household for a week on a trail basis. Mandy has been there 2 months now.

What Geneth is unaware of is that Mandy is not the poor middle-aged cook she appears. In fact Mandy was using her cooking skills as a front to case perspective targets for the local thieves guild. The Last Laugh guild is extremely pleased with the turn of events and use Mandy as a spy and possible assassin if the need arises.

The Storeroom is jammed with died foods, barrels, jars, bottles, boxes and other containers all brimming with food and drinks. The Research team have particular tastes in alcohol and meals which are well stocked.

Second Floor

The stairs ascend to a large landing before continuing up, with two doors leading from it, one to the right the other straight ahead. Both doors are iron and have excellent locks that only the research team and Pouches have a key for.


The door straight ahead swings open to reveal a small library. The Divisionary Library takes up a good 2/3 of the whole second floor and in divided into sections. The library is predominantly filled with historical tomes, scrolls, books, diaries, maps and documents dedicated to ancient civilisations in which the Frontier Land is most famous for. Tucked in amongst the overflowing shelves are small candle lit desks where members can research and study undisturbed.

Hidden behind a bookshelf, which is opened when a notch in the right side of the case in depressed, is a secret door revealing a descending flight of narrow stairs. These stairs lead down to the secret cellar.

Research Skill Bonus +5 to +10 to specific study on ancient civilisations found in the local area.

Relic Room

The door to the right of the landing swings open to reveal a room packed with crates and boxes.
Three security measures are always in operation here to protect the treasures
- The first is an Alarm Spell that is linked to every member of the research team alerting them if the door to the room is opened.
- The second is teleport trap that teleports all those who open the door and do not immediately speak the words – ‘Behold the wonders of the past for the future to marvel at for all time’. The spell teleports would be thieves directly into the Headquarters cellar and into the small prison cell the Division has installed there.
- The third measure is a permanent ‘Hallucinary Terrain’ spell that makes the room appear featureless except for old empty boxes and crates.

Within the room the Division locks away their acquired artefacts and relics before they are transported to Greyhawk and the Greyhawk Museum.

Third Floor

The narrow staircase continues to ascend past a landing that leads onto a long corridor. Paintings and portraits decorate the walls. Six doors lead off the corridor, four positioned close together while the last two are separated from the others.

Guest Rooms

Four small, simple rooms were built to house Acquirers and guests but one has been converted into the permanent residences of Hallow the butler. Mandy, the house cook, has her own home where she returns to after supper every evening before arriving back to prepare breakfast for the household every morning.

The three remaining guest quarters have room enough for a single bed with a reasonably comfortable straw mattress with clean bedding, a small fireplace, cupboard and desk. Shuttered windows look out over the city but do little to protect the sleeper from the cities chilly night winds.

Hallow’s Room

The second door on the left leads into Hallows room. Hallow leaves in locked at all times and enjoys his privacy when ‘off duty’. The room has a four-poster, comfortable bed with a tapestry depicting a trickling stream within a lush ferny forest adorning the wall behind it. Hanging over the left bed head post is Hallows sword – a beautiful magical, gold basket hilted rapier gifted to him by Geneth decades ago.
A cupboard contains Hallows colourful and stylish clothing and footwear while a locked wooden chest contains his valuables.

Ralter’s Room

The last door on the left leads to Ralters room. Ralter the unashamed academic, spends a large proportion of his time locked away within this room or the Relic Room analysing art works, reading through text or dabbling in sculpture himself.

Relic’s room is approximately twice the size of the standard guest rooms and is organised chaos. Artworks, books and piles of paper litter every available portion of floor space and the bed is often difficult to find hidden beneath works.

A number of large glass fish bowls sit around the room containing weird, wonderful, beautiful and alien small aquatic creatures. Some are warmed by small magical rocks and all are well cared for and spotless in direct contrast to the state of the rest of the room.

Geneth’s Room

Geneth, the Divisionary Leader of the Explorers and Acquisition Team, is meticulous and particular with his possessions and operation. Geneth organises and cleans his room consistently to ensure he is always ready and prepared for any event.

Stepping across the threshold reveals a large room adorned with paintings, candelabras, a large fireplace with a sword and hammer crossed above the mantle and a large opulent, canopied double bed. Geneth ensured he could get the most luxurious bed available when he arrived into the city explaining that after decades of sleeping on the ground in armour, it was time to give his body the comfort it had missed all those years.

A copper bathtub sits near the window with potted plants nearby. An affixed washbasin stands to the left of the tub in the room’s corner and a large cupboard remains locked between the basin and the bed.

A small, round table rests to the right of the bed with four wooden chairs and a silver candelabra sitting in its centre. A large desk sits tucked into a corner of the room to the doors immediate right, with books and writing utensils positioned neatly.

A weapon rack hangs upon the right hand wall within reach of the table, looking out of place in the otherwise luxurious room. Beautiful axes, hammers, swords, spears and pole arms adorn it, all well oiled and looked after and many bearing obvious signs of use.

Various remnants and keep sakes from Geneth’s previous ‘life’ rest here and there about the room, positioned upon small pedestals, resting upon the fireplace mantle or hanging from the wall. Many are there for reasons other than mere decoration.

