Kabran Bloodeye

The IP Burglar's page

7 posts. Alias of Dreaming Psion.


BigNorseWolf wrote:

Tensors floating mount:

Bit of table variation on how this works , but if the tensors floating disk movement is faster than the fighter, have him hop on and surf to victory.

Hey, Buddy, can I ask where you got your forbidden Intellectual Property spells?

The Fun Constable wrote:
'Ere now! Wot's all this then?

Oh, crap! It's the FEDS! CHEESE IT! Runs scrambling away like a cartoon bat out of hell

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This reminds me of one of my favorite game settings, GURPS Goblins. They had yer goblin get phobias and deformities (buildin' character) and occasionally advantages from the random mistreatments they suffered as children. With that in mind, here's some doozies you can ruthlessly swipe after you've gutted it for the IP. I would steal more for ya, but I'm 'fraid not too much for workin' paul bono anymore. But ya can find more of these gold nuggets on pg. 66

Fire 'em as a skeet
Pawn 'em off to surgeons
Wear 'em as a wig
Nail 'em up as scarecrows

I say, if ye're gonna shank Star Trek and steal its IP, shank Star Trek and steal its IP BOLDLY! Don't be meek or pussyfoot around about it! So sayeth the most professional IP Burglar!

May you live wrong and perspire!

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Also since this stuff is FREE I can't make any bucks off shankin' it and taking its IP, there was a FLUMPHNOMICON here . http://paizo.com/products/btpy8euz?Son-of-a-Portable-Hole

(Some conversion required- it's 3.0!)

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They're scared to come out because I shanked them, stole their IP, and sold it to the people behind the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Oh, and just so you knows, there's a Flumph sorcerer bloodline in Monstrous Bloodlines for Sorcerers II by Purple Duck Games. I shank them and steal their IP, but it's all OGL and how am I supposed to make a buck offa that?

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So we got vamps and wights that'll drain their levels, mind flayers that will eat their brains, eldritch abominations that will eat their sanity, rust monsters to eat their metal, carrion crawlers to eat their flesh, and thieves to steal their gold. But how about something that will take something even dearer to them: IDEAS! Steal their hopes, dreams, thoughts, goals, inventions, discoveries, creativity, and you'll leave them a miserable mindless husk. Fun times all around.

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Terquem wrote:

When you are the Dungeon Master –

Don’t you just feel sick when someone other than you comes up with an idea for something they think should be in your campaign world?

Or, when you are a Player –

Does your stomach knot up when someone else recommends a character build that you haven’t used before?

I know I get floored whenever I have to deal, face to face, with the notion that someone else created something I didn’t think of first.

I know they now have Swiftamine® for when you get vertigo realizing you love Taylor Swift, but what do they have for that deep down in your gut sickness that comes from realizing other people created something for your favorite RPG before you thought of it?

How long will it be before , Other People Creating Stuff (OPCS) strikes you or someone you love?

What do I do when somebody creates something great before me? I SHANK 'EM and take their stuff for MY own! AND NO WITNESSES- they gotta go too! Life's too short to let other peoples' good ideas go to waste (in their hands).

And besides, the dead stiff DID SAY the thought you should have the idea (whether it be in your world or your character.) Good enough to count as Last Will and Testimony in my opinion! (It's MY opinion, NOT yours.)

But even if I didn't shank 'em and take their stuff, I'd at least take it with grace, and if the idea appealed to me, might explore puttin' it in. Life's too short to let other peoples' ideas go to waste.