
PatheticWretch's page

Organized Play Member. 333 posts (25,523 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 69 Organized Play characters. 31 aliases.


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Thank you.

GM Cellion wrote:

@PW: Power armor and heavy armor tend to be pretty similar AC-wise. The fixed strength scores of power armor can be both a blessing and a curse, but should be pretty good for a vanguard. But as you saw in Dead Suns, power armor tends not to be available as widely as loot, so its a big investment in credits to stay up to date as you level up. They're pretty comparable to me. (As for Fleet, it doesn't work with heavy armor)

Okay, noted on Fleet.

What do you mean by a blessing and a curse for the fixed strength scores of power armor?

Just so I'm sure, if my Str score is 15 and the power armor says 20, my Str is 20 in the armor, correct? Do you just mean it's capped at that and even if my Str is 22 it's still 20?

Also, are we limited by item level or just the total credit value and limit on a single item's credit value?

Character is coming together--once backstory is further along I'll see if I can tie in with any of you.

On another note, I'm getting into gear purchases and I'm wondering if anyone has thoughts about maximizing AC. I am torn between heavy armor and shield vs. power armor and shield. Any thoughts about pros/cons? (I have a feat to either put in Fleet if I have heavy armor or Power Armor Proficiency if I go power armor.)

GM Cellion wrote:

@PW: Theoretically, vanguards should be super tanky at high level thanks to their damage reduction mechanics, especially if they're bringing a shield as well. That said, I'm currently playing one in Ewok's Fly Free or Die, and my vanguard is currently on the brink of death in that game. It doesn't feel all that tanky at low levels.

I'm sure Ewok will spare you or his life expectancy in this campaign will be short. ;P

Okay, I think I'm rolling with the Borai Vanguard. I need to lock down way too many character ideas so I can start working on backstory.

I've spent a little time going through options. I'm willing to adjust based on what the group needs most.

So far, I'm liking the idea of playing a Borai trying to piece together how she died. I'm drawn to Solarian but know Arc is already playing that--I am also considering a Vanguard but can't find a lot of info out there on the class. I'm thinking of something tanky/hard to kill. Anyone see it played or otherwise have any thoughts on it? Or other class options that might fit that idea?

The character's personality would be similar to Laori from Curse of the Crimson Throne--an overly-enthusiastic character with an affinity for Zon-Kuthon who submits to pain to feel something--anything--in this new undead form.

Another question as I look at possible builds--what level do we cap at?

Just to be clear, can we play any of the Races/Classes listed in the link you posted then (including Other Races and not just Core Races)?

Hey all,

Just checking in after Spring Break with my family. I'll review the Player's Guide and everyone else's choices and weigh in on some ideas for my character.

Looking forward to playing with all of you!


I own the simulator already and would definitely be interested. I just finished an epic run of Crimson Throne on the boards (all six books!) and love the whole AP runs.

I'd love to apply to either. Probably Kingmaker first, S&S second. But either would be great.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow! In typical Tarondor fashion, that is a literary work of art that will take some time to delve into. I look forward to it!

I love how in-depth your guides are, my friend. :)

Throwing my hat in the ring--I'd love to play.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tarondor wrote:

This thread has put me in the mood to write "Tarondor's Guide to Pathfinder Adventure Paths." I was thinking of discussing each AP and noting various criticisms, praise and cool stuff I found on the Internet as well as my own observations and suggestions.

Whaddya think?

If it’s a Tarondor guide it will be epic!

I'll definitely be applying with a Human Bloodrager, and am just finishing up final backstory. Rolling for starting wealth:

starting wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3) = 12 *10= 120 gp

Thanks for the consideration. I'd love to game with you again.

Of the options, I would definitely love to play a Pathfinder 2e campaign from the start. That's my A. That said, I'm currently in Tyrant's Grasp. :/ I could absolutely get behind another P2 game and could play quite a few APs.

I'd give Option 1 a B.

Though I do like LotR (and could probably give it a B), let's call it a B minus. :)

I do have some hesitation learning a totally new game system, and I really only know Pathfinder and Pathfinder 2e (which I've been starting up a home game of--finally catching up).

1. Carrion Crown
2. Strange Aeons
3. Hell's Rebels

Good luck!

Thanks for your consideration. I’m the event you need replacements, please consider the rest of us!

GM Granta wrote:
We are still short one PC and all three NPCs, so pushing back the start time until Tuesday morning.

Tuesday works better for me, given Memorial Day plans with the family. Thanks for that. Looking forward to the next round tomorrow!

PatheticWretch, checking in!

This has been a very interesting recruiting. I'm excited for it, especially given the heavy RP of this AP. I'm looking forward to this week.

Could you say when the deadline is for submitting a character?

I’d also apply as a new applicant if you open this up. Also, what role is most needed?

Ayita of the Hawk Clan wrote:
I hope that "PatheticWretch" is ok. They don't seem to have posted at all on Paizo since last Friday.

