Green Dragon

Shuffleforth's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Quindo wrote:

I have not fudged any rolls for players, only some mechanics when the players act in a way not defined in the scenario.

When is a correct time to fudge a roll and how often should it be done? Does anyone have an example of when the GM fudged a roll for them or when they fudged a roll as the GM?

My GM sometimes lets player's close roles to be rolled again if we are on a bad luck streak. Funny thing lately the rerolls have been worse! It lightens the mood in the room and makes failing, dare I say, fun.

I know our GM has balanced out a few of our encounters. He has hinted that future mistakes will be more 'permanent.' By carefully telling the group about a few fudges he is preparing us accept the roll of dice good or bad.

Even Mr. T pitied the fool...

Yawn... has this thread burned out yet?

Wins what? Respect?

Looks like you fell in love with your setting. I bet if you want to keep your group your gonna have to tear up parts of your planning and start all over.

Maybe just put away your setting and move the party elsewhere... Like a Mage Academy located England only accesible by a strange steam powered wagon...

Sounds like when you give them advice something is getting lost in translation.

Who knows you just might talk one of them into to GM role and you could be their fighter/cleric/rogue.

Good luck.