Machine Soldier

PoisonToast's page

Organized Play Member. 148 posts (174 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.

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Why the OP couldn't be bothered to pick a level and gold value to throw down with the first time it was asked baffles me. He manged to do that amount of work close to 3 times over 2 1/2 pages of posts.

Most of his original post has nothing to do with the rest of this nonsense and the quips in his original post dismissed the cool monk abilities because in his opinion they were not useful to a monk.

I can see the point on both sides, but its moot. I feel cheated reading this nonsense for an actual build and got nothing but several fabricated fighter builds, with source spread all over the thread.

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The following monsters are considered "Product Identity" by Wizards of the Coast and are therefore not part of the OGL:

*carrion crawler
*displacer beast
*mind flayer
*umber hulk

Edit: I might be missing a few... I mean there is nothing stopping you from converting them but I don't think we will ever see them in a Beastiary.

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Werebat wrote:

I think the root issue is really DM not wanting either a world where everyone walks around with weapons drawn all the time or the need to adjudicate rules for every damn weapon in the game vs player with military experience who knows it is possible to carry a heavy weapon for days on end and wants his character to do that (and, FWIW, player has said that he developed severe carpal-tunnel syndrome from doing this).

I personally think its a pointless argument as realistically its possible and completely plausible that they would be carrying weapons at the ready while in unexplored/dangerous territory.

It goes back to my point that IMHO limiting a player or making rules to prevent a player from doing something is not the best way to go about it. Using the games rules in a creative way to give the PCs a reason to not carry weapons drawn when it matters is the better way.

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While it might not be ideal, my ranger's in the past have always walked around with bow in hand. Same way a wizard or monk with a quarterstaff would walk around with it out. Always bring those things up with the DM before game.

Training for years with a gun, bow, sword, shield, etc... it becomes natural to have them in your hand and on you. They become a part of you. An extension of who you are.

Going even further, all rogues I have ever played walk around quietly (taking penalties where appropriate). Not hiding, but not making much noise either. Training for years to move quietly, it would become natural to always walk that way. Its called muscle memory. When a movement is repeated over time, a long-term muscle memory is created for that task allowing it to be performed without conscious effort. This applies to controlling a horse with your knees.

I don't see a problem with being mounted and having on hand on your bow or crossbow across your lap, and one hand on the reigns. In fact I would assume that all of the party exploring a hostile territory would have their weapons ready at all times.

As far as the NPC thing goes, I personally cant see a NPC getting their panties in a bind because someone is walking around with a bow or quarterstaff out. Now a bunch of adventures with swords drawn out over their shoulders and at their sides might cause NPCs to get a little jumpy.

On a side note, I have been bow hunting. Carried that thing with me in my hand all day long.

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I unfortunately was late to this party. I ran in this adventure when I was still playing 3.5 back in like 2007-2008 I think... I really want to get the anniversary ed as this adventure introduced me to Paizo. The only thing that is making me hesitant is that I like having the physical books and the digital maps from my Adventure Path sub pdfs.

Is there any chance Paizo might put together a $10 pdf of only the maps and handouts? Its easier to spend $100+ on an adventure path over a few months then it is to drop it all at once.

Thanks ahead of time to any users or admins that take the time to respond.