
Trollish's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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The goat is nice and all, but you know those little 99 cent bags of plastic animals you can buy at Rite-Aid or any dollar store? They have goats aplenty... just saying. Animal minis are pretty easy to get. Monsters, heroes, etc... not so much.

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Unfortunately WoW has stripped away much of what makes different classes unique since release. Now every class can heal somehow, every class has some sort of AE or crowd control ability, etc. Balance in MMOs seems to eventually lead to homogenization of the character classes.

This is part of the reason I no longer play MMOs of any sort and stick to single player CRPGs like Skyrim or Baldur's Gate, and traditional tabletop RPGs like Pathfinder.