Justic Ironbriar

Spockurion's page

14 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.


Mirror Aberzombie is Japanese?


CJ: Trelane and Koloth are going to take turns whippin' yo' ass.

Uh-oh. Somebody hit Uhura. Imonna go all PONFARR on his ass.

Khan clearly known how to get the super hot redheads. Push them around, and then make them beg. That it works is...illogical...but fascinating.

By the way, is anybody else doing a Star Trek: The Original Series rewatch on Netflix? Fascinating.

Mourning is illogical.

It's logical that there would be every aspect of Mairkurion possible.


Urizen wrote:
Smnrfurion wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I was trying to come up with ... Grumpkurion.
*Quietly slips a stick of smnrfomite in Urizen's wasteband and waits for the smnrfspolsion!*
..and with all that blue gunk .. i thought i was a vulcan...

Logic would clear your confusion.

Post quickly and prosper.

Most illogical.

Urizen wrote:
Spockurion wrote:

Is it just me, or is

** spoiler omitted **

Maybe an alternative route should be recommended; civility isn't getting you anywhere. I can almost read testiness (sic) that's coming through your posts in that thread. Something must be invoked. :P

Invoke what? Pray tell!

Possible Invocation:
Shut up, dumb ass, you don't know what you're talking about as evidenced by its blatant incoherence!

Yeah, if emotion has entered my logic, it is in the last two posts. Esp. the last one.

Is it just me, or is

my interlocutor failing to be coherent at all at this point?
"The story telling power structure can exist, it just does not belong during the session at the table." My ass.

Hmm...maybe I should just go by my name, as I can show up in any Star Trek time frame, though not as Science Officer. It's good to be the world's most popular vulcan, watching Captain's come and go.

Capt. Kirk Moorluck wrote:
We have located one of the native beings, he seems....... to be... somesortof....leaf.....typecreature. Heiscapable... of.....ad..vancedspeach. Wewillreportonany.....furtherfindings.

Careful, Capt. On Zailos 7, there is a complex colony of chloroplasts that together are able to imitate advanced speech for predatory purposes, but they have been proven to not be sentient creatures. We must first be certain of what we are dealing with.

Begins tricorder readings.