
Logan Elken's page

120 posts. Alias of BloodWolven.


Fighter 2 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16, T: 11, FF: 15 | Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will: +0 | CMB: +6, CMD: 17 | Init: +1, Perception: +0 |


Acrobatics -3, Bluff -1, Climb +4, Diplomacy -1, Handle Animal +3, Heal +0, Intimidate -1, K(Eering) +5, Linguistics +1, Ride +1, Stealth -3, Survival +4, Swim +4

Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Logan Elken

Build Rules:

15 Point Build
Roll for gold (these sorts of rolls will be done in the discussion thread while we build characters)
2 Traits (and a third will be added by the GM upon character creation)
Allowed Races: All Core races except Gnomes. Other races need to be cleared with me first (though see rules for Special character creation).
Allowed Classes: All core and archetypes (though I am not particularly fond of barbarians or monks). Base classes and archetypes (EXCEPT for alchemists and gunslingers). Playtest and other classes need to be cleared with me first. Guns/gunpowder (and thus gun-related classes, feats, and traits) do not exist in Eldreon.
Characters will be allowed to start at Level 1 OR Level 2. Level 1 characters are generally young and haven't seen/done much. Level 2 characters have much more leeway in age and might have been through a few things in life, though obviously it wasn't particularly crazy. For instance, a level 2 fighter could have spent many years as a guardsman in a mostly-quiet village.
Spells: CRB, APG, UM – all other subject to approval


Logan Elken (Utherlan, noble last name)
Male Human Fighter 2
CG Medium Humanoid
Age: 25 _ Height: 6'1" _ Weight: 205 _ Eye color: bright sapphire blue _ hair color: Stark Black
Init +1; Perception +0
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+5 Scalemail, +1 Dex) (ACP -4)
hp 20 (1d10+1);
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Combat Expertise
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +6 (1d4+4/19-20)
Bruiser +6 (1d4+4/x2)

[dice=Greatsword]1d20 +7[/dice]
[dice=damage]2d6+9[/dice] [PA]

Greatsword +7 (2d6+9/19-20) [PA]
Ranged MW Composite (+4 str) Longbow +5 (1d8+4/x3) 150 ft. (to buy later)
(3) Javelin +3 [dice]1d6+4[/dice] 30 feet

Special Attacks: Power Attack -1 attack and +3 damage two hands/+2 damage one hand.

Str 18 (+2 from human)
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 8
Feats: Weapon Focus Greatsword, Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Cleave, Imp. Trip


You trained with blades for long hours as a youth, taking lessons in the genteel art of fencing from tutors paid for by your parents. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, swords, and similar bladed weapons.]

Fortified Drinker (CG):

Your god’s holy brews invigorate your mind, making you less susceptible to mental attacks. Whenever you imbibe any alcoholic beverage, you gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects for 1 hour.

Wholehearted Fighter:

You don't fight anything by half measures. If it's worth beating, it's worth beating hard.
Twice per day. Logen can rage (as the barbarian class feature) for 3 rounds. Logen must use these consecutively, and once activated his rage will not end until all rounds have been spent. Logen is NOT fatigued when his rage ends.

Rage mechanics from Barbarian class description:
While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

9 [Favored Class bonus for 2nd level]
Acrobatics -3, (ranks 0, Dex +1,) (-4 ACP)
Climb +4, (ranks 1, Str +4, CS +3) (-4 ACP)
Craft (Blades) +4, (ranks 1, Int +0, MW tools, CS +3)
Diplomacy -1, (ranks 0, cha -1)
Handle Animal +3, (ranks 1,Cha -1, CS +3)
Heal +0, (ranks 0, Wis +0)
Intimidate -1, (ranks 0, Cha -1, CS +3)
K (dungeoneering) +5, (ranks 1, Int +1, CS +3)
K (engineering) +5, (ranks 1, Int +1, CS +3)
Perception +0, (ranks 0, Wis +0)
Profession +3, (ranks 1, CS +3, -1 Cha) Blacksmith
Ride +1, (ranks 1, Dex +1, CS +3) (-4 ACP)
Steath -3, (ranks 0, Dex +1) (-4 ACP)
Survival +4, (ranks 1, Wis +0, CS +3)
Swim +4, (ranks 1, Str +4, CS +3) (-4 ACP)

