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Unnecessarily Dark & Graphic


I'm the type of person who usually, once I start reading a book, I can't put it down till I'm finished. Stopped reading this book less than half through, put it down, and was irritated enough to both write my first product review (first Paizo product I haven't liked), and to consider returning the product and asking for my money back.

I've read books of all types from light fantasy to dark descriptive stuff about serial killers, which I don't really care for, and I definitely don't expect that stuff from my gaming fantasy.

Some people like to play with books like The Book of Vile Darkness and Book of Erotic Fantasy, and I've drawn on those resources myself from time to time, but if that sort of thing becomes associated with mainstream pathfinder then I'm out.

Also, I look forward to introducing my kids to gaming as soon as they're old enough however not with this type of product.

People complain about the gay couples and the sex changes and such, but that stuff isn't hurting anyone, and is part of perfectly normal peoples lives. Violence, cannibalism and rape are not perfectly normal.

And while I do realize Pathfinder is a "violent" game, I've been playing RPG's for over 20 years and I've found that most people don't put much emphasis on how exactly their weapons hurt their enemies and such; let alone which parts of the body to cut for easy meat, debate over which parts of the body where cut of and which were gnawed on, an so on. In fact it seemed like more time was spent on messed up descriptions than advancing the story.

If I had had any foreknowledge this book would be this way I would have canceled my tales subscription, right now I'm debating canceling all of them.