Snow Leopard

Paul Crotteau's page

27 posts. Alias of pcrotteau.


Dark Archive 4/5 **

Mage of the Wyrmkin wrote:

In practice no GM (at least that I know) is ever going to question ownership with the first Bestiary. I think that is safe to say.

But it is crazy for anyone but the most casual of players not to buy it. Along with the CRB it forms the backbone of the game. It is also a fun book to own.

On day 1, I purchased the pdfs of the crb and bestiary (I was at a camp and unable to leave to buy the hard copy). Once I could get to a print shop to make a table copy (rather than tablet), I set that up.

I always wanted to play a summoner focused wizard or druid so I knew I needed a copy for the table.

Given how the spells are worded in 2e, any additional bestiaries will be nice as they add creatures to the lists of those available.

Definitely a must have for a summoning PC or a wildshape druid.

Dark Archive

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Last paragraph in the blog post:
"The pilot episode is free and is available in English in the United States. It will expand to Canada, Australia, the UK, and India in mid-January."

Dark Archive 4/5 **

logsig wrote:
(And yes, I realize I swapped the scenario numbers for 1-06 and 1-07, probably because I ran them in that order. Stupid brain.)

The actual detail of your "checklist" is perfect. Breaking down each point helps highlight all of the variables that could show in each scenario.

Even with as many events that I have run, there is always something to learn.

Thank you.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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As well as the 5 quests if you scroll down far enough.


Dark Archive 4/5 **

As an organizer/GM, how are you locating the scenarios on Warhorn? I've been creating custom scenario descriptions.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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The red hair does

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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I will run for fun, not credit.

Asking for the development team to sanction every piece of paper that comes across the desk will slow down the process of getting the pieces that NEED sanctioning (Plaguestone, Age of Ashes, Lost Omens) getting pushed further back. Not to mention the Roleplay Guild Guide.

I would prefer to have those adventures and content sanctioned first.

Dark Archive 4/5 **


This is a perfect opportunity to introduce new players to the mechanics. It runs well as a demo. Adding it for society credit adds needless levels of complexity to a demo.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

There is also no rush, as there are no adventures at that level yet.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

They were in a blog post: enerated-Characters

Kind of hard to find them now. They used to be in the downloads section for Pathfinder, but this is the only area that I find them.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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So many stories over the years:

1) We Be Goblins 2: stroll up to the cabin, knock on the door, "Goblin scout cookies!"

2) An unchained rogue was doing the feint, sneak attack combo. I described the feint as "You reach into a pouch and toss a kitten onto the ground. Opponent is distracted, you stab him." That action combo caught on for months.

3) Her husband was running a Shoanti melee hunter with an earthbreaker and an ankylosaurus companion: "I'm Sledge, he's Hammer." Someone addresses him as Sledge: "No He's Sledge, I'm Hammer!" and so on. Totally roleplayed a DudeBro: "Do You even lift?" "It's Wednesday, that's leg day." In Labyrinth of the Hungry Ghosts, he found some foil, and made a hat "To protect my mind from the bad thoughts." BBEG encounter ties to Dominate him, he rolls a nat 20, not once but twice!! (That was the game my VC chose to evaluate me on for star 5)

Dark Archive

Use the Organized play tab to access rather than the tab form the Pathfinder menu.

The Organized Play Foundation is the repository for that information now.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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Someone posted an online link to:

This is all that is available at this time that I know of

Dark Archive 4/5 **

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:

Good to know, and it made me realize just how horribly vague my question was. I was trying to ask about registering (couldn't think of the word at the time) a character. I.e. when you go to My Account -> Organized Play will there be a new option that says “Register a New Pathfinder Society (2nd Edition) Character” among the other options at the bottom?

Yes. That button will be activated early next week.

Along with the RP Guild Guide?

Dark Archive 4/5 **

Will the cards be available on drive thru cards? Just for ease of play, of course....

Dark Archive

Only at third

Dark Archive

cartmanbeck wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Do I get this right that this product is just the story book and no physical cards of the characters exist?
That's correct, the character cards are within the story book. From what I understand, they are printed in such a way that you can actually cut them out.

You will need at least two books (more if you want an unmarred copy) to cut out all of the cards: the three story banes and the cohort are printed back to back, but not lined up. The banes shouldn't be a problem as they are never in play together, but the cohort will need to be displayed by the druid deck during play.

Dark Archive

If its HALF as good as "Rise," it will be AMAZING!!

Can't wait to run it!

Dark Archive

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We had a run of The Phantom Phenomena a week ago and the comment came up that is was very much like a Scooby Doo episode.


After a little discussion and some brainstorming.

All Human Except for Scooby

Fred: Inquisitor of Pharasma or Sarenrae
Daphne: Sorcerer, Psychic, or Witch
Velma: Investigator or Occultist
Shaggy: Druid (Domain) or Cleric of Gozreh
And Scooby: Skinwalker Unchained Monk (I have the boon)

The Mystery Machine is a green and blue Varisian Wagon

Dark Archive 4/5 **

We Be Goblins Too!

Knocks on the big bad's door: "Goblin Scout Cookies!!"

In Wrath's Shadow

(Very early in the game) Description of the area is read: "Back to the boat!!"

That one keeps coming back.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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The home group encountered the Grand Lodge mission first.

One of the players was running Anora, the archanist. She cast summon pit beneath one of the hungry dead, went to the edge to get a better view, and promptly fell in. The Oread brawler lept into the air, landing on the ooze, catapulting the halfling into the air, hitting the ceiling.

In the Exchange mission, she did the same thing under a Devilfish, getting pulled into the pit by the squid.

I've read and reread the description of the spell several times. I still don't know how it attracts halflings.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

One of the tables at our weekly PFS night ran the Pathfinder Quest: Silverhex Chronicles.

When is this adventure going to be available to report in the scenario selector?

Also, when are the faction selections going to change to match the revisions?

Dark Archive 4/5 **

I'm sure this has crossed someone's mind before.

Is there a way to access the PFS numbers of the players from a specific table, that was reported through GenCon?

One of the guys on Saturday night accidentally packed up my Technology Guide.

I just want to email/message him and see if he'd ship it to me (I'd pay for shipping).

I kinda don't want to buy it again.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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Gabriel Smith-Dalrymple wrote:
So a little off topic, but if you don't play some elevator music after cramming an entire party into a 2x2 room I think you've missed out on a golden opportunity.

The Group on Sunday did "Girl From Ipanema"

Dark Archive

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I'm 5th or 6th from the left

Dark Archive 4/5 **

I have the one scenario that is available now. I was asking about the ones that haven't been released yet.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

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The options that the new quests open up!

I have several players that can't make it on time or have to leave early.

Now they can jump in at the next quest or leave at the end of a convinient one.

I'm not bothered by the racial decisions. We have had large chunks of the group made up of Aesemar.

I want to see more minis for tengu, kitsune, wayang, & nagaji.