
Lorm Dragonheart's page

910 posts (2,063 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 aliases.

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And worse, did you hear about the Texas governor Quoting the new testament, basically saying the victims of the nightclub deserve it. The sickness in some people.I hope that no one on this tread, or any of their families were hurt or killed. R.I.P. all the victims, and a speedy recovery to the injured. Let us on this thread have a moment of silence to honor the victims.

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R.I.P. 8th Dwarf

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KSF wrote:

Bad news from Houston. The HERO ordinance, which would have guaranteed a bunch of LGBT protections, was defeated on Tuesday, largely due to fear-mongering over trans people in bathrooms.

Visiting family in Houston in a few weeks. Really disappointed.

And here in Wisconsin, proposed legislation in targeting trans high school students.


I saw on Yahoo a great quote from a transgender woman that she made to the Houston voters: "Do you really want me to use the same restroom as your husband?"

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What part of what Thomas Jefferson said, do these extremists not understand. This is a paraphrase, but what he said was that the rights of the minority shall not be decided by the direct vote of the majority. It was never a state's rights issue, but an equal rights issue. I am a cisgender, heterosexual male, and I am so glad that SCOTUS ruled the way they did. The dissenters were as bad and as clueless as all the other anti-ssm. Congratulations to everyone on this thread and may this start the end of anti-LGBT discrimination across the country.

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@stroVal wrote:
jemstone wrote:
@stroVal wrote:

I cant get my group into that, yet. We are definitely playing Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out (whether they like it or not.And they will like it) but at the moment 2020 is looking too aged and complex to get my group into it. I'd prefer to use adventures or sourcebooks from it and ran a different system, a light one. Technoir seemed like a good candidate but its too alien with its tags and word system and what not.

CP2020 is less complex than Pathfinder.

All skill rolls are STAT + SKILL + 1D10 (or 2D6 if you want a different curve) VS DC (or competing roll). Period.

You get 2 actions a turn at no penalty. Additional actions are available at a cumulative -3 penalty to all rolls associated with them.

Armor stops damage, and is degraded by 1 point per shot that penetrates.

That's basically it. There are other more fiddly rules, and more rules for combat, but that's really it.

Get your group over to my place here in California and I'll show them. :)

I wish I could actually. I can't say that I am that impressed by the role-play in the UK. It's more miss than it is hit.Also people are into silliness and chaos in ways that my scientific brain fails to comprehend (and no its not a matter of imagination. I have a very vivid one :) )

Best roleplayers -in my personal experience obviously- I had the pleasure of meeting/playing with in my life so far were from Greece, Norway and the US

Some of the most intensive roleplay I have ever been involved with, was in Cyberpunk 2020.

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R.I.P. BB King. A great blues legend is gone. May his music live on forever.

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Dirty Ho, it has a great tea service/ceremony fight without spilling a drop. I know that sounds weird, but it is a really well choreographed martial arts fight, and is fun to watch.

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A Druid and a ranger was in a forrest where the trees were trying to eat them. When they escaped, the ranger told us, "The trees are alive! The fighter answered: "Of course the trees are alive."

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I think it was Cthulhu Today where it said if you nuke Cthulhu, he comes back in something like 30 minutes and radioactive.