Falliwing’s Attic

The stairs reach their zenith at the foot of a narrow door. The old wooden door has an iron ring knocker in its centre and a crystal imbedded above this.. Knocking on the door invokes one of three responses –

1) The Door swings open and Falliwing greets the guest warmly

2) A voice echo all around the door asking about the persons business and intentions

3) The crystal glows and a spell emerges from its depths and targets the unwanted intruder. (Falliwing can see, hear and cast through this crystal by gazing into the crystal on the end of his cane.)

Stepping through the door reveals a small, cramped room with sloping walls mimicking the incline of the roof with a large roaring fireplace to the right and a small attic window on the far wall. The room is stifling hot even on the coldest of days and the fire is continually burning.

A small bed is piled with blankets and furs against the left wall and a large table sits to the left of the door blanketed in vials, bottles and alchemy equipment. Jammed between the table and the bed is a desk with hundreds of tiny vials of ink and a large variety of pens and writing quills. Shelves of scrolls and books hang above the desk affixed to the wall.

On the opposite side of the bed to the desk is a small bedside table with a bowl of water, a candle and a book. Squashed up next to this and the corner is a large cupboard packed with thick, heavy robes and clothing with an extensive collection of furs. Thick boots sit beneath the hanging clothes and woollen hats and beanies sit above them on the self. Positioned to the right of the window in the corner is a short bookcase filled with texts and books. Hanging above the fireplace is a faded stone tablet.

The Secret Cellar

The secret Library stairs spiral down 20 feet to a damp, cold room. In the northeast corner stands to jail cells with reinforced wooden doors and small barred windows. A sparing dummy sits in the centre of the room and a weapon rack rest along the west wall. A Archery Target is pushed up against the west wall.

Hidden behind the weapon rack is a loose block which in turn hides a small pulley ring. Lifting the ring up causes the secret door behind the weapon rack to click open revealing a short corridor. This corridor is a death trap to the unwary and ill prepared. Pit traps, posioness darts and scythes and falling blocks are just some of the dangerous waiting alone this unassuming stretch and this is even before mentioning the magical traps.

The corridor ends in a iron door with an amazing lock that opens into the Divisional Treasury. Great iron chests hold thousands of gold and silver coins, gems and jewellery sit in cases, and magical items sit on display. A good proportion of this was transported over to help fund the operation but an increasing amount of the wealth is now being generated by the sale of ‘Acquisitions’ to the museum and treasures found on expeditions.

Geneth holds the only key to the Treasure Room.

Thanks once again. I hope someone actually reads it......please.


My group has recently begun the Shackled City Adventure Path and are just preparing to enter the Malachite Fortress.

I only award 50% of the XP given in any encounter to slow the level advancement (we found this a problem in the past - long story) so if I ran the AP as written the party would find themselves quickly under powered.

SO.... I basically need an extra adventure for every level.

[color=blue]What I would love so help with is ideas for adventures that I could use in and around Cauldron without upsetting the AP plot/storyline.[/color]



What would a Beholder eye fetch and what could it be used for? What about a stirges beak, a stag betteles horn, a Gricks tentacles, a trolls claw or a vampire's tooth?

There must be thousands of valuable monsters body parts that could be retrieved by adventures and sold to a interested buyer for a nice profit. But what parts and what monsters? And what use could these parts have?

My request is to have an article to do with Monster Parts - there sale price and uses.

Sample Buyers would also be great - store, patron, marketplace etc



Probably a silly question but how practical and difficult would it be to run both adventure paths similtaneously if the players needed double the XP to advance levels (ie requiring them to undertake double the adventures)?

I'm sure the notion is unachievable for an infinite amount of reasons but all the same I am curious about what people think.


I would love to see an article giving players and DM's a like strategies to increase the pace of combat and/or offer rules to improve this.

Currently as the party rises in levels the amount of attacks each gains also increases. A Ranger can have as much as 7 attacks a round and a wizard can cast two spells.

Monsters number of attacks and abilities also increase making combat a slow and extremely lengthy ordeal. Many fights can take the whole gaming session to complete.

Any article addressing this problem will be extremely helpful.:)


Besides being directly opposed to the Cagewrights and being a neutrally aligned organisation what do the Striders have to offer?

Why I ask is because I have an elven Ranger who I thought would make a great member but without much other knowledge other than what I have mentioned already why would they want to join?

What benefits are there from joining the Striders

Who can join and what do theyn have to do?

Is there any negatives from joining the organisation?

Is their only 4 Stiders in Cauldron?


I have collected the Shackled Path Adventure Path and am currently running my party through the first of the adventures which they are truly enjoying.

I have noticed throughout the series mention to Web Enhancements/extra material that people can access on various organisations, individuals, locations etc. So my first question is a simple one -

Where do I find these extra pieces of information?

I am particularly interested in information on the Striders.

In addition we have chosen to reduce the XP awarded by 50%. We did this for a multitude of reasons the foremost being the sheer pace in which the characters increase in power. It was our feeling from the last campain we played that players never had a chance to roleplay or become comfortable with their chacters abilities before they were given a whole magnitude of new abilities/powers.

Running through the AP do you feel this will make any impact?

Will I have to run/organise an additional adventure in between each AP adventure?

This is my first time I have read through these forums and I really like the banter.:)

Thanks for you help.