I'm alive and okay! And Roscoe Elring! :)

Welcome all!

I've also been watching for whether anyone can disable device. I can do this 1) when I'm in Trickster form OR 2) I've been thinking of taking a trait to train this skill. If one or two others have it, I wouldn't. I think Thamius was potentially planning a skills character.

Good info--thanks! Are we using background skills?

Also, I'd like to propose the Haunted drawback for my character. It's very much in line with this character concept.

GM Derek: Do we have any guidance on character creation? I'm guessing 20 point buy? What's starting wealth? Are drawbacks allowed for a third trait? Allowed races and classes?

I've been giving this too much thought. As much as I love playing wizards and like the idea of a three-wizard party, I think I'm going to go with my second choice, a halfling medium (assuming occult classes are allowed).

This character, for anyone who doesn't know how they play, actually fills a completely different roll on any given day. Rather than optimize this toward a specific role, I'm actually wanting to play it as a different class from day to day. This is definitely a roleplay pick over an optimized pick for me, but I like the concept I have for this one, especially on this Thassilion-themed story arc. I should have the crunch done later today (given some guidance on character creation) and then backstory incoming later this weekend.

PatheticWretch: Halfling Medium - WILD CARD
Thamius: Occulist? Investigator? - SKILLS
GM Engleaktig: McCoy - HEALER
GM Engleaktig +One: ??
Art: Aphorite Wizard - TANK/SUPPORT
Tarondor: Human Wizard - TANK/DPS

Any word on our last player? Still in?


GM Engleaktig wrote:
I'd like to play a dedicated healer. Someone like McCoy from Star Trek--dedicated to healing, but not (manifestly) desirous of adventure. Of course, he'd never leave the party (his Enterprise) because he's super loyal.

Sounds awesome! Do you happen to know what your friend wants to play?

PatheticWretch: Wiz/Thassilonian specialist - CONTROL
Thamius: Occulist? Investigator? - SKILLS
GM Engleaktig: McCoy - HEALER
GM Engleaktig +One: ??
Art: Wizard/Chirugeon - CONTROL
Tarondor: Wiz/Transmuter - TANK/DPS

Tarondor wrote:
PatheticWretch wrote:
I’ve read your guide—it’s very good!


PatheticWretch wrote:
Which of the builds would you be?

Not 100% sure yet. Probably a Master Transmogrifist with levels in Eldritch Knight.

I have to admit, the hilarity of the Muscle Wizard is calling to me.

Either one of those would definitely be a strong front-liner even though it's a wizard.

@Arthur: Do you want to clarify what you mean with "wizard/chirurgeon"? Is this a wizard with alchemist levels?

Anyone else want to weigh in on what they want to play?

I’ve read your guide—it’s very good! Which of the builds would you be?

I don’t think Return of the Runelords is 2e, is it?

GM Derek wrote:
PatheticWretch wrote:

I’m leaning a bit toward a human wizard, a Thassilionian Specialist whose intense studies of this ancient magic has corrupted him, so that he exhibits the vices associated with the various schools as he uses his magic (envy, gluttony, wrath, etc).

The other possibility is a halfling medium (fiend keeper) that has become the keeper of some evil entity from Thassilon. He has to keep the villain at bay. This would not fill a specific roll, but be a 5th or 6th man that could fill lots of roles.

These are the two I’m most interested in now, though depending on what others are playing, I could switch it up.

Both sound pretty interesting. Keep in mind, gotta be non-evil. And this AP is, let's be honest, anti-Thassilonian. But a wizard who has dabbled too much and can feel the ink stain of rune magic spreading through his soul... lots of possibilities there.

Yeah, he wouldn’t be evil. The player’s guide does mention Thassilion Specialist specifically as good archetype. He would mainly be a scholar and fascinated by their magic, and would not fully recognize that it’s tainting him as he practices it. He would recognize the difference between learning of their powerful magic and opposing the rise of their political forces or villains.

I’m leaning a bit toward a human wizard, a Thassilionian Specialist whose intense studies of this ancient magic has corrupted him, so that he exhibits the vices associated with the various schools as he uses his magic (envy, gluttony, wrath, etc).

The other possibility is a halfling medium (fiend keeper) that has become the keeper of some evil entity from Thassilon. He has to keep the villain at bay. This would not fill a specific roll, but be a 5th or 6th man that could fill lots of roles.

These are the two I’m most interested in now, though depending on what others are playing, I could switch it up.

Sounds good! Thanks!

Could we please open the Gameplay for a ghost dot if I delete it? I like keeping all this in one place.

Haha! Now all my characters are going to be gluttons for tarts, like Harrow!

Yes! I'm in!

I'm so excited to do something long-term with this crew. I've loved how GM Englaktig has run us through so many scenarios, and have loved developing characters, but I think an AP has even more room for that. I've also loved Mareq's character immensely. This sounds great.

