Sir Mikhail

Petrel's page

409 posts. Alias of D30.

Discussion thread for Serpent Skull!

The jungle of Saventh Yhi take no notice of your failure at the last vault. Small lizards flee from your return to your Sargavan fort. Monkeys race and playfully trade punches. Birds swoop from the sky upon large insects and devour them hungrily. It is simply coincidence that these creatures mimic your chasing off the Chaura-Ka guards, or the brutal pummeling by ogre mage monks that caught you unaware from on high.

However your return is welcomed by the workers and inhabitants of the islands you have claimed. A difficult life certainly but for many it is becoming less of an exploration mission and more a permanent settlement. Your eventual triumphs over impossible foes continues to inspire them.

While General Havelar has returned to home you find the large building set aside for the Sargavan government busy with activity. Inside workers bring in buckets of sand to fill a large container in the main room. The tables and chairs have been moved for this addition, and Kassata of the Free Captains is supervising to some degree while lounging in Havelar’s favorite seat. Mostly she is playing with her hand crossbow, and one wall holds a chalked human outline and several bolts gone wide of their mark. She sports a new eyepatch but otherwise seems her talkative if eccentric self. You last saw her many days ago at the feast where Garluu the boggard begged you to slay the Green God.

”Hold on, I’ve almost got this!” She calls, then shots a bolt that flies dangerously close to one of her nervous looking Shackles Freebooters. Leaping from the chair she strides forward. ”I assumed bad news when your Sargavan scouts squeaked such a quick return. Fortunately I know just the thing for planning a new assault, a secret technique of the Captains involving sand, a table, and miniature figures to represent all possible attacks. We call these sand tables … the Sand Castle!” She waves dramatically across the container.

”Sculpting what you know of the vault in the sand, you can use tokens to represent your approach and were you will use my personal guard, which I will provide for your disposal and my own tactical expertise. So let us make plans to seize glory! A victory over the last vault awaits.”

This campaign is to supplement an existing ongoing Serpent Skull adventure path. Recruiting is already complete.