
Tarkahas Tassik's page

90 posts. Alias of Peet.

Full Name

Tarkahas Tassik


Spells 1st: 7/7 2nd: 5/6 3rd 4/4 | Phrenic Pool: 7/7 Dark Half: 7/10 Mutation 6/6


Current Buffs: heightened awareness, ironskin. Current Conditions: none


Dray (1st gen) Psychic (mutation mind) 6 | HP 38/38 | AC: 23 FAC: 21 TAC: 12 CMD: 16 | Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +9 | Perc: +9 S.M.: +4 | Init: +1





Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 19

About Tarkahas Tassik

Quick Background:
* Raised as a simple miner in the underground city of Kragmorta, mining obsidian which often would be fashioned into orbs for trade with Umbral giants.
* Always curious, once he witnessed a delegation of Umbral giants visiting Kragmorta for trade by hiding and eavesdropping. With the giants was some kind of pet, shaped much like a dog but cloaked in shadow. The "dog" stared at him with eerie glowing blue eyes, and suddenly his mind was full of chaos and darkness and dread, to the point where he passed out.
* When he came to, he found his mind had expanded, and he had been gifted with a sensitivity to thoughts around him. He began to take instruction in 'the way' from other Psychics and became a psychic himself. Always his abilities were tainted by the darkness of the strange creature that gave him this 'gift.'
* With his expanded mental faculties he began to see the absurdity of the situation in Kragmorta. Why did the Dray continue to serve and worship Dregoth when Dregoth had rejected them? He began to speak openly against Dregoth-worship, which brought him to the attention of the city Templars.
* The templars sent one of their own, Amuskar Kazzul, to arrest Tarkahas. Overwhelmed by both rage and fear, Tarkahas' dark half emerged, giving Tarkahas monstrous strength. Tarkahas killed Kazzul with his claws.
* Realizing the danger and fearing reprisal, Tarkahas fled Kragmorta. The bright world of the surface was strange to him.
Fortunately for him he discovered the town of Cromlin not far from the ruins of Guistenal.
* Not having anything of particular value, and too dangerous to be worth making into a slave, Tarkahas had a strong back ad was able to find himself some menial jobs that allowed him a meager living. Gradually he learned to live in the society of the surface.
* When he heard that a movement was growing in Raam proclaiming "Dregoth the Saviour" as the redeemer of the city of Raam, and certain that the Dregoth they referred to was the same Dregoth that created and then abandoned the 1st Generation Dray, Tarkahas felt compelled to journey to Raam to fight against Dregoth, certain that there must be others he could join to do so.
* He traveled to the embattled city of Raam and then joined the forces of the Merchant House M'Ke. They trained him in the techniques of using armor and weapons, and he became a fighter in their service. He strove to teach the truth about how Dregoth was no savior and surely meant no goodwill towards the city. He and his unit were stationed in a ramshackle house on the Street of Perpetual Peace that had been converted into a base of operations.
* Their house was attacked by forces of the Noble Alazair Laycroff, one of the "converts" to Dregoth's new teachings. The raid was fierce but Tarkahas and his comrades drove off the attackers, only to find that the attackers had thrown a corpse into the house; a corpse of a man dead from Wind Sickness. The Body was still contagious and many in Tarkahas' unit were soon infected.
* House M'Ke, not wanting to allow the infection to spread to other areas they controlled, set fire to the house and set archers around to shoot anyone that emerged. But in the smoke and flames, Tarkahas, miraculously uninfected, managed to escape. He fled the city.
* On his own once more, Tarkahas followed the main road west. After a time he was overtaken by a merchant caravan. He convinced the guard captain to hire him on as a caravan guard, content with whatever destination the caravan might have. That destination turned out to be Tyr.
* The caravan has arrived and Tarkahas is now in Tyr, at liberty and looking for work.

I got a fair bit of inspiration from this Article about Raam

Dray (dragonborn) page

Dray Racial Details:
Type -- Dragon: the Dragonborn have a strong draconic heritage.(10 RP) This means:
Dragonborn have the darkvision 60 feet racial trait.
Dragons have the low-light vision racial trait.
Dragons are immune to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects.
Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.

Size: Dragonborn are medium creatures. (0 RP).

Base Speed: Dragonborn can move at 30 ft per round (0 RP).