Since we're sharing, I live in Utah, and am a self-employed attorney neck deep in work problems that needs either therapy or RPGs as therapy. I have a lovely wife and four teenagers. No indoor pets, but we do feed birds. I like games, and after my real-life D&D group finally disintegrated after a very long time, I turned to PbP. :)

I'd be fine with swapping in as GM later.

I'll have to look at classes. Initially, I'm thinking either a Medium, Arcanist, Wizard, or Skald.

I've been watching for anyone running this campaign. Something about freak show circus adventurers really interests me.

Have you played Second Edition? I have only played some 2e Pathfinder Society games, so not extensively.

How comfortable are you with Second Edition? Fairly comfortable. I've read the Core rulebook and made a handful of characters. Though I'm not as familiar with it as I am with Pathfinder 1e, I have been playing D&D and its ilk since the Red Box days, and will adjust quickly.

How comfortable are you with the Play by Post format? Very comfortable. Though I've played plenty of tabletop with friends, our longstanding group eventually disbanded after several moved away, and I've been on the Paizo boards since then for my RPG fix. I have been here a good 6-7 years, and have over 21,000 posts. So I'm committed to the long-haul of an Adventure Path.

What kind of character are you willing to play? I am willing to play any character role if selected for this game. However, my top pick would be a half-elf bard (probably with Rogue multiclass dedication) whose schtick for the circus is that he is a former court jester/juggler/entertainer who now thinks he is the king after escaping from his evil tyrant king oppressor.

Tell me a bit about yourself as a player. I like to think about and create characters, as well as play them. I'm prone to playing casters, anti-heroes, and characters with a significant weakness to role play. I like inter-party banter and role play. I was an English major in college and like creative writing, especially in this collaborative format.

Tell me a bit about your favorite character ever. Aside from the character I'm playing in any given moment? My first character played with friends decades ago is pretty memorable, but light on the role-play back then. I may have to settle for a top three: a paranoid gnome illusionist who uses his magic to create every possible layer of protection, a human mesmerist haunted by some dark power forced to confront her own fear, or a thrill-seeking halfling ranger who insists on making everything as hard as possible because it will be much more spectacular.

And lastly, what do you enjoy most about Pathfinder? I love the options to create any character I can conceive of. I like the many different ways players can create the same character class. I like that the rules take a backstage to the characters heroically facing challenges.

Thanks for your consideration! To be clear, you aren't looking for character submissions yet, just information about us, correct?

Thanks. Is there a time zone on that afternoon?

I'd like to submit, but am curious if the deadline is the end of March 12. Do we have until the end of tomorrow?

PatheticWretch - that's quite the story for Magnus. It's hard to imagine from that experience and history, that the man begins as a level one arcanist. Part of my expectation is that your characters enter as novices, not having vast experience. Might have to tone it down a bit.

Fair enough. I’ll go ahead and withdraw that submission.

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So for clarification, are you giving preference to the Core classes, so that a blood Rager, oracle, skald, or arcanist is less likely to be selected?

Definitely interested in gaming with Snowheart again, and am working on a cleric build.

I should have it up tomorrow.

GM Granta wrote:
PatheticWretch wrote:
Sounds like an interesting idea and I’ve been in GM trading groups before, but I’ve played two of the three. Sounds like a good time though!
Which one haven't you played yet?

I've played:

Curse of the Crimson Throne
Second Darkness
Shattered Star
Iron Gods
Ironfang Invasion
Tyrant's Grasp

Grandlounge wrote:
We have started Iron gods and war for the crown. I have a giant slayer game ready to go.

Sounds like an interesting idea and I’ve been in GM trading groups before, but I’ve played two of the three. Sounds like a good time though!

Do you have any details in which campaigns are currently running with the other GMs?

Thanks for understanding--I'll dot to hide this thread.

Hey all, with apologies, I think I'm going to have to bow out of this run.

Learning PF2 was a bigger learning curve than I'd anticipated, and I'm going to have several days now where I won't be able to post with work and family obligations.

Sorry to apply and back out, but I don't think I'll be able to make it. With 5 characters still, I'm hopeful you'll have a safe and fruitful run!

Thanks for the ideas, but I think I'll hold out for customer service to delete the old one.

I'm going to make a goblin alchemist for PFS. Any objection to my using the goblin alchemist pregen for this run? I'm out of time and know we're ready to start.

Eric Collins - France wrote:

What do you mean by "use that character"? Do you mean re-using the name (thus deleting the character you have first)?

Yes, I was wanting to delete a character with one post to reuse the name.

But there’s no delete button despite having one post.

I may need to just use a different character.

Does anyone know how to have a character deleted that has fewer than 10 posts but doesn't have a delete button?

I've got PFS 1e character with 1 post I want to delete, but there's no delete button. I'm wanting to use that character in 2e PFS for this game.

I contacted customer service a couple weeks ago but never heard back. Any ideas?

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