Ryghamoc's page

25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Figured it would be good to get a list of Pathfinder Societies up to date. So that people can find where to recruit immediately.

You could just put a link and the title of your group if you want.

I had been bored so I thought I'd ask the ultimate question all you bloodthirsty pathfinder warlords are fantasizing about.

How would you rule a country? Or for that matter the world if possible?

If you have no ideas I have examples conveniently listed here:

Ideas of Government:
Someone said wrote:

Forms of Government:

"Adhocracy - government based on type of organization that operates in opposite fashion to a bureaucracy.

Authoritarian – Authoritarian governments are characterized by an emphasis on the authority of the state in a republic or union. It is a political system controlled by unelected rulers who usually permit some degree of individual freedom.

Anarchism - Sometimes said to be non-governance; it is a structure which strives for non-hierarchical voluntary associations among agents.

Band Society - government based on small (usually family) unit with a semi-informal hierarchy, with strongest (either physical strength or strength of character) as leader. Very much like a pack seen in other animals, such as wolves.

Chiefdom (Tribal) - government based on small complex society of varying degrees of centralization that is led by an individual known as a chief.

Constitutional monarchy – A government that has a monarch, but one whose powers are limited by law or by a formal constitution, such as the United Kingdom.

Constitutional republic – A government whose powers are limited by law or a formal constitution, and chosen by a vote amongst at least some sections of the populace (Ancient Sparta was in its own terms a republic, though most inhabitants were disenfranchised. The United States is a republic, but the large numbers of African Americans and women did not have the vote early on). Republics which exclude sections of the populace from participation will typically claim to represent all citizens (by defining people without the vote as "non-citizens").

Democracy – Rule by a government chosen by election where most of the populace are enfranchised. The key distinction between a democracy and other forms of constitutional government is usually taken to be that the right to vote is not limited by a person's wealth or race (the main qualification for enfranchisement is usually having reached a certain age). A Democratic government is, therefore, one supported (at least at the time of the election) by a majority of the populace (provided the election was held fairly). A "majority" may be defined in different ways. There are many "power-sharing" (usually in countries where people mainly identify themselves by race or religion) or "electoral-college" or "constituency" systems where the government is not chosen by a simple one-vote-per-person headcount.

Dictatorship – Rule by an individual who has full power over the country. The term may refer to a system where the dictator came to power, and holds it, purely by force - but it also includes systems where the dictator first came to power legitimately but then was able to amend the constitution so as to, in effect, gather all power for themselves. See also Autocracy and Stratocracy.

Emirate - similar to a monarchy or sultanate, but a government in which the supreme power is in the hands of an emir (the ruler of a Muslim state); the emir may be an absolute overlord or a sovereign with constitutionally limited authority.

Geniocracy - government ruled by creativity, innovation, intelligence and wisdom.

Kratocracy - government ruled by those strong enough to seize power through physical force or political cunning.

Kritocracy - government ruled by judges.

Meritocracy - Rule by a group selected on the basis of their ability.

Monarchy – Rule by an individual who has inherited the role and expects to bequeath it to their heir.

Nomocracy - Rule according to higher law. That is, a government under the sovereignty of rational laws and civic right as opposed to one under theocratic systems of government. In a nomocracy, ultimate and final authority (sovereignty) exists in the law.

Oligarchy – Rule by a small group of people who share similar interests or family relations.

Plutocracy – A government composed of the wealthy class. Any of the forms of government listed here can be plutocracy. For instance, if all of the voted representatives in a republic are wealthy, then it is a republic and a plutocracy.

Republic - is a form of government in which the people, or some significant portion of them, have supreme control over the government and where offices of state are elected or chosen by elected people. In modern times, a common simplified definition of a republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. Montesquieu included both democracies, where all the people have a share in rule, and aristocracies or oligarchies, where only some of the people rule, as republican forms of government.

Stratocracy - form of military government in which the state and the military are traditionally the same thing. (Not to be confused with "militarism" or "military dictatorship".)

Technocracy - government ruled by doctors, engineers, scientists, professionals and other technical experts.

Theocracy – Rule by a religious elite.

Timocracy - government ruled by honorable citizens and property owners.

Totalitarian – Totalitarian governments regulate nearly every aspect of public and private life."

Mine, personally, would be ruled by a specific number of "families." These families specialize in a trade or skill (Such as finances, war, diplomatic relations, etc.) and tackle problems based around the needs of it's citizens. The families usually come up with a plan of action and present their plan to the citizens who vote on the outcome. The biggest problem(s) of society, which is decided upon by a council of judges, is then enacted by the current ruling family. All acts are overseen by the aforementioned judges who are meant to not only seek out corruption in the ranks of the families but also to ensure "equality" in power.

A bit complex but I would love to see how it works out. :P

I noticed some of the races in Pathfinder seem to have a set alignment.

I was wondering if that is how it will be in the game.

Will the character we have start as an evil or good being?

Or could be break the stereotype and play which alignment we want?

Example I want to play a Drow that isn't an evil douche.

Okay so I know they just had a Kickstarter for the Pathfinder Tech Demo.

If they have one for the original game what do you think the Kickstarter rewards should be?

Also what should be the starting goal for the amount pledged?

I was looking through the wiki on Pathfinder. It talked of a part of the world called the Great Beyond and all the spirits and alternate dimensions there.

Do you think that these places and spirit beings would play a vital role in the game world?

Also do you think they should or shouldn't implement such a thing? Why shouldn't they? Or how should they do it?

I was thinking about these features and wondered if they also planned somethings like these to be used for the game.

A Death System - We all die in the game, but how do we die? And exactly how does it matter to us? Perhaps the use of an "afterlife" system? A place where people go such as Nirvana, Heaven, Hell to become some spirit that players or NPC's can summon with magic?

A Dynamic Events System - Could events be suddenly planned in the game that would not only matter to the theme-park aspect but also the sandbox? For instance a meteor crashes to earth to show a city underneath the earths crust. Could adventurers journey down there and get some powerful artifact or technology and give it to their guild? Or would it just influence the theme park world rather than the players directly?

"Vehicles" (On land, air and sea) - How is combat while astride a horse? In a clockwork plane? On the back of a wyvern or on a large navy ship? Can you use them for combat? How would they work if so?

Dynamic Environment - Could the environment change by players actions or on it's own? For instance a volcano eruption or cutting down a forest for your company.

Class system - Would be keep just the original classes and archetypes? Or could we chose to make our own path?

That's all I can think of at the moment.

I figured this would be a good idea to get a nice list of those who aren't a "secret society."

(Though in consideration every secret society is pretty much already named so their not totally secret are they? Example Illuminatis and the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn.)

This will be easy access for people to review over their choices of who they want to join and see whose still active so if they're interested they'll look on the groups main post.

Each group would list themselves below with their:

Group Name:
Goals: (What you plan to do in the game)
Group Website: (If you have one)
Type of Group: (Exactly what type of of group are you? Academic, Warlike, etc.)
Scope: (How far you wish to spread your influence? Global? National? Local? Etc.)
Structure: (How is your group structured? Business like, Anarchistic group, Etc.)
Members: (What are the members who will join your group most likely going to be like? Savages? Scholars? Priests? Thieves? Etc?)

(Hoping I didn't miss anything, if I did let me know and I'll add it)