Cleric of Gozreh

Nadezhda King's page

59 posts. Alias of Crayfish Hora.

Full Name

Nadezhda King

About Nadezhda King

Nadezhda's Mug

Brown hair, split in the middle and swept back, 5'9, 150lbs. Normally holds a half-smile, but its for confidence rather than amusement.


Nadezhda, Age 6. One day, Nadezhda walked home with several bruises near her lip and cheek. Her father returned from work earlier than normal to find Nadezhda watching the window from their normal, suburban house. "What is wrong, Nadezhda? What has happened to you, my daughter." She looked up and ran into his waist, hugging it. "I got into a fight, papa." Shaking his head, her father sat her onto the sofa and kneeled to be at an even height, "Tell me what happened? Were you bullied? Who hit you?" Nadezhda looked away, "Some boys..." Her father made a displeased face, "I will call the school. Do you know their na--" "No papa! I...I started the fight. I didn't win. I almost did." Her father looked her over, then left for a sponge from the kitchen and dabbed water along her face, "If you start a fight, you had better finish the fight Nadezhda."

Nadezhda, Age 12. Sitting in a room that smelt like cooked fish and corn, all the time. An open book with pictures of animals, with misc. facts written below, Nadezhda sat while her grandparents argued like an old couple in the kitchen. Her grandfather eventually retired to his large chair. "You like books, Nadezhda? Good, story books?" Nodding absently, Nadezhda flipped the page. Her grandfather patted his knee, "Sit on lap, I'll tell story while waiting for dinner." So Nadezhda did, after closing her book. Her grandfather scratched at his large whiskers, "I was soldier, long time ago. Wearing uniform from my old brother. Picked up weapon to defend home..." And he went on, even through sitting down to eat, miming holding a gun, "The rocking, can never forget. The casings in snow and warm meal after first fight. Always remember." And even went on when dinner was finished, "Dived in the water when plane swoosh in, lost friends and boats. We swim on land and fight. No spare ammo, picked up enemy weapons or friend's weapons when dead or frozen, or both..."

Nadezhda, Age 18. Nadezhda graduates from basic training in Washington. Scoring well in her hand-to-hand combat with a prior understanding of self-defense and showing promise in her gun handling, she receives her parents at the celebratory event. Kissing her father and mother upon the cheek, "Papa, mama. So good to see you." They returned the greeting, and they left for a nice dinner. At the dinner, mid-eating, her father dug something out of his pocket, "Nadezhda, I have something for you. My father would have wanted you to have them." He handed her some old dog tags. She looked them over and then connected them to where she had seen them last and closed her eyes, "How long ago..when did he leave us? Nadezhda shed such tears, her mother collecting her other hand in hers, "Months after you enlisted. He was at home, and we were with him. But you were busy. We are so sorry." Nadezhda held onto those dog tags so tightly, her palm was sore after dinner.

Nadezhda, Age 20. Current age. Nadezhda is transferred south to California after the portal incident. This is her first real assignment. She arrives by bus, having slept on said bus for some time.