Safan Domvesia

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Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 440 posts (7,831 including aliases). 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.

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I've got a full review posted here:

As others already noted this book channels what is great about the Advanced Player's Guide and is full of interesting options and choices for your Pathfinder game! The $9.99 pdf is a no-brainer purchase.

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While there are several aspects of this book I really enjoy, any player who already has the Inner Sea Guide will probably feel let down.

For the full review head over to

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Great resource!


Bottom line - I love this book. It's a great idea for a product line and players and GMs both can benefit from the expanded information.

Check out my full review here.

Our Price: $3.99

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Not your typical smash and grab


There are two aspects of this module that I enjoy every time. First of all the PCs are supposed to fail at something on purpose, and watching your party try to figure out how best to fail (and usually failing to fail) plays out fantastically every time I've seen it. Secondly you can have a totally satisfactory ending here and not kill the BBEG. It's nice to feel like that's an option. Doesn't strongly tie the module to Jalmeray though which is a shame as it could be a very rich environment.

Our Price: $3.99

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Dark and creepy!


Nothing good ever happens at the Blackros Museum! This return to the museum is a totally different kind of creepy than Mists and opens some huge cosmic doors! At sub-tier 3-4 it can be a little brutal, but the Cerebric Fungus is a very cool encounter in the right hands! Very satisfying module!

Our Price: $3.99

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Sarenrae FTW!


I played through this several months ago as a Cleric of Sarenrae and was very pleased with the module! I was able to connect with it in an extra special way, and unlike many PFS mods where the backstory ends up only good reading for the GM the players were able to really get into the why of what was going on. Three of the combat encounters were very cinematic and memorable! Only real downside to me is that even though it's set in Qadira it feels like it could have been anywhere. Flavor of Sarenrae and Moloch come through strong, Qadira not so much.

Our Price: $3.99

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Simply Awesome!


I ran this for the first time last night for a party of new Pathfinders and they absolutely loved this module.

The maps are beautiful, the maze and trap mechanics are not your typical PFS encounters and the overall feel of this module was very, very cool. The combats are not that tough, however I think this is a perfect introductory module in part for that reason.

However, the final fight with Abysiel is a cinematic dream come true.

Well done Crystal! I really can't gush about this module enough :)