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The only issue I see is that Weapon Supremacy only allows a Strike action. While Certain Strike has you make a Strike, it is not itself a basic Strike action, and unable to be used through Weapon Supremacy.

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MuddyVolcano wrote:

My suspicion has been that a MC fighter/cleric would make a stronger paladin. I don't really want this to be true, mind.

It might be worth it though, running a mc fighter/cleric through scenarios, and then a paladin.

I can tell you first hand that the MC Cleric/Fighter is solid and has felt more like a Paladin to me than a Paladin.

Fighter dedication is really good for getting that martial feel, and Channel Energy scratches that Lay-On-Hands itch, though with much better numbers and versatility.

I've done Gorum, Iomedae, Sarenrae. I've gone sword-and-board, greatsword, bastard sword, double slice, combat grab, channel smite...

Paladins have been my favorite class for a long time, and this is the first edition where I feel more like a warrior of my god than a Paladin.

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I'm right there with you, man.

Personally, the ONLY complaint I have with the 5e Pally is the denial of ranged combat options.

I loved playing archery-based Paladins in PF1e. One of my favorite character moments of all time was Smiting a red dragon and confirming that sweet, sweet 3x longbow critical on that first attack with its double smite damage.

When I saw the PF2 Pally, my heart sank, the lack of Archery value being a part of that.

I'm quite disappointed that this edition is pushing classes in general into specific stat arrays and stereotypes. Taking away my freedom of choice is quite the opposite of what I desired from this edition.

Page 296 from the rulebook talks about dependant abilities (in this case the Strike).

Dependent Abilities
An action, activity, free action, or reaction might call
on you to use a simpler ability—usually one of the
actions under Basic Actions on page 307—in a different
circumstance or with different effects. The dependent
ability still has its normal traits and is modified in any
ways listed in the more complex ability.

So while the drawing of the weapon is an Interaction action, the Strike is still just a Strike with all the accompanying traits and effects.

Yeah, you can still get allot of nice benefits from Long Limbs, but I just wanted to clarify what allot of people claim as one of it's best features.

Banpai wrote:

On the other hand if fire resistance becomes a factor, a crature with fire resist 5 is almost immune to the shuriken.

This is the entire reason I chose to go an Admixture Evoker Wizard instead of Foresight Diviner for my Arcane Trickster. All for this one spell. >:] (Don't judge me. I couldn't resist the allure of 8d8+56d6 coming in my choice of flavors. Lol.)

I would just like to point out one thing about the Aberrant Bloodline for Sorc ATs. That is how their Long Limbs actually works.

"Long Limbs (Ex): At 3rd level, your reach increases by 5 feet whenever you are making a melee touch attack. This ability does not otherwise increase your threatened area."

"Flanking: When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.
Only a creature or character that threatens the defender can help an attacker get a flanking bonus."

I had been all excited for the idea of flanking from outside melee, but then I actually read it. As it reads, it only applies to melee touch attacks, and it does not increase your threatened area. Without the increased threatened area, you cannot provide flanking.

If I am mistaken in this, I apologize. But from what I am seeing, that is how I believe it goes.

Abraham spalding wrote:


If you have a choice the aberrant sorcerer does make a solid arcane trickster due to your ability to flank from farther out -- combined with gang up and lunge you could be flanking from 20 feet away. Doing so as a human will help make up for a few spells -- but not many.

"Long Limbs (Ex): At 3rd level, your reach increases by 5 feet whenever you are making a melee touch attack. This ability does not otherwise increase your threatened area."

"Flanking: When making a melee attack, you get a +2 flanking bonus if your opponent is threatened by another enemy character or creature on its opposite border or opposite corner.
Only a creature or character that threatens the defender can help an attacker get a flanking bonus."

I had been all excited for the idea of flanking from outside melee, but then I actually read it. As it reads, it only applies to melee touch attacks, and it does not increase your threatened area. Without the increased threatened area, you cannot provide flanking.