SyrusRayne's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, I suppose now we'll be seeing how relevant 7 really is! Good luck!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Backed! And took a look at the Nexus playtest. Coupled with the previews you've been feeding us, I already feel like it's money well spent. And there's more coming??

So is Seven Seraphs intended to be "planar model" (or cosmology if you prefer) agnostic? Or... Do you have plans to bridge disparate cosmologies - even just to offer sensible ways or ideas for settings to coexist? Eberron's idea of the planes was quite different from Planescape's, for instance.

This is something a DM could do table-side, but another tool in a DM's mental pocket - especially my rather thread-bare ones - is a good thing!

Edit: Gosh, you already sort of answered that, didn't you? My bad.

I am as excited for this as I have been for any other product in recent memory. Ooh, the minute I can throw some money at this 'starter...

Fantastic! Glad to hear that.

Any plans for biomechanical or undead variants? I imagine Eoxian mechs are quite removed from, say, Iomedean Mecha-Templars or the like.

I have no idea what to suggest as far as what class-features should be functional with mechs. Magic could be interesting, though without other options I'd be concerned it would make casters the go-to for pilots. Solarians could maybe manifest through the mech/its weapons? Maybe Mechanics could control larger, mech-launched drones while piloting (if they chose a drone), or the ability to interface directly with their mech (if exocortex)!

As far as 'stunts', I've always been a fan of mobility. Orbital drops, jump-jets, that sort of thing. For instance, I'm reminded of the WH40K Rogue Trader RPG, specifically the Tau sourcebook. One of the "Classified Competencies" that a Tau character could choose allowed them to, as a reaction to an attack on an ally, take a move action to dash in front of them and take the hit themselves.

(Also, I'd definitely like to see a starship module allowing orbital drops. Maybe separate from any "mech-suit storage" module, or a sidegrade from it, so you have to want it?)

Regardless, godspeed! I've been practically *vibrating* with excitement since you mentioned this project in another thread.

"If an alternate favored class option modifies a class
feature or ability, it can’t be taken before the character has
that class feature or ability. For example, if a class gains a
class feature at 6th level, a character couldn’t take a racial
favored class option that applies to that class feature until
6th level, even if the benefit from that option wouldn’t be
high enough to add a bonus until a later level."

From the text on Page 84 of Occult Adventures. It's very unfortunate.

Wow, thanks a lot for your quick reply, Mr. Seifter, oh God of Kineticists!

As per the title, how does Gather Power function in regards to Infusion wild talents and metakinesis? Gather Power explicitly states it only applies to blast wild talents, does that mean it only applies to the base blast talent, and not the infusion/metakinesis that modify it?

Is there any definitive answer to this? Word of God, for example?

Appreciate your help!