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Augustus Poe's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (360 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.

Full Name

Augustus Poe




Occultist 6 HP 45 | AC 20 | T 13 | FF 18 | BAB 4 | Fort 7 | Ref 5 | Will 6 | Perc 9 | Init 7 |





Special Abilities

Mental Focus = 14 points; Inspiration Pool = 5 points


Neutral Good


Common, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Dwarven, Elven, Terran, Varisian


Occult Investigator

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Augustus Poe

Harrow Born: +1 Initiative | Reckless: +1 Acrobatics and becomes class skill

LVL 1: Combat Casting
LVL1: Improved Initiative
LVL3: Extend Spell
LVL5: Amateur Investigator: Like an investigator, you have the ability to augment your Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft skill checks. You gain a pool of inspiration equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can expend one use of inspiration as a free action to add 1d6 to the result of a Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft check, as long as you are trained in that skill (even if you take 10 or 20 on that check). You make this choice after the check is rolled and before the results of the roll are revealed

Divination (Crystal ball, goggles (2/2 Mental Focus), Harrow deck,
headband, lenses.)
Resonant Power: Third Eye (Su): The implement allows its wearer to notice
that which cannot easily be seen. As long as the implement
stores at least 1 point of mental focus, whoever wears the
implement gains low-light vision. If you are 3rd level or
higher, as long as the implement stores at least 2 points
of mental focus, whoever wears the implement also gains
darkvision 60 feet.
Base Focus Power: Flash Insight (Sp): As a swift action, you can expend 1 point
of mental focus to gain an insight into your immediate
future. Before the end of your turn, you can use this insight
as a free action before you make any ability check, attack
roll, or skill check to gain an insight bonus on that check
equal to 1/2 your occultist level (minimum +1). You can use
this ability only once per turn; if not used by the end of your
turn, the insight fades and you gain no benefit.
Focus Power: Danger Sight (Sp): As an immediate action, you can protect
yourself from harm by expending 1 point of mental focus.
You can use this ability whenever you are the target of an
attack or are required to make a saving throw against a
special ability, spell, or trap. This grants you an insight
bonus to your AC or on your saving throw equal to 1/2 your
occultist level. This only applies to the next attack or saving
throw made and if not applied by the end of the round, the
protection fades and you gain no benefit. You must be at
least 3rd level before selecting this focus power.

Evocation (Rod, Staff, Wand (4/4 Mental Focus))
Resonant Power: Intense Focus (Su): The implement channels and enhances
the effect of damaging evocation. A spellcaster who bears the
implement can add the implement as an additional focus
component to any of his damaging evocation spells or focus
powers that have an instantaneous duration. If he does so,
the spell or focus power deals an additional 1 damage of the
same type for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the
implement, to a maximum of 1 + 1/2 your occultist level.
Base Focus Power: Energy Ray (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend
1 point of mental focus to unleash a ray of pure energy as a
ranged touch attack. This ray has a range of 30 feet. The ray
deals 1d6 points of energy damage plus 1d6 points of energy
damage for every 2 occultist levels you have attained beyond
1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on to a maximum of 10d6 at
19th level). When you unleash an energy ray, you must decide
what type of damage it deals (acid, cold, electricity, or fire).
Unleashing an energy ray provokes an attack of opportunity.
Focus Power: Energy Blast (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend
2 points of mental focus to unleash a blast of energy. This
blast has a range of 100 feet and it deals 5d6 points of
energy damage plus 1d6 points of energy damage for every
2 occultist levels you have attainted beyond 5th (6d6 at
7th, 7d6 at 9th, and so on to a maximum of 12d6 at 19th
level). The blast deals damage to all creatures in a 20-footradius
burst, but creatures get a Ref lex save to halve the
damage. When you unleash an energy blast, you must
decide what type of damage it deals (acid, cold, electricity,
or fire). Unleashing an energy blast provokes an attack of
opportunity. You must be at least 5th level before selecting
this focus power.

Transmutation (Belt, boots, sandals, vest, weapon (6/6 Mental Focus) )
Resonant Power: Legacy Weapon (Su): You unlock a latent ability from the
power of the implement’s history. When you choose this
resonant power, select a weapon special ability with an
equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to +1 for
every 3 points of mental focus invested in the implement
(to a maximum of 1 + 1/4 your occultist level). As long as the
implement qualifies for the ability, it gains that weapon
special ability as long as it contains at least 3 points of mental
focus per +1 equivalent of the special ability. You can choose
this ability only with a weapon.
Base Focus Power: Psychic Weapon (Sp): As a swift action, you can expend
1 point of mental focus to imbue one weapon, unarmed
strike, or one natural attack with psychic power. This grants
the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. This bonus stacks
with any enhancement bonus the weapon might have, as
long as it does not increase the total bonus to greater than
+5. This effect does not stack with itself. This bonus lasts
for 1 minute.
Focus Power: Quickness (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point
from your mental focus to grant supernatural quickness and
ref lexes to yourself or a willing living creature you touch.
This functions as haste, but the bonus to AC and on Ref lex
saving throws is increased to +2. This effect lasts for 1 round
per occultist level you possess. You must be at least 5th level
before selecting this focus power.