Languages: Obanese, Elven


Adventuring gear: Scalemail armor(30), 2 javelins(4), bruiser (given, blunt training greatsword)(6), greatsword(8)

1 pp, 10 gp, 6 sp, 3 cp

On person: adventuring gear, explorer's outfit (8), 2 potions of cure light (1d8+1), belt pouch (chalk)(1/2), signal whistle, 2 daggers (2), flask of whiskey (2), wooden holy symbol, small steel mirror (1/2), coins (1) and Total weight: 60

Backpack (2): Bedroll(5), 5 bells, winter blanket(3), 5 candles, fish hook, 5 fishing lines, 5 rations (5), 2 sacks (1), cold weather outfit (8), hemp rope 50 ft.(10), spade (8), 3 bottles of common wine (3), 1/2 lb. of soap, 5 torches (5), whetstone (1), Chronicler’s Kit (4.5), fishing kit(3), gear maintenance kit(2), survival kit (4), cooking kit (16).
Total weight: 81

Chronicler’s Kit: This bundle contains a map case, two vials of ink, two inkpens, 10 sheets of paper, two blank journals, a pound of fine powder for drying ink, and a 20-foot measuring cord. The supplies usually suffice for chronicling a single expedition of not more than 2 months' duration. (4 ½ lbs.)

Fishing kit: This kit includes a simple fishing pole and a small box that contains fishing tackle (hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, and lures).(3 lbs.) [5sp]

Gear maintenance kit: This kit contains metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a sewing needle, and a few buttons.(2 lbs.) [5gp]

Common Survival Kit: This kit provides the necessary tools for day-to-day existence in a temperate wilderness. It typically contains a flint and steel, a mess kit, two waterskins (enough to hold water for 1 person for 1 day), very basic maps showing major landmarks, and a small utility knife. (4 lbs.) [5gp]

Mess kit: This kit includes a plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of wood, horn, or tin. Each item has a handle or small hole, and can be tied together using the included leather cord.

Kit, Cooking: This kit contains an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of local or otherwise easy to find seasonings. You can attach the skewer to the tripod for roasting small game animals. All the component pieces (except the skillet) fit within the pot for easy storage and transport. Price 3 gp; Weight 16 lbs.


Exert from his most recent night at the tavern:

"Yes the Hostess is for sure worth a couple looks but she is working on her back with a sinister looking dude. All black leather with metal studs, perhaps she is using the whip on him. That is the rumor at least that she only beds those who can handle their pain. Logan Elken glad to meet you Niolla, so your the leader of the group heading to the Stolenlands? I have heard many a rumor about the place, but it is lacking entertainment." He shifts in his seat to offer his hand to shakes hers with the introductions. His eyes clear up as they bulge seeing her, he is already somewhat drunk and can't hide his impression of her, amazed that she is sitting next to him. You can even see more red on his face from blush of being next to such a beautiful creature.

Logan has not made many enemies but his father has and he has hoped to stay away from them. Though tonight it seems they have come looking for him. He continued to work the night until three men started a fight. Logan started to grab one of them when they all turned on him and drawing shorts words. With a quick side step he avoided their first blows but was soon on the defensive being easily outflanked. With Bruiser in hand he was able to level two of them and Niolla gave him a hand with the last one. Upon searching their bodies they found a bounty on Logan's head 750 crowns for him dead. He thanked her for her help but soon greed was on her mind and he had to defend himself once more.

With a few light wounds he was able to make it to his room and collect his traveling gear. It looked like he needed to get even farther away until he was stronger. He would need to watch his back much better now. He knew a change of visage would be necessary as well.

Logan enjoys being himself and could care less about how he is presented to others. He was originally the son of a noble, but his father's temper did not do well with Logan's laziness. If he took his time to get a haircut and take a few days to clean up, his chiseled mug, sharp blue eyes, and stark black hair makes him a very attractive catch. Now he has a mop of hair covering some of his view and a half grown beard. Half grown for he got blasted by a drunk wizard the other night by some glob of acid. The wizard paid for damages and a room for the night before Logan tossed him into the bed, all while the wizard was out cold from Logan's bruiser. Bruiser was a present from his master years ago, the wooden training sword had a curve to it just like all Elven weapons have.

