Mind Flayer

Ninja Dog's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists.

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Regardless of evil alignment (LE, NE, or CE), a good player knows that an evil character should be:
1. Cruel, vicious or dishonest to the outside world, BUT
2. Protective of his/her allies (aka the party)AND
3. Deals with party conflicts in subtler ways that open combat or total betrayal.

A good player running an evil character will confront and attempt to defeat a good-aligned player through philosophy, not bushwhacking. Many gaming groups can have excellent cohesion between the philosophical arguments and conflicts that would erupt between a LG paladin and a NE necromancer. Both may unite for a common goal in defeating a dungeon or villain, but they may go out of each other's way to point out flaws in on another's strategies on the roleplaying end of things.

Personally, I don't have much patience for players that don't understand this. If I think one of my players isn't understanding that cooperation between players comes before roleplaying a character, I'll have a rather in-depth "coaching" session with that player. This kind of "etiquette" should be a well-known expectation for each game session!