Adjuration (Amulet (2/2 Mental Focus), armor, bell, brooch, cloak, shield,
Resonant Power: Guarding Talisman (Su): The implement protects against
physical harm. Whoever wears (or holds, for bells) the
implement gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC for every
2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a
maximum bonus of 1 + 1/4 your occultist level. You cannot
choose this ability with an armor or shield.
Base Focus Power: Warding Shield (Sp): As a swift action, you can expend 1
point of mental focus to create a shield of mental energy
around you that protects you from harm. The next time
you take damage, the shield reduces the damage by 2 points
per occultist level you possess. If you do not take damage
before the start of your next turn, the shield expires. You
can activate this ability as an immediate action, but doing
so costs 2 points of mental focus instead of 1.
Focus Power: Unraveling (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend
1 point of mental focus to unravel a magical effect. This
functions as a targeted dispel magic, but you must be adjacent
to the effect to unravel it. If the effect is created by psychic
magic, you receive a +5 bonus on your check to dispel it.
If the effect targets an object in your possession, you can
automatically succeed on the check. You must be at least 5th
level before selecting this focus power.

Class Abilities:
Magic Item Skill: Starting at 2nd level, the occultist’s
knowledge of magic items grants him a bonus when
attempting to use them. He gains a bonus on all Use Magic
Device skill checks equal to 1/2 his occultist level.

Object Reading (Su): At 2nd level, the occultist learns how
to read information from items he examines. Examining an
item in this way requires him to spend 1 minute handling
the item. If the item is a magic item, the occultist learns
its powers and command words as if he had successfully
examined the item using detect magic. This does not reveal
if the item is cursed unless the occultist’s class level is equal
to or greater than the caster level of the item. If the item has
any historical significance, the occultist learns one piece
of information about its past (as determined by the GM).
Finally, the occultist learns one piece of information about
the last creature to use the item, so long as it was last used no
longer than 1 day ago per occultist level he possesses. This
information might be a glimpse of the creature’s appearance,
a brief vision of what it saw while using the item, or perhaps
its emotional state when it last used the item. The GM
determines what information is gained in this way.

Shift Focus (Su): At 4th level, an occultist gains the ability
to shift his mental focus from one implement to another,
though some of the focus is lost along the way. This removes
a number of points of mental focus from one implement and
adds the same amount – 1 to another implement. Doing so
takes 1 minute of quiet contemplation while he is touching
both implements. The occultist can shift mental focus only
from one implement to another implement; he cannot shift
generic focus into an implement.

Aura Sight (Su): At 5th level, as a standard action, the
occultist can read the auras of creatures around him. This
functions as the aura sight spell with a duration of 1 round.

Spells per day: Level 1 (5) Level 2 (4)
Abjuration: Resistance
Divination: Read Magic
Evocation: Light
Transmutation: Mage Hand
Abjuration: Shield
Divination: Detect secret doors
Evocation: Shocking Grasp
Transmutation: Pass without trace
Abjuration: Resist energy
Divination: Augury
Evocation: Flaming Sphere
Transmutation: Knock


Armor and Weapons:
Armored Coat +1
Buckler +1

Sword Cane +1 +7 | 1d6 + 3 | x2
Switchblade Knife (cold iron) +6 | 1d4 + 2 | 19-20 x2
Light Crossbow +6 | 1d8 |
Combat Scabbard +6 | 1d6 + 2 | x2
Sap +6 | 1d6 + 2 | x2 | non-lethal
Ammo: 20 cold iron / 10 silver blanch / 10 adamantine blanch / 10 ghost salt

Basic Gear:
Investigator Kit
Thieves Tools (mwk)
Ear Plugs
Vermin Repellant
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (Wand of CLW)
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (Switchblade Knife)
50' silk rope & grappling hook
Mapmakers Kit
Ectoplasmic Tracer (1)

Magic Gear:
Headband of Vast Intellect +2
Cloak of Resistance +1
Ring of Protection +1
Swarmbane Clasp
Rod of Metamagic, Intensified
Cat Burgler Boots
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Potion of Cure Moderate (1)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (1)
Oil of Bless Weapon (2)
Traveler's Any-Tool

Alchemist Fire (2)
Flask of Oil (2)
Alkali Flask (1)
Holy Water (2)
Bottled Sunlight (1)
Smelling Salts
Antiplauge (1)
Antitoxin (1)

380 gp