+2 to Strength, +2 to Charisma, -2 to Dexterity: Dragonborn value strength and force of personality over fleet of foot (0 RP).

Dragon Breath:
Slapping Tail: Most (97%) Dragonborn do not have tails, you are one of the three percent born with a dragon tail. It's a tail you can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. The tail is a natural attack that deals 1d8 points of damage plus your Strength modifier. This trait replaces your Dragon Breath trait.

Improved Natural Armor: Dragonborn have both the Natural Armor and Improved Natural Armor traits due to their durable draconic scales. This gives them +2 AC natural armor bonus (3 RP).

Intimidating Presence:
Claw: Some Dragonborn develop strong claws on their hands. They gain two claws that also deal 1d4 points of damage. This isn't encouraged by Dragonborn society, so it replaces the Intimidating Presence trait.

Languages: Dragonborn start the game speaking Draconic and Common (or Hellenic). Additionally, dragonborn with high intelligence scores may learn elvish, goblin, orc, dwarven, celestial, infernal, and ignan (1 RP).

Automatic Bonus Progression:
Resistance +1, Armor Attunement +1, Weapon Attunement +1, Deflection +1, Charisma +2

Class: Psychic
Archetypes: Mutation Mind
Psychic Discipline: Abomination
Discipline Power: Dark Half 10 rounds/day

Phrenic Pool: 7
Phrenic Amplifications:
1st level: Physical Mutation (swift: +4 enh. to STR, -2 to INT) 6 minutes /day
3rd level: Conjured Armor 1 point (+2 deflection for conjured creatures)

HP: 38 (6d6 + 12 CON)
AC: 19 (10 +1 DEX, +1 Deflection, +5 Armor, +2 Natural)
Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +4, Will +6
Initiative: +1
Move: 30'


Melee: (+3 BAB, +3 STR)
+1 Longspear +7, 1d8+5, x3
2 x Claws +6, 1d4+3

Ranged: (+3 BAB, +1 DEX)
Spear +4 1d8+4, x3 (20 feet)

Combat Gear: (1725 cp, 76 lbs. capacity)
(+1) Masterwork Leather Lamellar Armor 210 cp, 25 lbs.
(+1) Obsidian Longspear 5 cp 9 lbs.
3 x Obsidian Spear 6 cp 18 lbs.

Total: 221 cp, 52 lbs.


1st level: Spell Focus (conjuration)
3rd level: Augment Summoning
5th level: Craft Wondrous Item

Armor Training (combat) -1 to armor check penalty
Guerilla (regional) +1 to kn (nat) & surv & +class


Adventuring Skills:
(2+INT/level +5 FCB = 30 ranks)

Acrobatics +4 (3 ranks, +1 DEX)
Bluff +8 (1 rank, +4 CHA, +3 class)
Diplomacy +13 (6 ranks, +4 CHA, +3 class)
Intimidate +8 (1 rank, +4 CHA, +3 class)
Knowledge (arcana) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 class)
Knowledge (local) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 class)
Knowledge (nature) +7 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 class, +1 trait)
Perception +9 (6 ranks, +0 WIS, +3 class)
Sense Motive +4 (1 ranks, +0 WIS, +3 class)
Spellcraft +11 (6 ranks, +2 INT, +3 class)
Survival +5 (1 rank, +0 WIS, +3 class, +1 trait)
Use Magic Device +6 (2 rank, +4 CHA)

Background Skills:
(2/level = 10 ranks)

Knowledge (geography) +10 (5 ranks, +2 INT, +3 class)
Knowledge (history) +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 class)
Knowledge (nobility) +10 (5 ranks, +2 INT, +3 class)
Linguistics +6 (1 rank, +2 INT, +3 class)


Spells Per Day:
1st Level: 7
2nd Level: 6
3rd Level: 4

Spells Known:
0th Level (6) DC 14: detect magic, grave words, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic

1st Level (4+B+Item) DC 15: ear-piercing scream (I), heightened awareness, mind thrust I, murderous command, ray of enfeeblement (B), telempathic projection

2nd Level (2+B+Item) DC 16: alter self (B), ironskin (I), summon monster II, thought shield I

3rd Level (1+B) DC 17: excruciating deformation (B), summon monster III


Miscellaneous Gear:
(1725 cp, 76 lbs. capacity)

Plus Combat Gear: 221 cp, 52 lbs.