Virgule's page

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1000% !!!

Jeremy Smith wrote:

I'm really trying to justify upping my pledge to the $250... I know it's a ton of stuff, but it's the finances aspect more than the value. It's totally worth the price.

I may just have to suck it up and do it...

And hey, that would offset Ravenmantle's reduction!

Yeah, I'm struggling as well. I really would like the screen and possibly the mat. We're not playing often enough to justify the extra levels.

Maybe the survey Blonde Frog was mentioning will allow me to order a screen and a mat in addition to my pledge, without having to up it to 250.

Thanks. The first level of Fighter is mainly to accelerate the aquisition of Feats I would like. Heavy armour is a plus. I really doubt that the game will last long enough to even see Level 10, so I'm aiming for instant optimization instead of long term planning.

Also, this character will be the main tank of the group. We'll have a magus, a bard, a wizard, a rogue and a cleric. It'll be front line for me!

Very helpful thread. Working on a similar build.
I opted for the Conversion Inquisition, that gives the WIS bonus instead of CHA for Bluff, Diplomacy and especially Intimidate. With a CHA of 7, that even things up.

Wondering though if it's worth taking a level of Fighter at first to pick up feats like Heavy Armour, Weapon Focus and Dazzling Display (nice for an Inquisitor indeed) and/or Keen scent, faster than through normal Inquisitor levels. Thoughts?