
Shan Taicho's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Arutema.


Scarab Sages

Kuro Poe wrote:

Next time we are in Goka, I will show you where you can find the company of a good woman, oh yes. *cawww*

Alas, I am unlikely to see fair Goka again, as I am wanted there for illegal possession of a firearm. I would very much like to take you up on your offer.

*awk* That Ulfen man again? By what sorcery does he dare steal the name of the mighty Shan Taicho?

Scarab Sages

I originally hail from Goka, though I was forced to flee into exile for illegal possession of a firearm. Lady Li's agents played no small part in my escape, so I owed her a favor upon my safe arrival in Absalom.

Truthfully though, I had no better place to go after fleeing Goka.

Caw! Who is this "Kelly Youngblood"? I am Shan Taicho, gunman extraordinaire!