Logan is a human that always seems to be down on his luck. He works at the Salty Sea Serpent as a bouncer. The pay is not the best and there is typically low risk each night, but the Hostess was the hottest woman he ever met before. She made heads turn, knows how to use her body language and wiles to disarm most fights before they start. Her charisma was oozing off of her. Her grace was unmatched and could get through the room without getting her a$$ slapped. Then to see her dance was to just drop, jaw dropping and wolf whistles could be heard down the block on those nights.

He takes his time off to hang with his friends and to stay away from work. Most of his friends call themselves his disciples, he trains with them and teaches them his skills. Any blade becomes a deadly weapon in his hands but a greatsword makes him nigh invincible, blows merely look like they knock off of him. They call him a swordsage, he knows different stances than most and merely from his understanding of the weapon.

When not with his friends he sets time for those less fortunate than him. He volunteers as a handyman to help the local orphanages and public buildings. He knows his way around a blacksmith, he spent a few years creating his weapon under the tutalege of his master in such a forge.

his younger years:

He hates when someone wastes something. When his father threw him out, Logan barely knew how to take care of himself and had to live as a begger and off the street for nearly a year before being taken in at an orphanage run by the local priest. He was a kind man but had his own lusts and used guilt to have the older girls sleep with him. Logan put an end to that when he turned 14, two words 'cold cock'. He kept learning that unless you kept yourself humble and in check those in power would see themselves as entitled, a lesson he lives by. The next year he took the girls to the authorities and found that no one cared. Then his master found him protecting the girls from a group of punks. Bloodied and beat to the ground he would not stop and kept getting up.

Those well used 10 years:

From that day Logan was taken in by his new Master. He never learned the man's name but that was not important to the Master. The girls were brought to the school as well, the girls were taught manners and basic skills to live. They were sold off through a matchmaker to good husbands, or at least that was told to Logan. He trusted his master and his laziness was broken from him quickly. Chores that developed into full training helped Logan prepare as the Master worked with his apprentices, all paid one way or another. Many nobles sent there sons and daughters to know a martial way but most did not last more than two years.

Logan was one of three other working students. It was his luck that one recently left, you might think that was good luck but not really. The other students had Logan do their chores for they were not good natured individuals. They were greedy and even more lazy than Logan was at his father's mansion. With all the extra chores Logan barely had time to sleep but he was growing stronger by the day. The next day of challenge came, nearly two years of chores, Logan was able to defeat the three through his determination and his great strength. He continued with his chores but half the day was devoted to learning weapons, styles, stances and maneuvers.

Eight years of devotion to the art of fighting made Logan into a lethal weapon with blades. Yes nearly any other weapon would do massive damage but blades was his passion. His master had taught him almost all he could learn, only the Subline way could continue to teach him and lessons he had learned would become clear in time. His Elven master sent him off to find his way in life.

With the ways had come there was little motivation for Logan. Those in the town were pushovers for his skills. He traveled to another town and still found nothing to push him to keep progressing, there were no challenges and the laziness set in again. Those he fought became his friends, though they called themselves his disciples.


As you can tell Logan is a man of pleasure. He has not had the challenge yet to clean up and hunt. He likes to flirt and tease as much as to drink and have a good time.

Don't worry he is good natured just rough around the edges. Maybe a bit socially awkward. ;)

When he puts his mind on something he can be very stubborn and learn quickly when it intrigues him.

"friendly lazy lout" thing going on.

"reputation": Your reputation with the pirates is now +1.

Fighter 2 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16, T: 11, FF: 15 | Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will: +0 | CMB: +6, CMD: 17 | Init: +1, Perception: +0 |

Acrobatics -3, Bluff -1, Climb +4, Diplomacy -1, Handle Animal +3, Heal +0, Intimidate -1, K(Eering) +5, Linguistics +1, Ride +1, Stealth -3, Survival +4, Swim +4