Soulcleave's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have seen this spell end encounters and save the party more than once.

It has become a staple required spell, especially for the Cleric in the party.

Some examples include, The 5th level party is getting their collective heads handed to them by a 6th level Barbarian with a +3 Greataxe when the cleric suddenly casts a focused Dispel Magic on the axe and it works. This gave us the 2 rounds we needed to recover and bring him down. In the Ruby Phoenix Tournament we effectively negated an entire encounter. Dispelling a Magic Item removing the advantage of the opposition and reducing a difficult encounter to a Cakewalk.

And these are just two examples (Luck priest being able to re-roll the Dispel Check?)

Dispel magic is one of those spells that just oozes utility.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I almost feel like I have been slapped in the face.

I quit playing Society because what I want to play Psionics. Dreamscared Press has made that possible, but, because Paizo did not release it, it is not usable in society play. Now I get this dropped in my lap. Ok the Advanced class guide really pissed me of as just a glut of new classes that did not really need to be there, just make them archetypes book. I do Understand that Paizo needs to keep releasing content, but Options Clutter is beginning to be a problem.

I will look at it again but...